Across the screen, Chen Feng can feel too white Venus anxious look.

Chen Feng comforts a way: "too white Venus, don't be so square, you are to tell me how to help you just can!"

Taibai Jinxing: "surprise / surprise expression, so you promised to help me, Chen Xian?"

I ¥% @ ¥%

What can I do if I don't talk to you so much?

Chen Feng is mad in the heart, fortunately has not touched his patience bottom line.

Taibai Jinxing then replied: "as long as Chen Xian finds out the spirit weapon and doesn't get it from evil people, it will be considered as helping the old slave."

Chen Feng: "stare / stare, don't you? So simple? Don't you have to send it back to you? "

Taibai Jinxing: "no, it's not necessary to use it. If you want to enter the fairyland, you must declare it to the upper level again. You can enter the fairyland only with the approval of the Jade Emperor."

Chen Feng can get through it in a little bit.

The latter did not blame the emperor because he was afraid of the latter.

In this case, of course, this matter can not be known to the Jade Emperor!

In other words, since this spirit tool has arrived in the world, it can't go to heaven. If it is reported, even if the spirit tool is found back, does the Jade Emperor know that it has been lost?

Chen Feng moved in his heart and asked, "is this spirit tool very powerful? Then if I help you find... "

Taibai Jinxing: "yes, this spirit tool belongs to Chen Xian. It is regarded as Chen Xian's help to me."

I'll go!

Chen Feng was overjoyed that he could own the legendary artifact?

Chen Feng immediately changed his words: "ha ha, where does Taibai Jinxing say? Everyone is in the same way. It's right to help each other. Don't say whether it belongs to anyone. Friends, where did you say that?"

Chen Feng's heart is full of joy, and the "hypocrisy" on his face is like what is the success of a conspiracy

The Supreme Master asked him to practice step by step. If he took his time, he would give him a precious weapon at most. But with this spirit weapon, it would be very different.

Excited to return excited, Chen Feng fortunately did not lose his head, asked: "so where is this spirit?"

Taibai Jinxing: "Chen Xian doesn't need to worry. I feel that this spirit tool is in Chen Xian. I don't know where the specific location is."

Chen Feng frowned and thought, "that would be a bit of trouble."

If it's in Yanjing, it's easy to say it's easy, and it's difficult to say it's not easy.

After all, Yanjing is so big. Maybe this spirit weapon is in some corner?

Or in someone's hands, what to do?

Chen Feng pondered and didn't reply. Taibai Jinxing replied: "although the location is not easy to confirm, I feel that there are many folk ancient atmosphere around. If I guess well, it should be put together with some antiques."

Chen Feng's heart moved, so that the scope will be narrowed a lot!

He is most familiar with antiques.

They are either in the hands of some collectors, or they must be in the antique market or auction market, where the number of antiques is of course the largest.

Chen Feng just wants to reply, suddenly his other mobile phone vibrates, it is Tang Zhiyou calling.

According to the truth, so late, Tang Zhiyou has no reason to find his own, is it difficult to do something?

"Hello, uncle Zhiyou."

"Chen Feng, there's a self-help appreciation meeting tomorrow night. I'd like to invite you to join us." Tang Zhiyou's tone seems very excited and excited.

Chen Feng asked: "what kind of self-help appreciation meeting?"


Chen Feng's eyes are bright. He is really out of his shoes and can't find a place to find. He doesn't need any time. Can he appreciate the antiques? Maybe there is a chance to find that artifact!

Afraid of Chen Feng, Tang Zhiyou said: "this appreciation meeting is not all antiques. In fact, it is also an appreciation meeting both at home and abroad in ancient and modern times. There are self-help drinks and various treasures. Antique is one of them."

Chen Feng suddenly realized that these should be a kind of appreciation meeting similar to a gallery.

"I'll tell you! There are a lot of rare treasures in the antique area, which are absolutely not available in Shenchuan. "

Tang Zhiyou tries to use this to "seduce" Chen Feng.

How did he know that Chen Feng was not interested in antiques, and that he only knew about these antiques only when he found some books in the library.

"Well, if you say so, I'll go tomorrow night."

"Good, I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock in the evening."

Chen Feng moved in his heart and replied, "Taibai Jinxing, you haven't told me what the spirit weapon is?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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