All the people in the venue are excited. Zheng Hua is going to make a move!

Can't you break Wang Yu's hand? So if I challenge you, you can break my hand, I count you good!

When Yin Jiazhi heard this, his heart was pounding again. My God! How can one wave not be leveled and another rise again!

Zheng Hua and Wang Yu are not on the same level!

Wang Yu exerted all his strength, but he couldn't walk down for ten rounds in Zheng Hua's hands, but he didn't do his best.

And Chen Fenggang that hand, although it is amazing the whole audience, but the round of their familiarity with Zheng Hua, is absolutely an inverted support for Zheng Hua.

The coach also said: "this classmate, I think you are good at it. Why don't you come up and compete with Zheng Hua? Let's see if your Kung Fu is better or your fighting skills are better. "

Chen Feng heart smile, the heart of victory regardless of age, this is not false.

Coach's meaning, in addition to touch the bottom of Chen Feng, this is also a disguised under the challenge.

In fact, the coach of fighting skills is very confident in Zheng Hua. Zheng Hua's strength is just a little worse than himself, but much more powerful than Wang Yu.

"Zheng Hua is much more powerful than Wang Yu. My male god will definitely be able to defeat that arrogant freshman."

"Yes, I think so. Even the president of Taekwondo draws with Zheng Hua. No matter how fierce this guy is, can he still go to heaven?"

Some mentally disabled girls, you, I, all regard Zheng Hua as Superman.

However, Zheng Hua has always been the existence of the stars, plus his foundation is really hard enough, this self-confidence, he still has.

"What? Don't you dare? " Wang Yu snorted coldly.

Chen Feng ignored him, but looked at Zheng Hua and said, "you are qualified to fight with me..."

The vast majority of people are angry at Chen Feng's words. What, this guy said he was so powerful, when he was what?

Who knows, Chen Feng next this sentence, let originally very good temper Zheng Hua is also angry.

"But you're just as good as this guy."

It's also a move!


"I don't know the sky and the earth!"

Zheng Hua's supporters are full of righteous indignation, Zheng Hua and Wang Yu are also a move?

Defeat in one move? Where does this guy come from!

Jia Shanshan was said to be her favorite. She said, "classmate, it's useless to talk big. It's better to see the real chapter under your hand."

When Yin Jiazhi saw his goddess speak for Zheng Hua like this, don't mention how angry he is, but he is also afraid of Chen Feng being abused.

In fact, you don't know anything about martial arts. You don't know my strength at all.

Chen Feng slightly shakes his head, the expert sees the way, the layman watches the excitement, Zheng Hua has no reason not to see his own strength, he dares to challenge himself, is to have absolute confidence in his own strength.

Don't your so-called fighting skills very good? Quick, accurate and cruel? In the face of absolute power, any skill is useless.

"OK, I'll take it."

Chen Feng stood up, now let Chen Feng cry and laugh is, he heard the people below the scene are relieved.

Is it because they want to see their own food shriveled, or do they want to be put down here and get their face back by douji society before they are satisfied?

Jia Shanshan is no exception. She looks at her family's beloved, and her eyes are shining. She looks at Yin Jiazhi and says, "Zheng Hua has won the prize, but Wang Yu can't compare it."

"Er..." Yin Jiazhi didn't know what to say. He stammered and was very depressed in his heart. He thought Chen Feng had better not lose too badly, otherwise his goddess would not talk to him all his life.

All of them are young people. It's hard to avoid being arrogant. In addition, Zheng Hua is excellent in every aspect. Of course, others are not allowed to look down on themselves.

Standing opposite to each other, Zheng Hua has a sharp eye.

But Zheng Hua such a station, let the female fans appear more crazy.

Zheng Hua is tall and handsome, about 1.9 meters tall. By contrast, Chen Feng is going to be quick.

"Zheng Hua, give the freshman a good lesson and let him know why the flowers are so red."

"That's right. Let him know that our douji club is not easy to provoke."

Yin Jiazhi murmured: This NIMA is a spectator. When did it become your family fighting club?

Zheng Hua took a deep breath, and the whole person's temperament became sharp. Staring at Chen Feng, he said, "do you still think you can beat me with one move?"

"A move is a move." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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