Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 542: Father and daughter meet

Murong’s slender fingers squinted at the table, and the handsome and vivid face was like a layer of frost. He whispered, “Ye Yiqing and Ye Yisong are different. He can survive. It’s definitely Murong’s mercy, but he Why are there still a daughter?"

"I heard that Ye Hao has twin sisters, and the younger daughter has been separated since she was a child. It is a big parent." Fujita said, "Unfortunately, there is no chance to see the legendary beauty of the country."

Murong Yan looked at him coldly. "What do you want to do?"

"There may be things you may not know yet." Fujisawa said with a smile. "Someone asked the killer of Thousand Rakshasa to assassinate Lu."

"Who?" Murong stunned his eyebrows.

Fujisawa said, "Xu Ji, but he is already dead."

"If you die," Murong said. "You don't anger Murong Cham, he is not as simple as you think."

"Okay." Fujiko agreed to come down with a smile.

Murong looked at him helplessly, and some couldn’t help him.

"I heard that you fell in love with which girl at first sight, what about the girl?" Fujisawa turned and looked. "There will be no more people thinking that the person you like is down."

"Roll!" Murong licked his lips and moved slightly.

Yingquan is smiling next to him. This Mr. Yu is also true. Every time he wants to provoke Liu’s anger, but the next time he meets, it doesn’t happen like anything. Only he dares to smile in front of Liu Ye, plus Liu Ye is not close to female color all the year round, no wonder it will make people misunderstand.

"We haven't seen each other for so long, you just called me to roll?" Fujisaki rounded his eyes. "Do you have a newcomer to forget the old man?"

Murong sneered and stood up. "Get him out."

Yingquan helplessly Murong’s back and turned to look at Fujisawa. “Mr. Hey, how do you get angry every time?”

"So stingy, blame me?" Fujiko asked with a smile.

"Six Ye did not let you go to the long princess!" The man next to Fujisawa whispered, "It is your own opinion."

Fujisaki said with conviction, "He thought so in his heart, I just spoke for him."


Yingquan whispered, "We are in a bad mood, and Mr. Qiu still don't mess with him."

"What's wrong?" Fujiko asked, touching his chin. "It seems to be the same. Today he looks a little bit wrong."

"Not because of Lu girl." Ying Quan said, telling them what happened along the way, "...I don't know where Lu is now."

Fujita laughed. "This is a small matter, just look for someone."



Ye Hao lived in the Wang family for five days. On the day of Xiaonian, Ye Yiqing returned to Wang Ducheng.

Just arrived at Ye Family, Ye Yiqing heard about her daughter encountering a pirate on the road. He didn't even sit down for a cup of tea. He immediately went to the Wang family to find Ye Hao.

Just as Wang was at home, he invited him to the study.

"Wang Zhengzheng, let me see you first, we can say anything at any time." Ye Yiqing is anxious to see her daughter, where is the heart to talk to Wang Yizheng.

"Who is it?" Wang said in a puzzled question, "Is the girl you invited not called Lu Hao?"

Ye Yiqing laughed. "Hey is her nickname."

"I am going to ask her to come over." Wang Yizheng said, his eyes have been looking at Ye Yiqing, his eyes full of suspicion.

"What are you suspecting?" Ye Yiqing was looking at him with a smile and looked at him with a smile.

Wang Yizheng smiled. "I don't remember if you are mistaken for beauty."

"I can still forget the business." Ye Yiqing snorted and immediately felt that Wang Zhizheng was not correct. "What is wrong with beauty?"

"Lu girl is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in this life." Wang Yizheng smiled and looked at Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing's mouth cracked a smug smile. "That is nature. It is all about my beauty. How can I not grow up?"

Wang doctor is swearing, "Wait, what do you mean by this? Lu girl is... is your daughter?"

"I also went to Jinguo to know. She is my little daughter who has been lost for many years. She was adopted by Lujia and later worshipped under the name of Huangfu." Ye Yiqing whispered, "I know this thing is unstoppable." Yours, so I told you first, but after I got to the palace, I can't let people know that she is my daughter."

"I understand this." Wang doctor was hurriedly nodded. "Your daughter... can you really cure the emperor's disease?"

Ye Yiqing said, "I can't guarantee it. However, there is always hope for her and Huangfu. Right, what happened to the emperor recently? Is there a headache often?"

Wang doctor was sighing. "The headache has been getting worse every day. The medicine I used to eat is useless. I want to discuss with you. It is better to let Mr. Huang Wei enter the palace and give the emperor a look. It can be slowed down first. The emperor’s headache is also good."

"Well, I will go back to discuss with Huangfu." Ye Yiqing nodded.

At this time, Ye Hao has been invited. She thought that Wang was looking for her to have something to say. She just saw the familiar back when she entered the study. Her eyes were bright. If she couldn’t think of her identity, she already Run over.

Wang Yizheng sent the next person down and said to Ye Yiqing, "Then your father and daughter will talk first, I will go next door."

Ye Hao is awkward, Wang Yizheng already knows that she is the daughter of her sister?

"Okay." Ye Yiqing nodded with a smile and waved at him. "Hey, come over."

Ye Hao and Wang Yizheng had a ritual before they smiled and went to Ye Yiqing. "Hey, when did you come back?"

"I have just arrived in Wangdu City today." Ye Yiqing said, watching Wang doctors bring the door of the study, and said to Ye Hao, "I heard that you met a pirate on the road, is it okay?"

"Nothing, if there is something, can you still be here?" Ye said with a smile. "The pirate came along with Wangducheng, but there are portraits of him everywhere, so he can't come."

Ye Yiqing looks cold, "He is better not to fall in my hands."

"Hey, when can I see my brother? Do I have to live in the royal family all the time?" Ye Hao took a small mouth, and it was almost New Year's Eve. On a happy day, she didn't want to live in someone else's home.

"Take you back in two days." Ye Yiqing whispered, "Your master is at home now, although you can't let people know that you are my daughter, but there is always a way. If you are too big, you will be able to accommodate it again."

Ye Hao frowned and asked, "Hey, is the illness of the emperor really serious?"

"I am not sure, but it is best to be able to heal as quickly as possible." Ye Yiqing whispered, "Let your Master go with me for two days."

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