
Zheng hualeng snorted.

On weekdays, he is very modest. That's because he doesn't need to pose any attitude when meeting people who are much worse than themselves, because everyone respects you and keeps them at a distance.

But when you meet someone who can compete with you, but you are less than yourself, you will have a sense of superiority.

In Yanjing University, there are not many people who can be seen by him.

Therefore, at the beginning of Chen Feng such people, he just a light glance, even will not leave an impression.

But now it's not the same. The other party's eyes are obviously not putting themselves in their eyes. How can he bear it?

Whether it is for the glory of douji society or for his own face, he must teach this boy a lesson.

Zheng Hua had a big drink, and then a punch was waved up.

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. This Zheng Hua is really stronger than Wang Yu.

If Wang Yu's body energy has the degree of Refining Essence and transforming Qi, then Zheng Hua also has the degree of refining Qi and transforming spirit.

In other words, Zheng Hua's strength is enough to fight song Xuanze.

When the blow came over, Chen Feng obviously felt that the air around him was compressed.

"Powerful, use the air around the fist to compress, and then reach the level of explosion, which is one of the characteristics of fighting skills?"

Chen Feng felt that he had gained insight. This kind of compression driven by power to achieve a kind of power explosion is really magic, which is somewhat different from the solid strength of internal strength.

Just when people thought that Zheng Hua was performing this kind of ordinary fist, suddenly, Zheng Hua's fist seemed to become slow.

Yes, it was slow. Then, Zheng Hua's fist was like eight punches.


The shadow of badaoquan is just like a shadow. The change of this hand is so amazing that it makes many people open their eyes.

Wang Yu was happy, as if he had forgotten the pain and said, "eight fists of explosive speed! That's great. Zheng Hua is going to win this time. "

The fighting speed and ability of this kind of fighting skill, as well as the extreme exertion of one's own body, definitely make many people's blood spurt.

Even Chen Feng is a little surprised. He has watched the Taekwondo competition on TV. By contrast, taekwondo is just like a child's house. This kind of fighting skill is real combat.

Surprised to return to surprise, Chen Feng's face did not seem to be calm, even if the fight came, Chen Feng's feet, but the whole body like a tumbler, dodged in place.

"Whew, whew!"

Dazzling Dodge, Chen Feng is also into a shadow, eight boxing shadow, in the tiny gap in the past.

"No way!"

Zheng Hua's face was a little pale, as if he did not believe what he saw in front of him.

Next to the coach is a pupil shrinkage, he is a bystander, see the most clearly, Zheng Hua's boxing style, even the other party's hair can't touch ah!

"You lost."

With a sound of falling, Chen Feng's hand lightning printed on Zheng Hua's chest.

"Not good!"

Zheng Hua's reaction ability is much faster than Wang Yu. He suddenly raises his foot and wants to give Chen Feng a blow and kick. Unfortunately, his heel has just been lifted, and the whole person is blown away.


Zheng Hua was shocked by Chen Feng's palm to several meters, and then rolled several meters before stopping.

Static, dead general stillness, full of people, instant is to become a pool of stagnant water.

Look at that freshman, his feet are not off the ground, even just show a palm?

Zheng Hua's chest is stuffy, feel oneself almost to suffocate.

One move, really one move!

The coach took a breath, which was unbelievable.

"Zheng Hua Did you fail? " Jia Shanshan was in a daze and murmured to herself.

Those who looked down on Chen Feng just now didn't feel the burning pain in their faces. Wang Yu, in particular, cast a terrible look at Chen Feng.

Yin Jiazhi wiped his glasses, as if he was wrong. When he saw that Zheng Hua was flying out, he exclaimed in his heart that this boy was an expert!

"Who else will challenge me?"

Chen Fengshen hit Zheng Hua's hand just now, looked at the fight technology club, and then fell on the coach, as if to say -

who else would like to challenge me?

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