Qin Yinglong's whole person is in a daze, Zhu Ning actually said to listen to Chen Feng?

That means that Zhu Ning will be Chen Feng's person from now on!


Zhu Ning is the most powerful martial arts expert he met except Chen Feng!

Such people still follow Chen Feng?

It's not true, is it?

Qin Yinglong was very worried. He was afraid of Zhu Ning's tricks.

"Master Chen..." Qin Yinglong called softly.

Now he really heard Zhu Ning's voice, and he was afraid to look at Zhu Ning, because the former seemed to eat him.

Chen Feng's heart is certainly happy.

I don't have any help in Yanjing. If I have to do something, it's more troublesome.

But now with Zhu Ning's help, many things don't need Chen Feng himself.

However, Chen Feng felt sorry for Zhu Ning's talent and wanted to know more friends.

"Don't worry. Let him go." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Qin Yinglong swallowed his throat and winked at his men.

To tell you the truth, his men are still in fear.

Although they were armed with guns, they knew that Qin Yinglong's bodyguards had been stabbed in the palm of their palms without taking out the guns.

The two men carefully untied Zhu Ning.

Although she was shut up for a few days, she could not eat well or sleep well. However, Zhu Ning's physical fitness was very strong and her internal strength was nourishing. So she stood up and moved for a while, which was no different from that of normal people.

Of course, Zhu Ning's Qi and blood are still weak.


At this time, Zhu Ning moved his wrist joints well. Then, he looked at Qin Yinglong, and then took a lunge.

Qin Yinglong and all his men were shocked.

"Rub, scrape!"

Everyone's guns are pointing at Zhu Ning, but the speed of the latter is too fast. All of a sudden, they are in front of Qin Yinglong. The distance between them is only ten centimeters.

Qin Yinglong was as petrified as he couldn't move. He was sweating on his forehead. He couldn't say a word. He felt his heart was about to jump out.

The muzzle was all aimed at Zhu Ning, but Zhu Ning did not touch Qin Yinglong.

At this time, Zhu Ning, in his eyes, was extremely terrible. He said in a cold voice, "Qin Yinglong, I'm giving Chen Feng face and not killing you! But it doesn't mean I can't kill you! Listen to me. From now on, if you do these crimes again, I can't spare you! "

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Qin Yinglong breathed a sigh of relief and quickly agreed to come down.

"Don't worry, I've been in good business for a long time. I don't want to touch the black one. What I do is just business." Qin Yinglong was busy.


Zhu Ning snorted coldly and stepped back two steps, but he still said in a deep voice: "tell me, who was your employer at that time?"

Qin Yinglong had just breathed a sigh of relief, but now his face changed wildly.

Chen Feng is also looking at two people, in fact, he knew Zhu Ning said to follow his own time, he knew Zhu Ning had put down the killing.

Moreover, Zhu Ning is kind-hearted to people who are not big evils. This kind of heart is very soft. As long as they are influenced, they can be brought back to normal.

What he was relatively curious about was who was behind Qin Yinglong.

Before listening to Zhu Ning, Qin Yinglong is today and the people behind him are supporting him.

Now the so-called employer must be the person behind Qin Yinglong. Is it difficult to achieve great influence?

With a cold sweat on his forehead, Qin Yinglong said timidly, "Zhu Ning, I know you are eager to revenge, but But the person behind me, or my former employer, you You can't afford to... "

"Can you afford me?" Zhu Ning coldly stares at Qin Yinglong, and his eyes are even more murderous.

Chen Feng thought about it and said to Qin Yinglong's subordinates, "you wait outside."

His subordinates looked at Qin Yinglong one after another, and the latter nodded.

There were three people left in the room. Chen Feng said, "you know we are not ordinary martial arts practitioners. We don't know what we should know. Moreover, I would like to know how you got to this point from a gangster."

Zhu Ning family and Qin Yinglong employer's gratitude and resentment, Chen Feng is now interested.

And he has to know about it.

Zhu Ning's intention to kill Qin Yinglong has been eliminated. However, Zhu Ning, the employer behind Qin Yinglong's scenes, will certainly not give up if he does not understand clearly. Moreover, he may even seek revenge at home, so his own work will be in vain.

But Chen Feng knows that Qin Yinglong's usual fear, his former employer, is definitely a terrible force, otherwise he would not be afraid of such a situation.

Qin Yinglong breathed heavily, looked at the two men, and finally opened his mouth

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