Welcome to the door, naturally is Tang Zhiyou, beside him, and Tang Xiaoxuan.

Tang Zhiyou enthusiastically walked by, and Chen Feng also stepped forward, but he selectively ignored Tang Zhiyou. He went to Tang Xiaoxuan and took Tang Xiaoxuan's hand.

Tang Zhiyou is stunned. He looks back at Chen Feng without good breath. This boy is really lustrous and despises friends!

Chen Feng said with a smile: "I finally know what it means to be absent for a day, like three autumn."

"Let me go."

Tang Xiaoxuan's face is red, there is a kind of sweet inside, although the mouth said no, but the heart is warm.


At this time, an old man walked down the stairs with his hands on his back and coughed gently. It was Tang Ruishan.

Tang Xiaoxuan wants to take off her hand, but is caught by Chen Feng. Tang Xiaoxuan's face is even more red.

"Good old Tang."

Chen Feng holds Tang Xiaoxuan's hand here and bows to Tang Ruishan.

Tang Ruishan looked at Chen Feng lightly and said, "the young man is really eager!"

Tang Xiaoxuan is a little panicked and quickly pulls back her hand, but how can she be as strong as Chen Feng?

The latter ignored Tang Xiaoxuan's struggle and said with a smile: "it's natural."

Tang Ruishan glared at Chen Feng, thinking that the boy in front of himself, really don't know the propriety ah!

Tang Zhiyou is also stunned. He is in a dark sweat. How can this boy be so anxious!

I said you can't wait for a place where there are fewer people!

"I'll go up and change." Tang Xiaoxuan blushed.

On the one hand, my grandfather is watching, on the other hand, Chen Feng, this guy is so shameless that he doesn't let go.

Chen Fengsong opened his hand, Tang Xiaoxuan ran away like a fawn, and glared at Chen Feng fiercely before leaving.

Tang Zhiyou quickly round the field, said: "come on, Chen Feng, your first time to our home, sit down."

When Chen Feng saw Tang Ruishan's face, it seemed that he was a little indifferent. He hastened to say with a smile: "sorry, old Tang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm a little excited. Don't worry. I'll be more restrained."

Tang Ruishan nodded his head and said, "well, you just know. Although I don't care about your affairs, your relationship can't be spread out. I also protect Xiaoxuan. "

"Yes." Chen Feng got serious and nodded.

He and Tang Xiaoxuan's relationship can not be announced, this Chen Feng has no opinion.

What is mine is mine, and what's more, why should I explain my own affairs to the world?

Just because the Tang family may have more potential enemies, and for the safety of Tang Xiaoxuan and Chen Feng, they can only play with "underground love" for the time being.

Wait for Chen Feng enough strength, then all need not so scruple.

This was Chen Feng's first visit to the Tang family. However, he had an agreement with Tang Ruishan before, and Chen Feng was not too rigid. On the contrary, he wondered why there were few people in such a large place of the Tang family?

"A lot of people in our family are busy doing business all over the world, and they won't come back unless there are big festivals," Tang explained

Chen Feng nods, in the heart originally tense atmosphere to send a breath.

Tang Zhiyou said with a smile: "Chen Feng, you should not want to see the future father-in-law so soon? I can tell you, my elder brother's level is not easy

Tang Ruishan's face was calm as water and did not speak.

Chen Feng's face was embarrassed. He was really nervous when he came in just now, because it was a dinner party. He was really afraid to meet Tang Xiaoxuan's father-in-law!

But now that his father-in-law is not here, he is relieved.

However, Chen Feng still has perseverance on his face and is afraid at the bottom of his heart. He can't say it clearly on his face!

He said in a loud voice: "a man, a man, what are you afraid of? Since I have identified Xiaoxuan, I'm not afraid of anything, let alone my father-in-law! "

At this moment, a voice floated in from the door --

"really not afraid

Chen Feng blurted out: "of course!"

"I am your father-in-law!"

Chen Feng's instant petrifaction

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