The man laughed awkwardly and said, "I was invited by an uncle from afar. I'm not familiar with Yanjing."

One of them patiently explained: "the three generations of Qian family belong to the army. It is said that Qian Yurong's grandfather is still a retired commander of the military region. His father is still a general. His family is either an Air Force captain or a navy general. He grew up in the army since childhood. Who dares to provoke him in Yanjing?"

Just now, the second generation of rich people was trembling.

If the officials are officials, then it is easy to say that officials are all concerned with relations and friendship.

As the saying goes, the rich are afraid of the powerful, but the powerful still fear a group, that is, the army, especially those who have been in the army for generations.

If you mess with these people, you won't end well.

What about your power as an official? You don't rely on us to protect you? What are you without us?

The three generations, such as the Qian family, are either commanders or generals. They are all of the highest honor in China, and almost no one can provoke them in China.

If we have to name the second generation of the rich, the second generation of officials and the second generation of the army, there is no doubt that the second generation of the army must be the first, and Qian Yurong is still the third generation of the army!

All the people took a breath, secretly worried for Chen Feng. This guy offended such a person and would not die to peel off the skin. At the moment, the tone was still so big.

Qian Yurong received strict family education as the army when he was young. Under the strict and solemn environment, he had a kind of superiority and competitive heart that his peers did not have.

Qian Yurong showed a look of extreme anger and smile, and said, "you are very interesting. If my courage is misplaced, then your courage will certainly not be brought. I'm so big, I've touched more bullets than you've ever seen. You're the first one to challenge me. It's a pity that you have offended the wrong people! "

Finally, Qian Yurong's anger could not be suppressed. Suddenly, he stepped forward and struck his fist like a thunderbolt.

The speed and strength of his fist were so fast that he even blew up the air.

Everyone exclaimed. In fact, at the moment of Qian Yurong's fist, someone had already expected that Qian Yurong was going to do it.

Another 100 your Zheng Hua pupil shrinks, in the heart shock, good quick fist!

"This is what the troops came out of?" Qi Hao, the second generation rich man nearby, took a breath.

By contrast, the Taekwondo he learned is just like a child's family.

In fact, Su Rou is next to Chen Feng. At the moment when she sees Qian Yurong punching, Su Rou has no time to react. She is shocked and grows up.

Dai Hua and others are horrified.


When people thought that Qian Yurong's fist would fly a few meters even if he didn't cripple Chen Feng, Chen Feng suddenly grabbed Qian Yurong's fist.

Crisp, Chen Feng's feet did not move.

"How could it be?"

Zheng Hua was the first to react.

He is a master of fighting technology society. Qian Yurong's fist just now, he can't even see the track clearly! But was Chen Feng easy to help?

"Well?" Qian Yurong was shocked.

No one knows how powerful his fist is. The speed of his fist, the angle of his punch, and even the smell of being caught off guard make ordinary people unable to dodge.

But his fist was blocked by a hard sandbag.

Su Rou, song Yuwen and other people's mouths have become "O" lines, which is unbelievable.

It's okay? He's okay?

The whole audience was stunned. Did the boy use Qian Yurong's fist?

With disdain on his face, Chen Feng sneered: "is this what you call courage? Your troops are in vain. "

As soon as he said this, Qian Yurong's face was furious. He took out his fist, and his face was as red as Buddha's blood.

He has been trained for more than ten years, and he has undergone special training, which is not the regular training method of special forces in the army. His strength and strength are not enough for many boxing masters in Yanjing. How could he be caught by the other party at once?

"You want to die!"

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