Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 986: Furious after the night, the way to break the formation

Zi Yuan blushed, and plucked up the courage to say: "I am not your subordinate, please speak with respect. Even if you are stronger than me, you can easily obliterate me, but you have no right to insult me!"

Midnight was stunned. After being stunned by her, she couldn't believe it, but instead she calmed down and did not yell at her.

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "Throughout the ages, humans are inherently dead. You can die under the power of the strong, but you can't succumb to the power of the strong. You have only practiced for decades more than Ziyuan, and there is nothing remarkable. ."

Midnight was provoked again, "What are you, dare to teach me?"

Under the mood swings, there was a black flame emanating from Midnight's body, carrying a bone-eroding cold air, if the night diffused, but it was instantly washed away by the glory of the palace, unable to form.

Yang Qingxuan also discovered that all of these thirty people had been suppressed. He was shocked by the power of this palace, and responded coldly: "I'll teach you a lesson, don't accept it?"

"Damn!" Midnight screamed, pushing his hands away in front of him, a black flame emerged from between his fingers, spreading out, forming a thin barrier, blocking the radiance of the palace.

Black fire patterns continue to appear on the enchantment, and the waves are flowing, contending with the power of the palace.

Midnight's face was gloomy as water, staring at Yang Qingxuan as if looking at a dead person, and then gently stepped forward and walked a few steps outside, wanting to get out of the lotus array.

It's just that every time she took a step, her body would tremble a few times, and the large black flames on the barrier were purified by the light, and a slight "crack" sound was made.

She is doing her best to contend with the glory of this palace, which shows the determination to kill Yang Qingxuan.

Ever since she became Black Sea Night, no one has dared to teach her, even Xuantianji, Riyu and others have spoken to her politely.

Only Yaheng, who "created" and "cultivated" her with one hand, dared to say the word "teaching". What is Yang Qingxuan? Dare to teach her!

In the eyes of Midnight, Yang Qingxuan was already a mortal person. Whether he was a breaker or not, it would be difficult to survive.

Yang Qingxuan didn't mean to train her, but her attitude towards Ziyuan made Yang Qingxuan very annoyed. If her beloved woman is bullied and can't come forward, is this still a man?

Regardless of whether you are a realm powerhouse or a realm king, a woman who dares to bully me must bear the anger.

Yang Qingxuan gently pushed Ziyuan away with one hand, and said softly, "Go away." Then he stared at the movements of Midnight, slowly spinning his true essence.

He was calculating in his heart that it would take at least ten steps for Midnight to get out of the big formation. Every time he took a difficult step, Midnight's physical stamina would fall rapidly. When he was completely out of the formation, there would be short-term exhaustion.

In other words, the moment Midnight was out of battle, it was when he hit with all his strength.

As for life and death, victory and defeat, they have been left behind.

Because the result is obviously terrible, a life of nine deaths, if too much measurement, it will affect the heart and weaken the power of desperate strike.

Zi Yuan smiled, took out the lamenting sword, and leaned it in front of him, softly said: "How can I go first? I will die here together."

Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled, and under the brilliance of the treasure hall, two slender figures shone out, as if returning to the era of life and death together.

Life and death have a broad bond, said with Zicheng.

"Okay! Together, we will meet the powerhouse in charge of the Black Sea, how strong is it!"

Yang Qingxuan also took out the sword and pinched a sword tactic. A red fire rose from the Nanming Lihuo Sword, forming a circle of fire patterns, and the crimson light would make the surrounding clouds look beautiful and beautiful.

Lamenting sword light is like water, away from fire and arrogance like mountains, double swords are pointed at Midnight, waiting for her to get out of the big array, it is a thunderous blow.

Midnight's face, I don't know if it was too exhausted, or was angry, and it became more gloomy, as if a layer of frost had condensed on his face.

The aperture of the barrier guarding her has also shrunk twice, almost sticking to her skin.

"Tsk tusk, it's so touching, but it's useless. After the night, you can't get out of the lotus formation. Otherwise, she would have walked in directly, so why bother to come out now?" Xuan Tianji looked at the two of them. Can't help but smile.

Midnight's face changed suddenly, and he shouted, "Shut up!"

The barrier's aperture also oscillated violently as her mood fluctuated, and another circle of the palace's brilliance shone, and the barrier was in a daze.

Midnight's face was extremely pale, and finally couldn't hold it up, she was shattered by Shenhui's barrier and washed away on her.

But that Shenhui seemed to have only suppressing power, not attack power. Midnight was only exhausted in an instant. After being swept by Shenhui, he turned a few times in the air and was directly pushed back to his original position.

Midnight Qi's chest was about to burst, but there was nothing to do.

Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan were taken aback again, the power of this treasure hall was far beyond their imagination.

The two looked at each other and saw that Midnight did not have the ability to come out, and then they put the sword away.

Yang Qingxuan, Ziyuan, and Shi Yuyan, the three of them stood on the floating island. They didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Xi Da opened his eyes with a smile, his eyes fell on Yang Qingxuan kindly, and asked: "Before in the road of hell, I asked you to get the key from the ghost king. I wonder if you got it?"

Yang Qingxuan took out the key, held it in his hand and showed it out, saying, "Mr. Xi Da is talking about this one?"

Xi Da's pupils shrank, and he, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't help being a little excited, and said repeatedly: "This is this handle, this is this handle, it should be this handle, haha, I didn't think you actually got it."

Yang Qingxuan wondered: "What's the use of this key?"

He took it in his hand and weighed it a few times. The material of the key was neither gold nor jade, nor did he know what it was made of.

Xi Da hey said: "This key is the key to opening this inner temple. Only this key can break the universe and establish a magical lotus formation."

There were more than thirty people in the array, all of them trembling, their eyes all fell on the key, bursting with excitement. I originally thought that I didn't know how long I would be sleepy, but when I didn't expect it, the dawn appeared.

Midnight was even more stunned, and his gloomy face looked a little better.

Yang Qingxuan did not expect that this key is so important. He pondered and asked, "Mr. Xi Da, how should this key be used?"

Xi Dadao: "I only saw the record of Yinwu Temple from ancient books. I didn't expect this key to really exist. It records a set of usage methods. Please remember it."

At the moment, Grandmaster Xi explained the method.

Yang Qingxuan listened for a while and nodded: "I will."

Everyone was in ecstasy, all excited.

Riyu was even more impatient, and urged: "The way is very simple, boy, quickly solve this big array!"

Yang Qingxuan glanced at him and said, "If you don't have a key, no one can break this great formation forever, right?"

Xi Da nodded and said, "Yes."

Ri Yu frowned and said, "Do you want to use this as a threat to talk about the benefits with us?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then sighed again, saying, "Miss Poem, Master Mo Ting, Master Hongyuan, I'm sorry."

A red fire rose in his hand, directly burning the golden key to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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