Looking at Chen Feng, the old Taoist priest said, "I don't know how you feel this spirit armor. As far as I know, this spirit armour is the most spiritual one in my contact with spirit tools. Although there is less aura, I can't think of it."

Of course you can't think of it!

When the spirit comes to the world, the aura gradually disappears. As for the spirit, can it be worn by Taibai Venus and given by the Jade Emperor?

The old Taoist said, "to tell you the truth, spiritual instruments are very rare in the cultivation world, especially the natural ones. So you have to shield its breath. Otherwise, after tonight, I promise that the whole cultivation world will come after you."

Chen Feng frowned and asked, "why is it after tonight, but are you looking for it now?"

The old Taoist priest said proudly, "didn't I say that? I am... "

"Fly excrement is passed on, isn't it? I know. Get to the point. " Chen Feng took a word and said nothing.

The Taoist priest snorted and said, "our party's aura is unique in the Xiuzhen world, but it's just..."

Chen Feng once again took his words and said, "it's just that you have too many mountains and too many sects. When your generation withers, is that what you mean?"

"Why? Boy, you really know me

Yes, yes, I understand you. I haven't heard of it. It's strange that so many generations of talents don't wither!

The old Taoist said: "ordinary people who practice Buddhism may not find it so quickly, but the longer the spirit armor is exposed, the more people will find it."

"Well, it's predestined to meet each other. I'll tell you how to shield your breath when you're new to the world. Then you'll have no worries."

After that, the old master's one move, a Fu Zhuan is to fly to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took over. There was a strange fluctuation of spiritual power. He was surprised. It was a magic formula.

"Go back to understand, and then add it to the spirit armor, it's OK."

Having said that, the old Taoist turned and stepped forward, looking like a man of noble virtue.

The old Taoist waved his hand and said, "don't ask me my name. Please call me Lei Feng. Don't look for me. If you can't find me, I'll sneak around here. Goodbye. "

Chen Feng has a black line on her forehead. I think I'm going to ask what your name is?

Lei Feng!

Goodbye, never again!

The old Taoist left, Chen Feng walked the road, the phone rang, it was Qin Yinglong.

He thought of a man.

"Hello, master Chen?"

"It's me."

Qin Yinglong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I finally got through to you. We were all worried about you just now. Where are you now? How's it going? "

Just now it's too remote. The mobile phone has no signal.

Chen Feng said: "it's OK. Let's ask Uncle Zhiyou not to worry. Oh, by the way, you'll find someone to meet me about three kilometers southeast of the villa just now."

"OK, you wait for me, I'll be right here!"

After a while, Qin Yinglong and a Fei drove over.

As soon as Qin Yinglong got out of the car, he was relieved to see that Chen Feng was in good condition!

If Chen Feng has any faults, Tang Zhiyou can't ask him!

Qin Yinglong just wanted to ask the context, but Chen Feng said, "get on the bus and take me to Zhuning."

Qin Yinglong suddenly said, "yes! I almost forgot that guy. According to master Chen's orders, I have been locked up for a few days. I only give him food and drink, which is hanging his life. "

Chen Feng and Qin Yinglong are sitting in the back seat. On the way, Chen Feng suddenly asks, "by the way, have you ever heard of Xiuzhen family in the circle?"

Who knows, Chen Feng this unintentionally asked, Qin Yinglong's face changed

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