Yin Jiazhi immediately nodded: "think, think, do you have a way?"

Wang Yu smiled and patted his chest. "It's not so simple. I am the old fellow of Yan Ying's student association. This is a party arranged by them. As long as I say it, I'm sitting in front of the leader for the leader, and I'll pick it up below the second row."


"Of course."

Chen Feng took a look at Wang Yu, as if vaguely felt that the book hanging in the morning had something to do with Wang Yu.

But what does it matter? Chen Feng is not afraid of what Wang Yu is playing.

They were soon placed in the second row.


Yin Jiazhi was so excited that he quickly said thanks: "brother Xie, elder martial brother, I apologize for Chen Feng and you for yesterday's incident. He didn't mean to."

Chen Feng shakes his head in the heart, thinking that maybe he will be sold and doesn't know what's going on.

It's like someone slaps you, then gives you sugar, and then thanks people.

Wang Yu waved his hand magnanimously and said with a smile, "it's all over. Have a good time tonight."

After that sentence, is to Chen Feng said, Wang Yuxuan immediately turned to leave.

Wang Yu walked to the edge of the court. The two people who followed him were puzzled.

"Brother Yu, it seems that the boy is very proud. He never told you about it from the beginning to the end! Why do you want to find relationships and give them such a good position? "

Wang Yu sneered: "it's nothing. Let him be proud first. Then he will become the laughing stock of the two schools. Then I will see how he makes a fool of himself."

Back to his seat, the happiest thing was Yin Jiazhi. However, Yin Jiazhi was still a little curious and said, "Wang Yu, can't you find out his conscience? No wonder, Chen Feng, you taught him a bad lesson yesterday. People just have to suffer to learn to be good. "

Chen Feng still did not speak, he has guessed that all this must be related to Wang Yu.

However, he didn't think so much about it. He thought it was a combination of work and rest and a rare rest.

The party will start soon.

It has to be said that the joint party held by the two famous schools is indeed very wonderful. No matter what kind of links and programs are, they are all beautiful men and women, and the program once made the whole audience applaud one after another.

"Look, my goddess is going to walk on the runway!" Yin Jiazhi cried.

Of course, all the male compatriots also became very excited, very lively.

Although they are all college students, it is a transition to the society. Therefore, at this age, these students become energetic and like people in the society for various activities, such as looking for job opportunities or professional ability.

After the feast for the eyes, there were some adapted theatrical performances. Both of them were short plays, and these two short plays were played by song Yuwen and Su rou.

For example, song Yuwen is playing "mother and daughter in the earthquake" in the anxiously waiting for the news of her mother going out.

Su Rou's is white-collar workers who have not been home for a long time.

Both of them performed very well, especially song Yuwen's voice and tears. She really played her professional and acting skills. Many people were moved to cry.

In contrast, after all, Su Rou's role is not out of the society.

But the ultimate performance of the two, of course, was to win warm applause from the audience.

Then, the handsome and beautiful hosts came on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after watching the last wonderful show, we must have been waiting for a long time. Finally, we present the dance performed jointly by Yanying college and Yanjing University. At the end of the party, there may be welfare!"

The applause from the audience was more enthusiastic.

The light began to dim, and then two columns of light came down and fell on the two figures.

Two straight slender figures, tall and handsome men, wearing straight trousers and shirts, women more beautiful, short skirts, tight lace long sleeves.

"God! God

"Goddess! Goddess

A warm wave broke out immediately.

This man and a woman are su Rou and Zheng Hua.

Chen Feng didn't feel anything, just felt that they were very partners, but Yin Jiazhi was dissatisfied with the way: "it's actually the defeated general under him. It's really boring."

Chen Feng smiles. To be honest, he doesn't hate Yin Jiazhi, but his eyes are on Su Rou, who is of excellent figure.

When the music started, they were dancing a Latin dance.

The melody of the whole venue makes people have to be fascinated by the leading actor and heroine on the stage, if only they were themselves.

A man and a woman, a man and a woman, the stage envies, envies and hates, but they all uphold a kind of appreciation.

To the last completed action, Zheng Hua put his arm around Su Rou's waist, and suddenly someone was shouting.

"Together, together!"After all, both of them are professional, and they are friends of two schools. They are both so famous. They keep smiling.

Su Rou naturally took back her action. Zheng Hua was obviously stunned, but she was still very cooperative. They stepped back to one side, but there was no end.

"Well, let's go." Chen Feng is ready to get up and leave.

At this time, the two hosts stood up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please wait. There is a little welfare here. Now we will draw lots at random, and the people drawn will have a chance to dance with the male gods and goddesses on the stage." The male host laughs.

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