As soon as he said this, all the people in the venue cast their eyes. Yin Jiazhi could hear the voice most clearly. His face was petrified.

The whole club members, including the coaches, as well as the freshmen who wanted to join, or the people watching the fun, were all shocked.

What's disgraceful is douji society? Or are they members of the fighting club?

Everyone is stunned. What does this kid mean? Is it a challenge to the dignity of douji society?

And those members on the stage looked at the two most powerful members of the fighting club, Zheng Hua and the coach. The latter two people's faces sank.

Sure enough, at this glance, a dry person's face changed.

It's just a challenge!

Wang Yu was furious: "boy, do you know what you say?"

The people in the field became lively. All of them were looking at Chen Feng's newspaper with cold eyes, and even some of them looked at the excitement.

"This classmate is simply too rampant. To say this, it is clearly to challenge the fighting technology society."

"That's right. A freshman, where can I get such a big tone? It's just looking for death. "

"Douji society is one of the most popular places in Wudao hall. I'm afraid this boy can't get out of this door so easily."

Yin Jiazhi is immediately panic, he pulled Chen Feng, low voice worried way: "I said brother, you this is not to die!"

Then he bowed down to a group of people on the stage with apology and said in a hurry: "everyone, my friend has a problem with his head. He didn't wake up today. He's talking nonsense. I'm sorry."

"Yin Jiazhi! Stop

Wang Yu said angrily, "come and go when you say you want to go? When we fight technology club, where is it? Originally, I still wanted to let you go for the sake of you and my fellow teachers. Now you can't leave if you want to! "

All of a sudden, many hot blooded freshmen stopped Chen Feng and Yin Jiazhi's retreat, Yin Jiazhi's face was even more ugly.

A group of people are holding hands, eyes filled with a look of pity.

Misfortune comes from the mouth. The most avoidable thing to avoid in other people's museums is to discuss others' faults. No matter how good a temper you are, you can't bear it.

"Oh, more eggplant, more eggplant!" Yin Jiazhi looked at so many people around them, and the panic of the Southern Dynasties words all rushed out.

Wang Yu coldly pointed to Chen Feng and said, "boy, aren't you very horizontal? It must have two sons, right? Have you ever planted two moves with me? "

Chen Feng patted him on the shoulder, staring at Wang Yu on the stage, and said indifferently, "two moves? You can't get away with me. "

Wang Yuqi's almost seven tips are in smoke. Last time he was in the basketball court, he couldn't see this guy. Obviously, it was the staff, but he was lazy. Last time, he let him go in the face of Yin Jiazhi, but he couldn't bear it this time.

Jia Shanshan looked at him coldly and said, "this classmate, don't talk big, or no one can save you."

Connected with Yin Jiazhi, she also despised her.

Yin Jiazhi's heart is more anxious, Chen Feng also has a bit of resentment, I said brother, you don't give me chaos, OK?

Even the coach said in a deep voice: "this classmate, any martial arts should be respected. I would like to ask you to take back that sentence and apologize."

The coach should have been generous and would not have the same insight with the students, but now the coach of douji club is also angry. It's enough to imagine how angry the whole douji club is.

Chen Feng slightly shook his head and said: "coach, you are right. Any martial arts should be respected, but it does not mean that I want to respect those who rely on their talents and arrogance. What's more, some people are just flashy."


Chen Feng's words are like a bomb, which directly caused a commotion in the field. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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