Any woman cares about her appearance. Wang Siyue knows that she is not beautiful enough to be beautiful, so she will make more efforts than others. She wants others to think that she first conquers her medical skills, not the appearance, but It is another feeling that people are alluded to being unsightly.

She glared at Ye Hao angrily and saw her smile like a smile. For the first time in her heart, there was a strange feeling, like a cockroach?

Wang Siyue's face was blue and white. She never saw anyone. She could see Ye Hao. She really felt that she would be embarrassed for the first time.

"Lu girl, now about the New Year, the palace will not choose a doctor, so you have to stay here for a few more days, after the spring, you will enter the palace as a medical woman." Wang Yizheng on this Lu Hao There are doubts, but I think she is invited by Ye Yiqing, and can only put all the confusion in my heart.

"Everything follows the arrangement of Wang Zhengzheng." Ye Hao said, anyway, she can't see her brother anymore, and she hasn't returned yet. She stayed at the Wang family for the time being.

Wang Siyue screamed. "Father, do you really want her to enter the palace? If her drunkenness is not in the wine? Look like a fox, just in case she is not in the palace Treating the disease?"

"Yueer, enough!" Wang doctor looked at his daughter displeasedly. "What happened to you today? I have already said that Lu is the apprentice of Huangfu, and Ye Daren will come with Mr. Huangfu this time. Wang Ducheng, they came to cure the disease."

"I don't believe it." Wang Siyue looked sharply at Ye Hao. "Is Huangfu really your master? What is the purpose of Ye Daren's letting you enter the palace?"

Ye Hao looked at her like a smile. "I used to tell me that if a person's heart is clean, then she looks good, if her heart is dirty, no matter what she looks at, It’s all dirty, Wang girl, don’t think that because of your narrowness and shortsightedness, I think everyone else is like you. If you go to the palace to treat someone, I don’t know very well. Don’t think that I really want to go to the palace, if I can If I don't come here, I don't want to come over the mountains."

"Lu girl, don't misunderstand, Yue Er is not the meaning." Wang doctor is hurriedly said.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. She didn't need to be as carefully as she used to hide her secrets. Everyone knows that she is the daughter of Ye Yiqing, and she knows that she is the apprentice of Huangfu. Why does she have to look at other people's Face?

Wang Siyue thinks that her entry into the palace is another purpose? Oh, it’s as if she really wants to go to the palace to treat Li Wei. If she really doubts her, don’t let her enter the palace. She doesn’t care.

"Wang Yizheng, it seems that you don't think so." Ye Hao said faintly, "When Ye is back, let's make arrangements."

"You..." Wang Siyue sighed, this stinky scorpion is based on what is high.

Ye Hao looked at her with a cold eye. "If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

Wang Yizheng thought that this little girl was really tempered. She thought that she was an apprentice of Huangfu, and she might have dared to rely on her own master. He would no longer care about it. "Well, Lu girl, if there is anything, I will let people talk to you."

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled indifferently and turned away from the study.

"Father, do you really believe that she can cure the emperor?" Wang Siyue asked unwillingly.

"I can't cure it, but I don't know, but her master may have a way." Wang said, "Yue, you are already very good, you don't have to blame others, everyone has their own strengths."

Wang Siyue was poked in the bottom of his heart, and he was forced to rise his face. "Why should I marry her? A fox who is tempted by others, I will only look down on her."

"Stop!" Wang doctor is yelling at her. "How do you know that her medical skills are not as good as you? Isn't every person who looks better than you do not have medical skills? Do you think that Huangfu and Ye Daren are, if not Lu Yi How can I ask her to go to Wangdu City?

"We don't know how she is in Jinguo. You only heard that she had cured the island owner of Zhaojiadao and thought she was a **** doctor. If she was not cured?" Wang Siyue still does not believe that Ye Hao is a doctor. .

Wang Yizheng looked at her daughter and shook her head. "How is her medical skills, she will know when she enters the palace."

Wang Siyue slammed, "I am going to take medicine."

From the study, Wang Siyue wants to be more reluctant, "Hey, you are going to call Zhou Zhong."

She must find out what the Lu Hao is in the end, and she does not believe that Huangfu will accept such an apprentice.

Huangfu has always been her revered figure. As long as she thinks that he will accept her as an apprentice because of Lu's beauty, Wang Siyue's heart is like being baked by fire, and the taste is too uncomfortable.



"Ye, the slaves are useless, somehow they lost the Lu girl." Ying Quan glanced at the Murong 站在 standing in the courtyard. After being separated from the Lu girl yesterday, his master and son became the same as before. I don't like talking all day long.

"Not that you lost, they are not letting you follow." Murong said faintly.

Yingquan screamed, "That... you are not angry with a slave?"

"You are useless, what is the use of your anger?" Murong stunned, Xiaotou thought that he could escape him? Sure enough, it is interesting.

"Ye..." Ying Quan grievously looked at Murong.

Murong Yu looked at the sky, "How come Fujisawa hasn't come yet?"

"I thought that you would think of me in a few days." Two young men came along the promenade. One of them was tall and straight. His handsome face was smiling, and he looked at Murong, and the other slightly Younger, came to the courtyard with the young man.

"I heard that you went to Kyoto in Kyoto." Murong looked at them and walked to the pavilion next to him.

Fujisawa sat down opposite him in the past. "I have a trip when I have nothing to do, it is quite fun."

"What have you been playing?" Murong picked up the jug that had been warmed up next to him, and poured a glass of wine for both of them. "Don't play with fire, you know that there are things I don't want to touch."

"Now don't want to touch it, it doesn't mean you don't want to." Fujita said with a smile. "I heard something interesting."

Murong Yan looked at him with an eyebrow and would make Fujisawa feel interesting. It should not be a normal thing.

"For the sake of a woman... for the sake of a woman... and the literary martial arts of the hundred dynasty, if you want to establish her, do you say it is very interesting?" Fujita asked with a smile.

"boring!" Murong scorned.

Fujisawa smiles unchanged. "This woman is the former sister of Qin Wangxi, the daughter of Dongqing Guoxiang."

Murong’s twilight sinks slightly, “Ye’s daughter!”

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