At this time, a young man in his thirties came over with the support of several bodyguards. Beside him, there was a middle-aged man with cold sweat.

This evening, he found that the manager of Yurong didn't find out that he was in the middle-aged hall to collect money.

"Is that the lobby manager? Who's next to him

"Why? Isn't that man Qin Yinglong? "

Qin Yinglong!

The name rang out on the field, and the faces of the middle-aged people changed again.

All the companies and enterprises that take root in Yanjing, especially those who go through some grey channels, do not know the name of Qin Yinglong.

Qin Yinglong has always been mixed with black and white in recent years, but he is a big man in both black and white.

Some people talked about it in succession, and some even looked more frightened. They asked, "why did Qin Yinglong come? What does he have to do with Yuanfeng international auction company? "

One of them whispered, "Hey, don't you know? Before Qin Yinglong was a black man. In this appreciation meeting, I heard that Qin Yinglong was the middleman. Otherwise, if you see the exhibits, they are over 100 years old or overseas. Do you think Yuanfeng has no way to get it? "

All of them suddenly realized.

Of course, people who have heard of Qin Yinglong's fame are afraid of him.

But those who don't know Qin Yinglong are speculating about his identity.

However, several people turned pale when they saw Qin Yinglong.

Of course, these people are su Rou, song Yuwen, Dai Hua, Cai Bingyan and Shen Hao.

They all know that last time it was Chen Feng and Qin Yinglong negotiating in the room, but later they didn't know what happened. All they knew was that Chen Feng came back safe and sound.

When Qin Yinglong saw Chen Feng, he was overjoyed and said, "Chen Da Chen Feng? "

He thought that Chen Feng's strength is a secret for people outside the circle, so he did not call him a master, but called Chen Feng's name directly.

"Who are you?"

Qian Yurong stopped his efforts and stared at the man who suddenly appeared.

Qin Yinglong has been in Yanjing for more than ten years. Of course, he knows Qian Yurong. He has also heard about the situation of the hall manager.

"This is the old friend of the company


A cadre of people's faces are moving, especially those who know Chen Feng.

"This man is a friend of the boss of Yuanfeng international auction company, and Chen Feng is his friend? That doesn't mean... "

Isn't that to say that this boy is the guest of the host of this appreciation meeting?

"How is it possible that this boy knows such a person..."

All of them are stupid eyes. Zheng Hua and Wang Yu are unbelievable.

"This guy is obviously a sneaker. How could he know these people?" Wang Yu was very angry.

Qi Hao frowned: "Yuanfeng international auction company is one of the largest auction companies in Yanjing. People who know the boss here are all from the upper class. Even if we don't know him, it's certainly not easy. I didn't expect that he knew that boy."

Song Yuwen and other people's faces showed some surprise, but it seemed reasonable.

Song Yuwen's disappointment in Chen Feng's eyes became more intense.

Qin Yinglong's reputation they know, mixed with this kind of person, Chen Feng's character will be better?

I thought that the appearance of Qin Yinglong would make Qian Yurong sell some face, but the latter sneered: "so you are Qin Yinglong?"


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