"Compensation?" Zhu Ning said in a stern voice? How to compensate? Can you exchange the dead for me? "

Qin Yinglong turned pale.

It seems that Zhu Ning has no way to give up with himself!

Chen Feng shook his head and said, "I can't compensate you, but I can guide your martial arts and let you help your family develop."

Zhu Ning said grimly with a smile: "impossible thing! Let me forget the hatred. It's just a dream

Chen Feng sighed and said, "everything is empty. Even if you kill him, how about it? Your parents can't come back from the dead. Everything has cause and effect. Who can say the past life and this life? Living with hatred not only blinds your eyes, but also makes your martial arts stagnate. This is what your parents want to see? "

Zhu Ning's face was stagnant. For a moment, his whole face was stunned.

Qin Yinglong seemed to think of something and immediately said, "yes! Zhu Ning, don't forget that your Zhu family has run martial arts schools in all dynasties. You should be very clear about how many people you offend. Some things are beyond my control. "

Seeing Qin Yinglong, Zhu Ning was angry again and said, "don't be full of benevolence, righteousness and morality! Qin Yinglong, you have done so many bad things. Sooner or later, you will have retribution! "

Qin Yinglong gnawed his teeth with hatred, and his face turned red. He didn't know what to say.

Chen Feng suddenly said: "Qin Yinglong, let him go."

Qin Yinglong was stunned. It was not just him. Zhu Ning's face was stunned and released himself?

Immediately he said coldly: "boy, don't cry about mice, I don't know what you want to play, but I know, you and he are a group!"

Qin Yinglong seemed to think that he had heard the wrong thing. He even said, "master Chen..."

Chen Feng said again, "I said let him go."

Now he can hear clearly, Chen Feng is really going to release Zhu Ning!

Isn't this the return of a tiger to the mountain?

Zhu Ning's force here is fierce. It's impossible for them to protect themselves!

Zhu Ning coldly stare at Chen Feng, do not know what the latter is doing.

In fact, Zhu Ning had experienced Chen Feng's power, and he was shocked.

At that time, he was extremely surprised that he couldn't win the opponent.

He has not seen the same realm, the strength of such a terrible existence.

He knew that he could not escape in front of this boy in any case, but let himself go.

As long as you release yourself, you will have a chance to revenge!

Qin Yinglong was in a hurry and said, "master Chen, you can't do it!"

Chen Feng stares at Zhu Ning and says: "Qin Yinglong was wrong at that time, but he was subject to the times and his own involuntarily. I understand that, but it does not mean that I agree with his practice. I will be stabbed by you, and this matter will be finished. How about it?"

Zhu Ning's face moved, and all the people's faces changed greatly.

"Boy! Are you crazy? I have no hatred with you! If you let me go, I won't find you for revenge. It's just the enmity between Qin Yinglong and me Zhu Ning said angrily.

After all, he admired Chen Feng in his heart.

Such a boy less than 20 years old has such a terrible strength under his hands. This is the most talented one he has ever seen since so many people, even more powerful than his talent.

When his parents were killed, he was only in his teens, but he was one of the best martial arts talents in their Zhu family for so many years.

It was only when Qin Yinglong, who was the same young man, brought people to seek revenge. His parents were outnumbered and tried to protect Zhu Ning. Only then did he escape.

From then on, he swore that he would make up two knives in Qin Yinglong's body anyway!

Now this boy is just an outsider. Why should he get involved in the grudges between himself and Qin Yinglong?

Even Qin Yinglong couldn't think of it. He called out: "master Chen..."

Chen Feng said: "a doctor's parents' heart, my hand is a cure, but also a cure. If you can make you correct, eliminate the hatred in your heart, I can also save you. This does not violate my original intention as a doctor, but also a merit."

As soon as he said this, Zhu Ning was moved

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