Taibai Venus: "it's a spirit armor."

Chen Feng asked curiously, "is that the meaning of armor?"

Taibai Jinxing: "yes, but the spirit armor is a spirit tool, more precisely, it is an inner armor, which can fit the body, and can't be stabbed."

Chen Feng murmured in his heart, you all said it was inner armor. How could you leave such an important self-defense thing in the world?

Of course, this is not the point, the point is to be invulnerable!

So is it possible to block bullets? If it is, then Chen Feng must find a way to find it!

His current state of Neijia boxing is not enough for him to fight against bullets, even if he is a martial artist like Tang Ruishan.

And then, the words of Taibai Jinxing made Chen Feng a little surprised.

Taibai Jinxing: "Chen Xian, I advise you to find this spirit armor as soon as possible. Spirit armour is a spirit tool. It needs to fit with the flesh and blood body in order to maintain the spirit for a long time. As time goes on, it will slowly lose its spirit."

Chen Feng was shocked: "you mean, if you don't wear it quickly, the spirit armor will become an ordinary inner armor?"

Taibai Venus: "that's exactly what happened. But it's also because the spirit tool has been in the world for a long time, it will attract some people who have different ideas. If it is a spirit tool, it will be good for those who practice Taoism. "

Chen Feng was surprised: "wait a minute, you mean, there are people who practice Taoism in the world?"

Taibai Jinxing replied: "Chen Xian, heaven's secrets can't be disclosed. Please ask you first about Lingjia. I'll go offline first!"

Too white Venus head darkened, and Chen Feng couldn't stop calling.

Originally, Chen Feng was a little surprised that there were terrible powers like housekeepers and martial artists like Tang Ruishan.

Now Taibai Jinxing even said that there are people who practice Taoism?

"These Taoists are certainly not Taoists in Taoist temples or swindlers in the world?" Chen Feng thought.

However, he did not think much about it. The world is so big that it is not surprising in his current understanding.

Just like Japan, there are hidden ninjas!


On the road of Yanjing University.

"Zheng Hua, are you still thinking about last night? Don't think about it. The boy doesn't look like a prince in yellow robes. He just happens to be able to dance. What's your opinion? You and Su Rou are a couple. " Wang Yu comforted Zheng Hua beside him.

Because of what happened last night, Zheng Hua has not laughed for a long time.

Wang Yu's mobile phone suddenly vibrated. As soon as he saw the message, he said with great joy: "Zheng Hua, Shanshan sent me a short message just now, saying that she has got the ticket to Yuanfeng international auction company tonight. There is a buffet in it, as well as various exhibits and antiques appreciation. Shall we go for a walk tonight?"

Seeing Zheng Hua didn't open his mouth, Wang Yu went on to say, "this Yuanfeng international auction company is one of the largest companies in Yanjing. This banquet was also held very big. Many people from the upper echelons of Yanjing also came. It's good for us to have a look. Like Chen Feng that guy's identity, that certainly can't have admission ticket

Mention Chen Feng, Zheng Hua eyebrow frown, immediately he slightly nods, way: "good."

He was really hit a little bit in the past day or two. If he went out for a walk, he might be able to figure out some things and regain his confidence.


The time soon arrived. In the evening, Chen Feng was waiting at the dormitory building. He and Tang Zhiyou agreed that it was eight o'clock. Now it is almost eight thirty.


Chen Feng's phone vibrates. It's Tang Zhiyou.

The latter said in an apologetic tone: "Chen Feng, I'm sorry, something happened temporarily. I have to go there later. I'll tell you the address. Can you drive or take a taxi? Just give me my name when you enter. "

"All right, you'll be busy with you first."

Hang up the phone, Chen Feng thought, come back to have Tang Zhiyou send, simply take a taxi in the past.

The appreciation will be held on a path whose name is changed to "shanhuyuan". The surrounding lake water is sparkling and there is a huge villa on the island.

"It's really where the rich come from." Chen Feng sighed.

At the entrance of the villa, there is a huge parking lot. All the cars are luxury cars.

BMW, Audi and Mercedes Benz are the lowest grade. Most of them are Lamborghini, Bentley, even Lincoln and Rolls Royce. They are just like a luxury garage.

Chen Feng reported Tang Zhiyou's name and was taken into the hall by the waiter.

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