Chen Feng knows that the Taibai Venus is famous. His position is the messenger of the Jade Emperor!

Although the power of Taibai Jinxing is not big, but in terms of status, under the three Qing Dynasties, the so-called Sanqing is naturally the supreme emperor, and the original Tianzun also has Lingbao Tianzun.

It can be seen that the popularity of Taibai Venus is much better.

"The big red man next to the Jade Emperor, is there something good to take care of me?"

Add it or not?

Of course!

Chen Feng Click to add as a friend, head is a white haired, very kind old man.

As soon as Chen Feng was ready to say hello, Taibai Venus sent a message.

Taibai Jinxing: "Chen Xian is wonderful. I must help you this time."


Chen Feng is a little flattered. What's the situation with NIMA?

Does Taibai Venus ask for itself?

Chen Feng: "Taibai Jinxing, if you have something to say, you can help me."

In fact, Chen Feng is a little careful thinking, this too white Venus is a big red man around the Jade Emperor!

If you help him this time, then Taibai Jinxing will say a few words in front of the Jade Emperor. Maybe Chen Feng will be prosperous from now on, or live forever, or be in the immortal class. That's not impossible!

Of course, this is Chen Feng in the heart of abdominal Fei careful thinking, and did not think much.

Taibai Jinxing: "thank you, Chen Xian, great kindness. Taibai has no teeth to forget. Please accept my worship first."

Chen Feng thought, is it difficult for you to bow to me on the ninth day? How do you feel a little uncomfortable

Chen Feng: "Taibai Jinxing is welcome. We are all friends and should help each other."

It is said that Taibai Jinxing is honest and honest, which is true.

But after a long time, Taibai Jinxing didn't send a message. Chen Feng guessed in his heart: "it seems that the matter of helping this time is not a trivial matter. Looking at his anxious appearance, is he in trouble?"

"Not likely?"

In Chen Feng's impression, Taibai Jinxing is often sent to supervise the good and evil in the world, known as the inspector of the western world. Moreover, this kind of person must be very smooth, and his interpersonal relationship must be good. What should he do to find himself in the world?

Chen Feng: "is there anything hard to say about Taibai Venus?"

Taibai Jinxing finally replied: "to be honest, I made a serious mistake, which is likely to be demoted and punished by the Jade Emperor."

I will go, then you are afraid of being scolded, but you should make it clear to me! How else can I help you?

However, Chen Feng understands Taibai Jinxing's mood. As an honest and honest old man, he is restless when he does something wrong, but he is afraid that the Jade Emperor will blame him.

Chen Feng as calm as possible reply: "too white Venus, other side, something to slowly say, since you look for me, this matter is sure only I can help you, since this, say it out."

Taibai Venus released a sigh of relief and said, "it's so good, then I'll tell you the truth."

You want to kill me! Just say what you say, and let's have a prelude!

This is the emperor is not anxious, eunuchs are anxious!

He's worried about his cell phone for a long time. He's really worried about his cell phone.

Finally, too white Venus goes straight to the subject.

Taibai Jinxing: "well, I lost the spirit weapon given to me by the jade emperor when I was on the inspection tour. If this spirit tool falls on some evil people, I'm afraid they will use it to do some evil things."

Chen Feng was startled and exclaimed: "spirit tool?"

In the spirit tool, it contains the spirit power of heaven and earth! It's a powerful magic weapon.

The sword that the Supreme Lord gave Chen Feng last time was just a common "treasure". However, the spirit weapon is more advanced than the treasure. It can be said that it is something bred by heaven and earth, and the precious weapon can be refined easily.

No wonder too white Venus is so anxious, this guy has made trouble! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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