Qin Yinglong was shocked and said, "master Chen, did you meet the Xiuzhen family?"

Chen Feng originally thought that Qin Yinglong, an outsider in the circle, did not know about this. He did not expect to be asked by him.

He said a little about his relationship with the old Taoist priest. Qin Yinglong was relieved and said, "fortunately, that slovenly Taoist is not a member of the Xiuzhen family. If so, then..."

Seeing that Qin Yinglong had some huff and puff, Chen Feng asked, "is it very powerful? These Xiuzhen families? "

Qin Yinglong took a deep breath and said: "in Yanjing, there are two kinds of people that can't be provoked. One is the circle like the old man of Tang Dynasty."

"Is it a warrior?"

"Well, there are also..." Faced with Chen Feng, Qin Yinglong seems to have some difficulties.

Chen Feng moved in his heart and said, "army gate?"

It was Qin Yinglong's turn to be shocked. Even a Fei, the driver of the car, shivered.

"Master Chen, do you also know the military gate?"

Chen Feng nodded and thought it was true!

This Yanjing, not long after he came here, came into contact with so many so-called people in the circle that normal people can't touch.

This circle of warriors, as well as the army, seems to have a terrible influence in Yanjing!

However, Qin Yinglong thought about it and was relieved.

"But it's not strange for a master like Chen to know the military gate."

In fact, he did not know that Chen Feng knew the existence of the military gate because he had fought with the people in the military gate.

Maybe Qin Yinglong has planned Chen Feng as a martial arts man of Tang Ruishan.

Chen Feng said: "there is another kind of Xiuzhen family, right?"

Qin Yinglong nodded and said, "I have only heard of these Xiuzhen family members, just like master Tang, who know very little, only know that they are very mysterious and have not been seen in the secular world."

Chen Feng in the heart shakes his head, is not did not appear, I am afraid even if appeared, you also do not know?

He suddenly thought of a sect, the Tang clan, the so-called big and powerful school. Is this also the Xiuzhen realm?

In fact, after Chen Feng knew the Secret Weapon School of Tang clan, he always thought about the question --

is there any connection between the Tang clan and the Tang clan?

However, Chen Feng didn't think much about it for the time being, because the level of this circle is too high. In his current situation, he has no ability to contact more information. He needs to see how Zhu Ning is now.

The car came to a remote warehouse. There were seven or eight people guarding it, and they were holding dark pistols.

Qin Yinglong said with a smile, "master Chen, don't be surprised. This Zhuning is too powerful. I'm just in case."

After all, he is such a big man who eats black and white all in Yanjing. It is known that he guards such a big battle. It is said that Qin Yinglong will definitely be called timid.

"I understand."

Chen Feng said lightly, for ordinary people, Zhu Ning is really very powerful, in a flash can kill, who is not afraid?

"Brother long."

Entering a room with dim lights on, Zhu Ning is tied to a stool. Qin Yinglong's men are all behind him, their fingers pulling the trigger, very alert.

At this time, Zhu Ning was soft and covered with hair. She didn't take a bath for several days. There was also a smell. Her hands were tied behind her and her feet were tied.

Chen Feng orders Qin Yinglong so, the purpose is to wear off Zhu Ning's kind of ferocity, burnish his killing intention.

Seeing someone coming, Zhu Ning raised his head weakly. His eyes were full of blood. He was staring at Chen Feng as if he was strong. He said angrily: "boy, I know you ordered it. Do you think it's OK to bind me like this? Just give me a chance to go out and I'll kill you all! "

Qin Yinglong sneered: "kill us all? As long as I give orders, you are dead now! If it wasn't for master Chen, you would have lived to this day? "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Ning gave a ferocious smile and said, "how can I fear death? I've been studying in the mountains for so long that I've put my life out of the way! Qin Yinglong, you just got a good helper! I Zhu Ning will not let you off even if I am a ghost

Qin Yinglong was surprised and angry, and said, "I was just following orders! You know, I wasn't the one who started it! I also collect money, you know, my employer, if I don't do it, I won't come to a good end! "

"No nonsense! If you want to kill tonight, you can do as you like! As long as I have a life to go out, Qin Yinglong, I will take your dog's life! "

Qin Yinglong blushed and gnashed his teeth. If Chen Feng hadn't ordered him, he would have banged Zhu Ning with one shot. After all, the strength of the latter is too terrible.

Chen Feng opened his mouth and said, "when is it time for injustice to be reported against each other? People in the river and lake have to help themselves. I can compensate you for him."

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