Qin Yinglong said, "it's Tangmen."


Chen Feng and Zhu Ning are both surprised, especially Chen Feng. In his heart, he is even more surprised that it is the Tang clan who indirectly has a feud with himself?

The big school of Yanjing!?


Zhu Ning's hand was tightly clenched and gritted her teeth: "I guess it's true! It's really Tangmen! "

Qin Yinglong was stunned and said, "did you know that in the morning?"

Zhu Ning said: "I didn't know it for a long time. It was because the Tang clan came to my house more than ten years ago and wanted to recruit me to Tangmen. But my parents refused and said that they wanted to maintain the martial arts blood of our family. I didn't expect that Tang clan would hold a grudge against it!"

Chen Feng understood something.

The Tang clan is a big and powerful school. It specially looks for some talented people to come in and cultivate them. The Zhu family has opened a martial arts school in the past dynasties. As a family inheriting the tradition, the Zhu family certainly refuses to agree to the Tang clan.

What Chen Feng didn't expect was that the Tang clan should be so ruthless to eradicate the roots.

Zhu Ning's face was startled and angry, and said in a cold voice, "Tangmen, the enemy of killing my father, I don't want to share the heaven with you!"

For Zhu Ning's resentment and killing intention, Chen Feng knew that Zhu Ning would not give up.

I'm afraid that's what we're talking about.

Zhu Ning took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He said, "don't worry, I won't be blinded by hatred. I can't fight Tangmen now. I know that."

Chen Feng nodded slightly, so his words just now are not in vain.

He moved in his mind and said: "I think of a problem. Tangmen is a school that uses concealed weapons. According to the truth, if he wants to destroy your family, it should be a matter of turning hands? How can you hire these ordinary people? "

Qin Yinglong frowned and said, "yes, I also want to know why."

Zhu Ning sneered: "you don't know, Tangmen have always been the most hated object of martial arts practitioners. Only because the most favorite thing of Tangmen is to capture those young children to Tangmen and train them. Many of them were brainwashed by Tangmen. Because of this, they were condemned and despised by martial arts experts. During that time, they were besieged by almost all the experts ??????

Qin Yinglong suddenly said: "I understand, they are inconvenient to operate, so they are looking for us outsiders."

"No wonder a master of Tang clan found me through a middleman and gave me a large sum of money to take people to destroy your Zhu family..."

Speaking of this, Qin Yinglong did not dare to look at Zhu Ning again. Then he said, "then I got up to the present situation with this money. Ah Speaking of it, I can have today, but also rely on that money

Chen Feng said: "forget it, the matter has passed, now the most important thing is later. What's more, since the Tang clan is so powerful, don't provoke this giant for the time being. "

Both of them nodded. Qin Yinglong was still in a state of palpitation, because he knew that when the time was right, Zhu Ning might come to take revenge.

"By the way, Zhu Ning, where do you live now?" Chen Feng asked.

Zhu Ning shook his head and said, "since I went down the mountain, I have come directly to Yanjing to seek revenge. My old house was taken back many years ago."

Qin Ying Longma said: "don't worry, I'll arrange the place where I live to ensure that no one will disturb you."

Zhu Ning snorted coldly, but he didn't want to see Qin Yinglong. The latter gave a dry smile and knew that he had done something wrong and did not speak.

Chen Feng thought for a long time and suddenly asked, "by the way, this Tangmen What's the connection with the Tang family? "

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