Shen boss in the public persuasion, this just did not leave, but his eyes to see Chen Feng has become very cold.

"I don't have much time. If you really want to trade, make an offer, or I won't sell this jade pendant!" Boss Shen used this to express his dissatisfaction.

"It's true. It's true."

"Don't blame boss Shen. Children don't understand."

"Yes, boss Shen, we will give you a satisfactory price."

The crowd said repeatedly.

Cao Yuandong, who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, said with a sneer on his face: "that's not the case. I think this little brother must have some means. Otherwise, how can you identify this jade pendant as rubbish? Right, master Bi? "

Everyone's face changed again, especially Tang Zhiyou. His heart was full of hatred. Cao Yuandong was really a troublemaker or something. Is it necessary to see that his face was completely gone before he would give up?

Now master Bi has moved out!

Sure enough, master Bi glanced at Chen Feng and said indifferently: "don't you hear that evil comes from your mouth? Little brother, what you said just now is to prove that my appraisal is not in the stream, or can't enter into your eyes? "

Tang Zhiyou was surprised and hurriedly said, "master Bi, this friend of mine doesn't mean this..."

At this time, no one sympathizes with Chen Feng any more, and he is silent in his heart.

Master Bi's words are too big. His hat is buttoned down. This is forcing Chen Feng to death!

Tang Zhiyou's heart began to tense, he now some regret, should not bring Chen Feng to study!

Cao Yuandong is a troublemaker, but master Bi said it. How can we deal with the aftermath?

That only knows own father!

Chen Feng sighed, stood up, glanced at Cao Yuandong, master Bi, and boss Shen, and said, "do you really want to see me do it?"

Cao Yuandong sneered: "boy, just now you have the kind to say that, now how can't you have seed? Did you

Cao Yuandong doesn't care about this boy when he is 20 years old. He makes a fuss. He just wants Tang Zhiyou and the Tang family's face is not easy.

What's more, if I gain some prestige in Yanjing people's territory, it's enough for him to blow for decades, and his face is bright!

Master Bi, with indifference in his eyes, said, "young man, you have a lot of courage. Just now he just saw that this is a spirit weapon. Are you an ordinary person, are you more powerful than others?"

"He" in master Bi's mouth, of course, refers to master he.

Tang Zhiyou was worried secretly. When he was ready to move out of Tang Ruishan, Chen Feng carried his hands and walked out of his seat. He said faintly, "it's just broken bricks and rotten tiles. What's so strange about it?"

Broken bricks and broken tiles?

A cadre of people's eyes are wide, Tang Zhiyou sitting on the seat, the whole person is uncomfortable, finished, this is difficult to end.

Chen Feng had already spoken twice, but now he still has a broken brick and a rotten tile. It's really lawless!

"How unreasonable

One of the big men said angrily, "Tang Zhiyou, if you don't give an explanation today, even if your elder brother is there, I will ask for an explanation."

This big man is the second leader in a district of Yanjing. He has great power and has a good friendship with the Tang family.

Among the people present, if ye Qinghai is the leader of "money", then the person who spoke just now is the biggest in "power".

Chen Feng did not panic, stood up and said: "this jade pendant, in fact, is not a real spirit." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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