Two people are surprised to see Chen Feng one eye, Zhu Ning takes the lead to shake a head way: "this still really did not hear that they have what connection."

Qin Yinglong also said: "the Tang family is in Yanjing. In the outer circle, it is a very big group power for the whole of China. Even in the circle, I have never heard of the relationship between the Tang family and the Tang clan."

Chen Feng nods, is did not ask again.

Then, Qin Yinglong gave up his villa in the middle of the mountain to Zhu Ning as a quiet place to rest and practice martial arts.

Of course, the name is transferred to Chen Feng.

That night, Chen Feng took a look at it.

Chen Feng and Zhu Ning were flattered by the surrounding clouds, excellent geomantic omen, and even a trace of heaven and Earth Spirit in it.

"How did you find this place?"

Chen Feng looks around the villa and asks Qin Yinglong.

Qin Yinglong said with pride: "this place was originally a family of 200 years old. It was sold out because of lack of money, and then I took it down. It is said that this is a good place to find a place where feng shui masters of the Ming Dynasty have been looking for dragons to point out their acupoints."

Next to a Fei also said: "this half of the mountain area, here is the best zone, no one can live without a billion."

Qin Yinglong glared and said, "what money do you talk about with master Chen! Master Chen is not such a vulgar person. "

Chen Feng nodded slightly. The aura of heaven and earth is very scarce after thousands of years of evolution on earth.

If there was no way to find the dragon, it would be impossible to find this place.

You should know that the aura of heaven and earth is of great benefit to both martial arts practitioners and practitioners.

This kind of lack of land is definitely a good place to nourish the body and practice martial arts. You can't find any money.

"Well, I'll take down your kindness." Chen Feng said.

Qin Yinglong was overjoyed, but he said politely, "what did master Chen say? Without you, I may have died today."

Zhu Ning looked at him coldly, and then asked Chen Feng, "when do we start?"

For Chen Feng, Zhu Ning is sincere.

The force of the other side is not only more powerful than him, but also profound. The most important thing is that kind of benevolence and righteousness, which Zhu Ning admired.

Therefore, he can't wait to learn from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said: "don't worry. When your qi and blood are restored, I'll pass on your heart cultivation method."

"Mind building?"

"Yes, it's better to practice martial arts or to cultivate one's morality. In your present situation, you must practice your mind more calmly. Cultivating your mind is the first step. Only by removing the demons from your heart can you stimulate your potential and be smooth."

Zhu Ning knew his situation and nodded, saying that he would listen to Chen Feng's arrangement.

After discussing the matter, Chen Feng and Qin Yinglong left the villa.

As for the villa, Qin Yinglong originally told his servants and bodyguards to go, but Zhu Ning said that he didn't need to go. He just needed to send some reserved food. Don't disturb him if you have nothing to do.

Of course, this is also Chen Feng's idea, martial arts, meditation and so on, all need a quiet environment.

In this way, Chen Feng back to the dormitory, it is midnight.

This day, Chen Feng got up early. He couldn't help feeling excited because today is the day when he and Tang Xiaoxuan meet!

And Chen Feng received the information, Tang Ruishan invited Chen Feng to the Tang family for dinner, which was very happy for Chen Feng.

As expected, happiness comes so fast!

Chen Feng is extremely nervous in the heart, and has picked up some of his own is to start.

This time, the Tang family is not an old courtyard house, but in a quiet manor.

The manor is very large, not a common European style, but like a desert Longmen inn.

But the difference is that the desert has become green grass and trees, and Longmen Inn has become a pavilion palace.

It has a modern flavor, but it is also full of antique flavor.

Looking from the outside, Chen Feng sighs in his heart that the Tang family's inside is really powerful, which is the place for the aged.

Into the courtyard inside, is a modern villa decoration.

"Chen Feng, you are here." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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