Wang Yu, of course, said this, and the so-called "classmate", in addition to referring to Chen Feng, who else?

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Wang Yu, my classmate is here to see the excitement, so I won't disturb everyone's elegance." Yin Jiazhi grinned, then turned and took Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, leave him alone, let's go." Yin Jiazhi doesn't go back. He pulls Chen Feng to go.

Last time in the gymnasium, he knew that Wang Yu held himself to be the honorary basketball team of the school, and had already had an opinion on Chen Feng.

If Wang Yu catches the chance at this moment, Chen Feng will be punished miserably?

Chen Feng doesn't want to cause trouble and is not interested in staying here. Of course, she has to prepare to go.

Who knows, Wang Yu's voice full of provocation sounded on the stage again.

"Yin Jiazhi, it seems that you are also a new member of our fighting skills club. It is better for you to come up and I will teach you."

Yin Jiazhi's face was stunned, and his heart thumped for a moment. Chen Feng sneered in his heart. Wang Yu did not give up!

Knowing that he and Yin Jiazhi are friends, they can't beat themselves, and then they take Yin Jiazhi out to attack themselves indirectly.

After all, he is not a member of douji society, but Yin Jiazhi has paid money to join douji club. His elder martial brother wants to compete with you, and he also names him to teach you. Don't you think so?

Which new person hasn't been taught such a lesson?

This guy is such a scum!

They all cast a look of surprise.

"Senior brother Wang Yu wants to teach a freshman who has just joined the club? Isn't it a little bit deceiving the small with the big... "

"Could it be that they offended elder martial brother Wang Yu?"

Many people are some inexplicable, see strange.

Coach dissatisfied way: "Wang Yu, don't make trouble, we have not officially taught, how can that classmate be your opponent?"

Wang Yu refused to do so. He said with a smile: "that's not the case. After this activity, we will start to teach formally. It will not be the same at that time. Zheng Hua and I will teach these new beginners first. Now I am just ahead of time."

The coach nodded, then looked at Yin Jiazhi and said, "this classmate, since you are from our fighting technology society, you should know the rules. Of course, you can refuse."

Wang Yu continued to speak, but his eyes were looking at Chen Feng. He said, "yes, you can refuse, but in the future, if you want to learn real strength, you may have to work harder."

The implication seems to be that if you refuse this time, I will find a chance to punish you next time.

Of course, there is a deeper meaning, as if to tell Chen Feng, this is what you caused, if you do not accept, your friends will suffer.

Yin Jiazhi has a high IQ. Of course, he knows Wang Yu's intention, and his face has become a bitter gourd face.

But this meeting person, his eyes showed a kind of perseverance, to Chen Feng way: "I don't go into hell, who goes to hell!"

He wanted to take a step, but Chen Feng caught him and motioned him not to be cheated.

"Don't go."

I can't go!

Zheng Hua, beside the stage, said in a magnanimous tone: "OK, Wang Yu, stop making trouble. Give me a face, and don't make it difficult for younger martial brothers."

Yin Jiazhi breathed a sigh of relief, but nearby Jia Shanshan's face was a little cold, and said: "the guy who will try to be brave."

In the face of his own goddess, Yin Jiazhi blushed a little, and Wang Yu disdained to say, "well, I don't want to teach you, but after going back this time, Yin Jiazhi should consider whether to quit the association or not, so as to save our computer department's face."

Yin Jiazhi was gentle and said it was impossible not to be angry, but he stamped his feet secretly.

He is not afraid of being humiliated and looked down upon by others, but he is despised by his own goddess, which is not reasonable.

Seeing Yin Jiazhi's anger, he rushed to accept the challenge, but one hand stopped him, and then stood up.

"Exit, it is certain to quit, but it is not his disgrace, it is your disgrace." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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