Chen Feng never thought that the old naughty Taoist had such an amazing momentum at the first moment that he could simply surpass Chen Feng. However, at the next moment, he had such a rebellious child mood for a sip of wine?

This kind of painting style changes a little fast, let Chen Feng some can't accept, the whole person is a bit messy.

After a long time, he carefully picked up the leather armor on the ground, and his eyes fell on the old Taoist on the ground, for fear that the latter would attack back.

But the boss did not have any reaction at all, and he was still rolling and crying.

Until Chen Feng picked it up, the old Taoist priest seemed to have just finished crying, then coughed twice and stood up.

"Boy, you're good. I'm out of wine. I'll fight you again next time! The spirit armour will be kept with you for the time being The old Taoist patted the dust on his body, ready to turn around and leave.


Chen Feng is stunned. The old Taoist seems to be

"Don't go!"

Chen Feng reacts to come over, shout a, one step chase up, that old Taoist is startled, pull out a leg to run.

"Want to go?"

Chen Feng snorted, one is to seize the old Taoist's back collar, no matter how the latter struggle, but can not escape Chen Feng's "talons.".

"Boy! You have to forgive people! Let go of me

"You just want to!"

Chen Feng hum a, he now clear, this old Taoist body's breath is like the disheartened ball, all have no.

What do you say to keep it for you first! In fact, he has no confidence and plans to escape!

Whether it is because of the problem of wine that makes the old Taoist so powerful, Chen Feng can't let him go.

Not to mention that this was the first person he met, he had to figure out what the Taoist wanted to do to rob his spirit armor.

Taibai Jinxing said to prevent evil people from using spirit armor to do something.

In short, the old Taoist can't fight back now. In front of Chen Feng, the old Taoist is like a child.

Chen Feng threw it casually, and the old Taoist priest fell to the ground.


The old Taoist priest's buttocks were badly hurt and cried: "boy, what is respecting the old and loving the young? Don't you understand? You have learned Chinese etiquette for thousands of years in vain. "

Chen Feng snorted coldly, and said: "you have ulterior motives to steal in, do not ask yourself, you are still a thief! What etiquette do I have for you

The old Taoist refused to accept his way of saying, "I repeat, if you give me a drink, how can you be my opponent?"

Chen Feng ignored his words and walked step by step, ignoring the old Taoist's nagging.

Chen Feng plans to arrest the old Taoist priest and torture him. The latter's buttocks step by step behind him, and he looks a little scared. The old Taoist priest suddenly calls out, "boy, you let me go, you don't let me go, and the spirit armor in your hand can't be preserved for long!"

Chen Feng eyebrows big frown, stopped the pace, way: "what do you mean by this?"

The old Taoist priest was relieved and said triumphantly, "you can help me pour a pot of red daughter for me..."

I'll go!

Chen Feng forehead buy black line, this guy in their own hands, but also request this request that!

It's really red in three colors!

"You want to drink, don't you? Yes, I'll throw you to the wild mountains later to feed the wolves. I'll bring you as much as you want next year. "

Chen Feng said, and stepped forward again. The old Taoist priest's face was red with anger, and he called, "boy, do you know how powerful those people are? As long as you take this armor, you must not be their opponent

"Thank you for reminding me. It's nothing. I don't know how to wear it."

Said, Chen Feng has already pulled up the old Taoist's foot, and then dragged along.

"Hit people, beat old people, report to the police!" The old Taoist was dragged by Chen Feng, struggling and shouting.

Chen Feng did not care about him, ready to drag into a secret place in the plan.

"It's no use crying out your throat. You choose the place yourself." Chen Fengtou did not return, still dragging the feet of the old Taoist.

The old Taoist looked around. Sure enough, it was a wild mountain and a dark mountain. His face changed.

"All right, all right. Can I tell you the truth?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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