Chen Feng did not put down the old Taoist's feet, indifferent way: "you say, the last chance, do not say I will bury you alive."

"I'll go! You're too mean, aren't you? Just now I said, Fang Lao Dao, I feed wolves in the wild... "

The old Taoist said here and suddenly shut up.

"Oh, you've figured out how to escape!"

"No, no, no, you'd better throw me to the wolf!" The old Taoist quickly waved his hand.

Chen Feng suddenly, smiling way: "you really cunning, also want to escape, no, I have to seal your acupoints, and then dig a hole, so you can't escape."

The old Taoist priest was shocked. His face was white. He struggled even harder this time, and he had more strength than before.

Chen Feng's heart is startled, this guy really you are pretending garlic!


Chen Feng's face was cold. He threw off the old Taoist's feet and said coldly, "OK, I don't want to play with you. I'll say it quickly."

The old Taoist priest was afraid for a while. He even said, "this spirit weapon is not an ordinary spirit tool! Lao Dao, I have sensed the accident from hundreds of kilometers. Do you think you can avoid the more powerful Xiuzhen family here? "

Chen Feng's heart is shocked, just said that the person who practices Taoism, now also ran out a Xiuzhen family to come!?

"Why should I believe you?" Chen Feng calmed down.

In fact, he already believed three points in his heart.

Because this artifact is not the ordinary product on earth!

It was given to Taibai by the Jade Emperor, who fell to earth only when he was patrolling.

From this point of view, it is not unreasonable that this spirit tool is not ordinary, and even higher than ordinary spirit tools!

But he did not fully believe what the old Taoist said.

The old Taoist priest got up, patted the dust, took a peek at Chen Feng, and said, "if you don't believe me, I can't help it. But if I look at you, I'm sure you know that this spirit weapon is not ordinary product."

Chen Feng's heart is cold, this old guy really has two sons!

"I'm not afraid to tell you that spiritual instruments are not ordinary products. Even if you put them into the legendary ring of heaven and earth, what can be sensed can still be sensed."

It's Chen Feng's turn to be surprised. The old Taoist really has two sons. Can't he already know that he is wearing a ring of heaven and earth?

"Hey, did I guess right? The heaven and earth ring is very common in the cultivation world. I still have the Qiankun cloth bag

Then he patted the rag bag on his waist.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, looked at the old Taoist priest and said, "who are you?"

The old Taoist priest waved his hand and said with pride, "I am the 48th peak of Longhu Mountain, and the ninety second generation descendant of cangyingshi..."

Chen Feng was shocked: "fly excrement?"

The old Taoist priest's face turned red and he said angrily, "what kind of fly excrement!? Goshawk!! Do you understand! I am the 99th of tiandaozong The descendants. "

Chen Feng shook his head, waved his hand, and said, "OK, OK, I care if you are the descendant of fly excrement or mouse excrement. What can you do?"


The old Taoist priest snorted coldly, crossed his hands, and said, "you are such a hairy boy. You go out to practice the real world and die in minutes."

"I don't think you're a big villain, or you think I'm talking so much to you?"

"I don't think you're going to touch porcelain, or you think I'll talk to you so much? You have been carried away by the wolf

Chen Feng is angry and funny. The old Taoist priest is still very funny!

After a long time, the old Taoist just said, "OK, don't talk nonsense with you. Talk about business."

Nima! It's a waste of my time to get down to business now!? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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