Zhu Ning, like hearing a highly respected person teaching himself, advised himself to go back to the abyss of suffering.

I don't know how, after listening to Chen Feng's words, Zhu Ning's heart actually has a kind of peaceful feeling.

He didn't even know why he felt that way.

Beside the young man, he felt the feeling of spring breeze.

That word, as if there is a kind of magic, in the purification of his eyes blinded by hatred.

He looked at the young man with wide eyes and was shocked.

How could it be! How could he have this ability!?

Facing Chen Feng, he is just like facing an old pine. The vitality of young people has disappeared?

How did he know that Chen Feng was studying medicine and martial arts, and that he was a family. In addition, he often meditated, and Daoxin was slowly changing his every move, words and deeds.

This young mature character, even Chen Feng also don't know why will unconsciously change his mind.

But the only thing he can be sure of is that if a person's nature is good and not incurable, Chen Feng will certainly pull the other party back.

Zhu Ning takes a deep breath, suddenly sinks the head, the way: "why."

"If I saw your nature and talent, would you believe it?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Zhu Ning frowns and stares at Chen Feng.

The latter shook his head and said, "to be honest, I don't know who your master is and why he preaches you such murderous martial arts and temperament, but I can tell you that as long as you abandon this killing intention, your accomplishments will be higher. If I guess right, have you stayed at this level for at least a few years? "

Zhu Ning's face changed greatly, exclaimed: "how do you know?"

Chen Feng said: "sure enough, your skeleton is amazing. It's a good material for practicing martial arts. It's because hatred blinds your heart. The heart has been polluted and blocked. How can we talk about it? "

Zhu Ning with an unbelievable look at Chen Feng, shocked.

Yes, seven or eight years ago, his strength has reached the realm of refining God and opposing emptiness.

Most of this is because of his talent, but more because of his hatred, but why did he progress so fast in the past few years?

According to the truth, one's hatred has already begun to accumulate in the early days. According to the truth, I should not even be able to refine essence into Qi or qi to transform God?

Chen Feng explained: "hatred is a double-edged sword, which can stimulate people's self-improvement and become a driving force. It can also become a kind of burden and drag a person's way forward. In the early stage of your life, your hatred is not deep enough. Hatred is the driving force. With the coming of the day and the maturity of the opportunity, his hatred also sprouts more and more, which leads to the stagnation of your martial arts. "

Zhu Ning heard this, suddenly came to understand.

Originally, everything is hatred!

He stares at Chen Feng with a strange look in his eyes.

His family has been practicing martial arts for a living. In his generation, how could Zhu Ning, who was influenced by his family, forget his ancestral precepts?

As long as there is a chance, he certainly wants to improve himself.

Especially in recent years, he has seen too many masters. His vision is not limited by Yanjing.

Qin Yinglong also understood what Chen Feng said. To tell the truth, he was also infected by Chen Feng just now.

In the end, how indifferent to the world's mind and heart, in order to affect others in a word?

Qin Yinglong took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Zhu Ning, I was young at that time. I'm sorry for you. I'll pay back your parents' two knives! Come on, get the knife

His men were afraid, but they took out a knife.

Qin Yinglong stares at the knife with a firm look in his eyes.

"I've been living for more than ten years, and I've been greedy for life and death a lot. But this time, master Chen is willing to stand up and pay for me. If I don't come out again, I'll be a turtle with a shrinking head! I'll give you back these two knives

Chen Feng in the eyes of some appreciation, he is waiting for this moment.

Qin Yinglong was born as a gangster, but with a look of loyalty on his face. Otherwise, he would not offend Qian Yurong at the banquet. He also had to stand up for himself to the end.

"Stop it!"

Seeing Qin Yinglong holding the knife with his backhand, Zhu Ning suddenly stopped.

Qin Yinglong was stunned. The point of the knife was only one centimeter away from his arm.

Zhu Ning said in a deep voice: "Qin Yinglong! I don't want you to pay for your life, I want you to owe me all your life! "

All the bodyguards were relieved. Qin Yinglong was stunned.

"This What do you mean

Chen Feng laughed away Qin Yinglong's hand holding the knife and said, "it means you don't have to be stabbed."

Zhu Ning suddenly stares at Chen Feng, some hesitant look in his eyes, immediately he becomes a kind of firm, way: "boy, what you say counts?"Chen Feng nodded: "of course."

"Good! I will listen to you from now on! "

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