Because it was a joint party of two famous schools, they decided to leave in the afternoon.

When I went to Yanying college, of course, I saw many men and women. This was Chen Feng's first visit to Yanying college.

"Tut, Yan Ying college really deserves its reputation! There are handsome men and beautiful women here

The scenery of these men and women in the campus is very beautiful, but Chen Feng glanced at it, and he didn't have much interest.

"What? I think you don't look at these beauties much! Isn't it interesting? Or do you already have a girlfriend? "

Yin Jiazhi blinked and laughed.

Chen Feng slightly shakes his head, way: "have girlfriends are good, too false, are net red face."

Just now, he saw that there were seven or eight of these girls with knife marks or fillers on their faces.

Chen Feng is a trendsetter of the times, but he is also deeply influenced by the traditional Chinese medicine thought.

"Oh, that's what you're talking about. Otherwise you think there are so many natural beauties? Just get used to it. "

Chen Feng thought about it, but also nodded and did not make any comments.

After all, in today's society, appearance is the first impression of others. Everyone has a love for beauty. It is not wrong for a person to pay attention to his appearance. After all, it is also a kind of emphasis on his own future.

For example, if two people with the same strength, one is sloppy, or ordinary, and the other is bright and charming, then the first impression is that the latter is dominant.

The party was held in the auditorium of Yan Ying college. The auditorium is very large and luxurious. After all, it is a place to learn film. This stage is a place for various performances, so it looks like a big opera stage.

At the meeting, there were already quite a number of student union secretaries in the arrangement, but they came early, but most of the seats in front were full of people.

"It seems that we are still late. It's boring. We can only sit in the back."

For those who watch the performance, of course, the more forward they do, the more clearly they can see it.

But for Chen Feng, this does not have much impact, his vision, far from ordinary people can compare.

Chen Feng saw Yin Jiazhi or very depressed, asked: "or let the students in front of you change seats with you?"

"How can it be? This union party is only once a year! I can't see my goddess on the show. " Yin Jiazhi looks salivated and disappointed.

Chen Feng light way: "right and left sides are not big screen?"

"What do you know? The big screen is distorted. I want to see real people. Tut Tut, you don't know how to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the long leg from a close distance. I can play that leg for a year..." Yin Jiazhi said, and he played the true character of his dead house.

"I heard that the biggest attraction of the party was the two theaters. I heard that song Yuwen and Su Rou, the two flowers of the performance department, were heroines." Said Yin Jiazhi.

Then, Yin Jiazhi took a look at Chen Feng and said with a smile, "and the finale is even better. It's one person from each of our two schools, and then dance a piece of dance."


"Yes, hehe, you don't know who they are here, do you? They are... "

Yin Jiazhi just wanted to say, suddenly came several people, headed by Wang Yu.

Wang Yu had a good smile and said, "Jiazhi, you're still here. Don't you say something to my senior brother when you come to see the party?"

After yesterday's wudaoguan incident, Yin Jiazhi had no good feelings for Wang Yu. He murmured in a low voice: do I have to tell you something about a shit?

"What do you say?"

"Oh, no, we just decided on the spot."

Wang Yu was smiling, as if he knew they would come in the morning. Then he pretended to be very surprised and said, "eh, how can you sit so far back? Do you want to go up a little bit? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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