Which one of you who comes here to study has a low IQ?

Chen Feng's words, it is obviously in mapping someone!

Who is proud of his talent? Who is flashy but not real?

Who stood up to embarrass them just now?

Isn't it Wang Yu?

"Boy! You want to die

Wang Yuqi's face was flushed. After that, he immediately ran up and rushed down. Then he kicked a 360 degree flying kick in the air, which was hard to kick at Chen Feng's head.

A group of people around Chen Feng were immediately jumped and retreated far away. Yin Jiazhi, beside him, was simply stunned and had no time to run.

But then, he was pushed away by a soft force. It was Chen Feng.

Chen Feng carries his back with one hand and pushes him away with the other, but his eyes are light falling on Wang Yu who is flying and kicking towards him.

Wang Yu's foot gathered the strength of his whole body. In general, the strength of his leg is stronger than that of his fist. If he is kicked, he must have a concussion.

Chen Feng's face has not changed from beginning to end. What strength is Wang Yu? In his view, even song Xuanze is not as good as refining the power of Qi, which is not enough.

He even Zhu Ning this kind of refining spirit anti virtual people can easily handle, let alone him?

"The clown." Chen Feng snorted coldly.

Wang Yu, who was kicked over by flying, was furious again, and the strength of his feet suddenly increased to three points.

The staff of douji club, including Zheng Hua and the coach, did not mean to stop.

And Chen Feng obviously felt that if this foot really kicks into the person's head, even if it does not split, it will definitely be in a coma for a long time.

When the opponent's foot strength was about to arrive, Chen Feng leaned slightly. Suddenly, he dodged Wang Yu's attack. Then, Chen Feng Lun made a fist, dived and smashed it from top to bottom.


Wang Yu's pupil shrinks, his body is still falling in the air! Such a blow down, is definitely aggravating his injury, he instinctively extended his right hand to block down.


Wang Yu's whole body was smashed to the ground, his arm was suddenly broken, and his back was also shaking with teeth.

You know, it's hard floor under the stage!

Wang Yu was already on his head and looked pale. Because of pain and falling back, he found that his body could not move.

The whole venue was quiet for a moment. Yin Jiazhi wanted to cover his eyes, but now, his eyes almost fell out.

A group of people from the fighting technology society on the stage were even more astonished.


They all think that Chen Feng, in any case, even if he is not injured, is definitely going to be tortured, but one blow will defeat people?

Zheng Hua's face changed. Is this boy so fierce?

Jia Shanshan didn't expect that the person who was with Yin Jiazhi was even more powerful than Wang Yu. That is to say, he was not talking big just now?

"Wang Yu, who has not trained well, can't even take a punch from others. It's a shame." Jia Shanshan shook her head in her heart and said in secret hatred.

The members of Yigan douji Club immediately went down and helped Wang Yu up.

"Ah!! Hands, hands It hurts. "

He was in a semi comatose state, but once the wound was touched, Wang Yu's cry of killing a pig sounded.

Zheng Hua stood on the stage, staring coldly at Chen Feng under the stage, and said, "all of them are practicing martial arts. Don't you think it's too much for elder martial brother?"

Chen Feng said with a smile: "that is not I should stand to kick him into concussion, and then you see me carried into the hospital, you are satisfied?"

Here, of course, most people want to see this result, right?

Zheng Hua was speechless for a moment.

Wang Yu's kick just now had the run-up, the strength of his revolving waist and the strength of his legs. If he really wanted to hit the kick, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

Wang Yu seemed to be awake a lot. Of course, he was awakened by pain.

Chen Feng looked at him, sneered: "give you a piece of advice, people should have self-knowledge, the next time before challenging others, it's best to weigh their own strength, or you think I can only interrupt your hand so simple?"

"Jiazhi, let's go." Chen Feng turns around and leaves.

Wang Yu blushed, but there was no way to refute it.

Don't mention him. The faces of all the people in douji society are very ugly. This freshman is insulting Wang Yu, and indirectly insulting them!

Wang Yu and Jia Shanshan are worried, and their eyes fall on Zheng Hua.

Zheng Hua face a Lin, deep voice way: "that don't know you can interrupt my hand?"

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