As soon as this speech was made, the whole audience was shocked.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense!"

"Yes, both masters said it was a spirit weapon. Why do you say it is not a spirit tool? Are you more powerful than other masters? "

"Yes! It's a piece of nonsense

Chen Feng's words, let everyone is surprised and angry.

But what no one noticed was that master Bi's eyes narrowed slightly and didn't say a word.

Tang Zhiyou appears more anxious, in the heart dark hatred, I said you boy really understand?

You can't really save you if you go down like this!

Cao Yuandong sneered: "you say this is not a real spirit weapon, the evidence?"

Facing boss Shen, Chen Feng held out his hand and said, "boss Shen?"

Shen's face was angry. The box was in his hand. Of course, he knew what Chen Feng was going to do. But in order to prove that it was a treasure, he handed it over and said coldly, "you'd better not waste my time!"

After Chen Feng took over, and then took out the jade pendant, the whole audience was looking at Chen Feng exactly in what game.

Chen Feng grasped the jade pendant in the palm of his hand, and then said, "take good care of it."

Then, his inner strength burst out, the whole palm suddenly forced, "bang", a strange scene happened.

A cool breath came out of his face, and everyone felt warm again, like the spring breeze. But they had not enjoyed enough. Chen Feng opened his hand, and the jade pendant was broken by him.


All the people were stunned, and the venue became extremely quiet for a time.

This boy, he crushed the jade pendant!

Ye Qinghai, Tang Zhiyou and others are all frozen.

"Boy!!! You

The first person to react is boss Shen. His face is red and his face is red with anger.

The other big guys also reacted, all of them were crazy and angry, and almost ran away.

"Boy! What the hell are you doing

"Ah!!! I want to I want to... "

A group of people get mad, who did not expect that Chen Feng would even break this jade pendant.

This is a spirit tool! This is a legendary spirit tool that can cultivate body and mind and regulate qi and blood!

But now it's gone! Destroyed!

Ye Qinghai can't help but blush and tremble with anger.

"Don't worry, everyone."

In the face of everyone's red face, there is that kind of frightened and angry as if to eat Chen Feng's expression, but Chen Feng is calm.

In this way, the big men in the whole hall are more angry.

Cao Yuandong was stunned, but he didn't react too much. Instead, he looked at the scene with a sneer.

Master Bi didn't say a word. Master he was surprised, as if he was thinking something.

"Don't worry!? How can you compensate us for all the jade pendants that have been destroyed by you? "

"Yes! Boy, you can't leave today anyway! Even if you are a member of the Tang family, you can't be let go of you! "

These big men are angry. This is a rare spirit tool!

This is the thing that can guarantee their fortune!

Broken, broken? Or from this troublemaker!

Ye Qinghai forced the anger in his heart and said in a cold voice, "what else can you say?"

"I said, didn't you think of a question?"

"What's the problem?"

Chen Feng, with both hands on his back, said indifferently: "since spiritual instruments are rare, and almost only legends can have them, do you think that I, a layman, can crush such a spirit instrument?"

As soon as he said this, the audience was moved.

Master Bi opened his eyes and stared at Chen Feng. Even Cao Yuandong's face was a little surprised.

One of the rich was a man who knew jade. He frowned and picked up a small piece of broken jade pendant on the table. He was surprised and said, "no This is? Emerald? "


The audience was full of emotion.

Ye Qinghai is in xiangdao. He has the most research on ancient jade and jadeite. He pinched up a small piece of jade and said in surprise, "no mistake, this is just ordinary jadeite material."

They were surprised again and began to talk.

"Spirituals are not likely to be secular Jadeites, are they?"

"It's said that all spiritual objects are spiritual. How can this jadeite be spiritual

"Yes! Even if it's a spirit weapon, it's impossible for ordinary people's fist power to be crushed like this? "

Everyone's eyes fell on boss Shen, and his eyes were filled with a kind of cold questioning. The latter was also shocked.

"Boss Shen, what's going on here?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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