Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1122: He comes from the black sea

The audience was shocked, including the purple-robed old man and the gray-robed man.

Yang Qingxuan was very calm, Ye Sheng was the Dark Ye Zuo envoy, and Ye Wusha was the leader of Tu Ye. After so many years, the two of them had accumulated 500 million best spirit stones.

It's just that the purchase of such valuable items purely with spirit stones hasn't happened for a long time.

One is because 500 million top-grade spirit stones cannot be obtained by ordinary people, even if it is a family of sects, it is not a small thing to call 500 million spirit stones out.

The second is that most of the top powers are not willing to accept Lingshi. Because the best things are priceless.

After the venue was quiet for a while, the gray-robed talent said: "Wait a minute." Then he looked into the city and said loudly: "Are any friends willing to exchange it with the top-tier techniques? I am willing to make up the difference."

Obviously Ye Sheng's price made his heart move, but he still wanted to exchange for the top-ranking technique, if not, he would trade with Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng was not in a hurry, put his hands in front of him, and waited quietly.

The Heaven-level Cultivation Method contains the power of the Great Dao, and it must have a very strong medium and power to make it successfully. For example, Yang Qingxuan mastered Ling Shuang Piao Hua Palm, Endless Catastrophe, Heaven Slashing Seven Types, etc., but he couldn't brand his martial skills into the medium for sale.

Unless it is some low-level martial arts, branding is much easier.

"I don't have a top-tier technique, but I want to exchange it with another thing. Your Excellency may be interested."

Yang Qingxuan stood up from his seat, also wearing a mask on his face.

He had turned into a blue-horned bull, and wearing a human skin mask, it was even more impossible to recognize him.

The gray-robed man said coldly: "Except for the top-level cultivation technique of the Human Race, I am not interested in anything else."

Ye Sheng's cold gaze suddenly turned into a mockery.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Don't talk too early, I'm afraid your "Dark Night Xunkong" is not enough."

He stood up, walked straight to the auction floor, and then played a few tricks to completely cover himself and the gray-robed man.

This kind of situation is also common in auction venues, just because someone is afraid that someone will be too powerful and peep some treasures that they don't want to be exposed.


Suddenly, the gray-robed man screamed in horror from the barrier, piercing the air in the entire auction venue. It shocked everyone.

What is it that makes people so gaffe?

Ye Sheng's face changed drastically, his intuition made him feel bad, and he glanced at Ye Wusha, and both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

The enchantment under Yang Qingxuan's cloth dissipated, and the gray-robed man was excited, his eyes almost bursting with light, almost roaring: "What else do you want besides "Dark Night Sky"?!"

Yang Qingxuan's lips moved slightly and said several things.

The gray-robed man wore a bronze mask and couldn't see his expression clearly, but there were two almost substantial rays of light shining from his eyes, flickering.

Ye Sheng said loudly: "My friend, I can still discuss the price here. In addition to the 500 million superb spirit stones, there are many things that can be added. For example, Yinjin Ling, Thunder Claw, Liuli Linghuo, etc."

These things are all rare and exotic treasures, and most of them are produced in the Black Sea, rare on the mainland, and the price is going up on the original basis.

But the gray-robed man did not pay attention to it, as if he hadn't heard, he gestured to Yang Qingxuan a few times, indicating that he did not have something.

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, "When you have collected everything, come to me again. Before the auction ends, I will be in this hall in all directions."

With that, despite the curiosity of everyone's eyes, he returned to his position.

The gray-robed man was a little excited, staring at Yang Qingxuan, as if to eat him. In the end, his gaze narrowed, and he turned and went off the auction floor.

Ye Sheng was still standing in his position, feeling extremely embarrassed.

The purple-clothed old man smiled and said: "A very interesting transaction, and it really made the old man curious. But this friend, you gave up the auction on your own initiative, not that the venue did not sell. The handling fee should still be paid."

The gray robe said humanely: "Don't worry, you won't be bad!"

This auction was just a small episode among many auctions, and soon the auction entered an extremely intense stage.

It's just that in a certain wing room of the Hall of Four Seas and Eight Sides, Zhao Wei whispered: "Yin Jinling, Thunder Claw, Liuli Ling..."

Elder Shang also returned after conveying the task, frowning, and said, "These things are not mainland treasures, they should be produced in the six major waters. Especially the colored glaze spirit brewing flower, which is a specialty of the Black Sea, can improve Taoism. Comprehension is extremely precious. There will be no more than ten in stock in this world, and the value of each one is more than 50 million Supreme Spirit Stones."

Zhao Wei was surprised: "Are these two people... from the Black Sea?"

Elder Shang nodded and said: "It is very possible, otherwise it will be difficult to have the treasures of the Black Sea. And it should be from the Black Sea high-level."

Zhao Wei's face suddenly looked a little ugly, even with a hint of paleness, and he said in a deep voice: "The Black Sea battle, Gu Yao Fuzhu, where is unknown after the night, and the top of Haitianya also collapsed in all directions. Could these two people be Haitianya? The high-levels of Haitianya? It would be fine if it were the high-levels of Haitianya. But Ade...what does it mean to follow them?"

Old Shang was stunned, and said, "Did the son think of something?"

Zhao Wei took a deep breath and said, "I seem to think of something in my mind, but I can't always catch it. It's like I've touched the surface, but I can't grasp the point. I always feel that there is something important, but I can't grasp it. live."

The veteran Shang said: "The son's resourcefulness is the best in the world, he will definitely come up with it."

Zhao Wei shook his head and said: "You don't have to flatter me. Although I am not a stupid person, but in terms of intelligence, I am not ranked in the Central World. At least one thing is certain now. There must be this Ade. The sacred artifact, and the conditions he used to trade just now, are most likely the sacred artifact. Otherwise, the gray-robed man will not be so gagged. And this Ade must also be related to the Black Sea and even the Dark Night clan."

After finishing talking, Zhao Wei was stunned, and stayed in a daze, his face turned pale, and he cried out: "This Ad...Black Sea...Dark Night...He won't be..."

Immediately, the gloomy expression recovered, and he repeatedly shook his head and said, "No, never. This Ade is 100% of the monster race. Even if he can cover his appearance, my martial soul listens to Wanlai, he will never I heard it wrong."

But for some reason, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Elder Shang was stunned for a short time, then he reacted, and said with a wry smile: "If it's that person, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

Zhao Wei said: "That person shakes the world, and the top experts in the entire star field are looking for him. Although it is a great opportunity, it is also a great risk. If Adelaide is really Yang Qingxuan, we must avoid it. , I can't provoke it! But fortunately he is not, my martial soul can't get it wrong!"

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