While going downstairs, Tang Zhiyou explained: "did you hear that before dinner? Later, there will be a coal boss in Jinxi. He is a seller. He has a rare antique in a hundred years. My father has been looking for this antique for a long time, so he specially invited the boss of Jinxi. "

Chen Feng doubted: "what antique? Even the martial arts master Tang needs it? "

"I tell you, it's a legendary artifact!" Tang Zhiyou said excitedly.

"Artifact?" Chen Feng was slightly surprised.

Tang Zhiyou is full of a kind of fascination, saying: "yes, it is a spirit tool. It is said that this kind of artifact can regulate the Qi and blood of the human body, and then it can change the fate of the surrounding areas, expel evil and expel poison. Some of them are powerful, and they can turn their hands to cover clouds and rain, move mountains and fill the sea and so on! "

Chen Feng nodded secretly. The powerful spirit tool, of course, would have such a powerful effect, but it only existed in the myth world, just like those people in heaven that he knew.

And general gems such as ancient jade and jadeite are the most common antiques that can regulate the body's Qi and blood, change people's complexion or physical condition.

In scientific terms, it is the magnetic field that changes people.

Generally, people who like to collect ancient jade all know this, so these collectors will not hesitate to spend money to buy or auction.

For example, in the last auction in Shenchuan, the one hundred year old jade bracelet is a top-grade product, and it is still worn by Tang Xiaoxuan.

Tang Zhiyou said: "Chen Feng, you must have never seen a spirit weapon? To tell you the truth, I've been in Yanjing for such a long time, but I've only heard of it! I told my father and my elder brother about the jade of peach blossom spring last time, so I specially let you learn it on the spot

Immediately Tang Zhiyou slapped Chen Feng on the shoulder with pride and said, "what? I'm kind of nice to you, right? You know, all the people who will come later are big people. "

Looking at Tang Zhiyou's proud look, Chen Feng is angry and funny. After thinking about it, he still doesn't say anything.

He has never seen a spirit instrument, and it is really precious, but that was before!

Now, he just got the spirit armor two days ago!

It's a genuine artifact from heaven!

Although the aura is a little less, which spirit weapon is as high as his spirit armor in the secular world?

Moreover, since last time, Chen Feng has studied the spirit Jia for a long time. With the help of Tianyan, his ability to sense and identify spirit tools has also improved a lot.

However, he was curious that even Tang Zhiyou, who is known as the fourth master in Yanjing, said that he was a big man, so he should have a lot of status.

He also knows that a lot of big people, rich or powerful, pursue their own old age to live a little more, or official road, money more smoothly, even if "smash pot and sell iron" to buy a lot of antiques that can increase symmetry.

Now, as soon as this artifact appears, it must attract famous people.

Tang Zhiyou has a strong background in Yanjing, and he is one of the top celebrities in the antique industry. However, in Yanjing, a place full of hidden dragons and tigers, Tang Zhiyou may not be a big deal in the face of a bull like Tang Lihong, chairman of the Tang family group, or a strong Warrior like Tang Zhiyou.

After going downstairs, Chen Feng found that only Tang Lihong was left in the hall.

"Big brother, where's dad?" Tang asked.

"Dad was in the study, and he said it was inconvenient for him to show up, and I won't show up later."

"Why?" Tang Zhiyou is puzzled.

Tang Lihong's tone is very bad, said: "those guys are people or ghosts, we don't know for the time being, you know what I mean?"

Tang Zhiyou nodded and Chen Feng understood.

All the people who come to trade may be big men from all over the world, but the Tang family is too famous in Yanjing. If Tang Ruishan or Tang Lihong comes forward, these people will not be presumptuous because of the faces of Tang Ruishan and Tang Lihong, and they will keep them in their stomachs even if they have any intention.

You know, this spirit tool is so precious that it must be very important for Tang Ruishan.

Because of the precious level of the spirit weapon, Tang Lihong did not dare to be careless. He was afraid that someone would want to make some ideas, so he kept an eye on it.

If it is presided over by Tang Zhiyou, who has less power and reputation, then I am afraid those ghosts and snakes who are careful and have bad ideas may appear.

It's better to show up. Isn't there a Tang Lihong in it?

Tang Lihong can't solve it. There's a warrior, Tang Ruishan!

After that, Tang Lihong took a look at Chen Feng and didn't say anything.

Chen Feng also very politely nodded, thinking: it seems that there will be a big play to see.

The identification and sale of such an artifact is like a big show of intrigue.

"Chen Feng, I know that you chose Xiaoxuan's bracelet, as well as the jadeite from last time. Even if you don't know spirit tools, you must know about ancient jade. You should be our eyes." Tang Zhiyou said with a smile.Chen Feng was stunned and asked, "what's selling here is also ancient jade?"

"Well, strictly speaking, it's a jade pendant." What Tang Zhiyou is looking forward to.

"Zhiyou, you know how important spiritual tools are to Dad. You should have a good look later." Tang Lihong warned.

Still, Tang Lihong ignored Chen Feng in the past, and then he also entered the study.

Chen Feng doesn't care about this. Tang Zhiyou said that he let himself learn.

What's more, the artifact is not an ordinary thing. It is impossible for ordinary people to identify it.

What's more, Chen Feng looks so young.

However, Chen Feng was also very curious. What kind of spirit weapon was this jade pendant?

The hall has been visited by people. It seems that many people have come.

In the waiting time, Tang Zhiyou and Chen Feng mentioned the background of the people who would like to enter the arena later.

Soon, when a car started outside the villa, Chen Feng seemed to hear the next one.

Then, a group of people are in.

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