"Why? Tang Zhiyou, you are the host? Isn't your brother back? What about Mr. Tang? "

The speaker was a middle-aged man with big ears and big head. His hands were folded inside his trousers. He looked like a big local tyrant. He came first, followed by a man with seven or eight bodyguards.

These bodyguards are all Chinese, and their temples are very big. Chen Feng can see at a glance that these bodyguards must be practicing martial arts and have a foundation.

But Chen Feng is the eyes on the person.

The man was about fifty years old. He had long black hair, a hat and a long shirt. He was closing his eyes. He came in from the door just now, but he didn't open his eyes.

Chen Feng felt a chill from this man, of course, there was also a familiar fluctuation there.

"Lingli?" Chen Feng thought deeply.

Seeing this man, Tang Zhiyou frowned. Thinking of Tang Lihong's words just now, he hums coldly: "my elder brother has to leave temporarily. My father is cultivating himself in the old house. Why, can't I take charge of this business? Do you have any opinions?"

Obviously, Tang Zhiyou is full of middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man sneered and said, "Tang Zhiyou, you are called the fourth master in Yanjing, but you are the lowest in terms of seniority in Tang family, right? If your boss comes out, I promise not to say a word. Now go back to my Zhejiang and Wenzhou, you Ha ha... "

Tang Zhiyou angrily said: "Cao Yuandong, this is my Tang family, is Yanjing, not your wild place!"

This person should be the big boss of Zhewen.

Chen Feng thought.

According to what Tang Zhiyou told him just now, Cao Yuandong is the president of Zhejiang Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Zhejiang Wenzhou area, and of course he is also the richest one.

Cao Yuandong's group is mainly engaged in overseas clothing trade business, exporting to American countries. It is said that he has a fleet and is very rich.

Therefore, Cao Yuandong is a powerful local tyrant in Zhejiang and Wenzhou. Naturally, the old man next to him came to the master's eye, and it is said that he was a Taoist who had been practicing in Taoism hall for years in the mountains of China.

The reason for the friction between the two was that Tang Zhiyou had gone to Zhejiang and Wenzhou to search for an antique, but Cao Yuandong deliberately spoiled it. Therefore, there was some enmity between them.

There was nothing wrong with it, because Tang Zhiyou's family had a great reputation. However, he did not visit Cao Yuandong when he went to Zhejiang and Wenzhou. The latter was not happy, so he would stir up Huang Tang Zhiyou's antique business.

"Ha ha, are you so busy? I'm not late, am I? "

At this time, the door sounded a not very standard Chinese language, but also a group of people crowded in.

This group of people is more than ten or twenty, of course, most of them are bodyguards. The leader is an old man in a suit. He is about 50 years old, but he is well maintained. Next to him is a 60 year old man with white hair.

The old man looked ordinary. He was wearing a Taoist robe and carrying a ragged sack on his back. He was like a warlock in the world.

Seeing this man, Tang Zhiyou's face softened a little and said, "Ye Lao, you're here."

This man named Ye Lao is from the Ye family, a huge family in xiangdao.

The Ye family started with finance and managed real estate, hotel, foreign trade, finance and other industries that made the most money. In xiangdao, Ye's family was one of the largest families, as well as Guo's.

Chen Feng suddenly thought of Guo Zhe. As Feng Weichen once said to him, there are three families in xiangdao. The Guo family occupies a seat, and then the Ye family also occupies one.

This old man, whose name is Ye Qinghai, is the helmsman of Ye's family. He is well-known all over China.

When he saw Ye Qinghai, even Cao Yuandong, who was as proud as the president of Zhejiang Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, restrained his arrogant manner.

Because compared with Ye's group in Ye Qinghai, Cao Yuandong's money can only be regarded as a fraction of others' money.

Of course, the Tang family and the Ye family also have some business contacts.

Ye Qinghai clearly saw the atmosphere here and said with a smile: "Zhiyou, this business is your big brother looking for. We just heard the news and came to join in the fun, so you don't mind?"

Tang Zhiyou truthfully said: "don't mind, more people just lively point, or don't know if it's a good thing."

Cao Yuandong eyebrows a pick, way: "Tang Zhiyou, since you are in charge of this business, your palm eye? It's not the boy, is it

Chen Feng ha ha ha smile, way: "I come to study."

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