Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1123: The saddest thing in the world

Naturally, Yang Qingxuan did not know that he had attracted Zhao Wei's great attention. Soon after returning to their seats, Ye Sheng and Ye Wusha walked over and sat down directly on both sides of him, sandwiching him in the middle.

"Friend, I think we need to get to know each other." Ye Wusha said first.

Yang Qingxuan was secretly funny, saying: We have known each other for a long time.

Under his bronze mask, he let out a cold snort and gave them a little gesture first.

In fact, he was also very curious about the secret method of "Dark Night Xunkong" that would make the two care so much.

Although Ye Sheng and Ye Wusha are rampant in the Black Sea, after all, this is the Central World, and it is in the top auction, and the two dare not mess around.

Even if they sat down at Yang Qingxuan's side at will, the two immediately noticed that a powerful aura had penetrated from the void, and directly locked them in.

Ye Sheng changed his face and returned to normal, and said in a low voice, "My friend, don't do everything too much. Give us a little space and the conditions are easy to talk about."

Yang Qingxuan said, "What do you mean by'space'?"

Ye Sheng said: "I don't know why my friend is interested in "Dark Night Xunkong". Is it possible that my friend is also from the Dark Night clan?"

When Ye Sheng spoke, he kept staring at Yang Qingxuan's eyes, but was disappointed and didn't see any clues.

Ye Sheng continued: "Then "Dark Night Xun Sky" can be comprehended by several people at the same time. If a friend takes the photo, please borrow it for both of me. We are willing to give some spirit stones."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Yes."

Ye Sheng and Ye Wusha were overjoyed, but before they were happy for long, they heard Yang Qingxuan say: "One person has 500 million superb spirit stones."

"Crack, click."

The four fists of the two men sounded at the same time.

If it wasn't for venue restrictions, I'm afraid that there has been a violent murder!

Ye Wucha said coldly: "Your Excellency knows what the saddest thing is in the world?"

Yang Qingxuan asked in surprise: "What is it?"

Ye Wucha said: "There are spirit stones, but life is gone!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Wrong. The most tragic thing in the world is that the spirit stone is still there, but "Dark Night Xunkong" is gone."

Ye Wusha furiously said: "You...!" The momentum on his body burst out with anger.

In an instant, over a dozen powerful gods locked him in the sky over the auction venue. There was even a strong pressure penetrating the void, like the fierce light of a beast, staring at Ye Wusha.

Ye Sheng shook his head slightly and motioned him not to act rashly.

Ye Wucha himself also turned pale, and if he had just raged, he was afraid that the overwhelming terrible attack would have crushed him.

Ye Wucha's face was sullen, and the whole body's aura was reduced. Then, there were more than ten auras in the void.

Yang Qingxuan stood up, turned around and left, "I won't play with you anymore. If you want to watch "Dark Night Xunkong", one person will have 500 million superb spirit stones, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

In the sneer, just wandered away.

In the center of the Hall of Four Seas and Eight Directions, a huge square is also crowded.

In addition to the huge screen at the top where you can watch the auction scene, there are also two big chambers of commerce stores in Sihai and Fengyin, where people come and go, and there is a constant flow of people.

Because Yang Qingxuan appeared on the auction stage in the third district, and his identity as a monster clan, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Yang Qingxuan observed the stores of the two chambers of commerce in Xiasihai and Fengyin, and then walked straight into the Fengyin Chamber of Commerce.

For some reason, he was always jealous of Zhao Wei.

In addition, he couldn't recommend him to see the king of the strong demon cow clan, so he avoided it in his heart.

"Is there an appraiser here? I have something to appraise."

The Chamber of Commerce originally arranged a large number of welcome ladies, but there were too many people to be too busy. Yang Qingxuan directly approached a buddy to inquire.

"Some and some."

The guy hurriedly turned his head and asked enthusiastically, "What do you want to appraise, an adult? The prices are different for items of different levels. Unpopular items are more expensive."

Yang Qingxuan said, "I want to identify a piece of jade pendant."

The man said: "This is considered unpopular. First hand in a hundred top-grade spiritual stones. After the master appraiser has seen it, if it is a treasure, the master will naturally taste it, and at the same time, he will also pay a certain amount of spiritual stones."

Yang Qingxuan took out one hundred top-quality spirit stones, handed them over, and said, "The jade pendant I want to identify has no physical objects, only rubbings. I wonder if it is feasible?"

"Only rubbings?" The guy was stunned and said: "You will give me rubbings, and I will ask. However, if the master appraiser reads it, the hundred best spirit stones will be gone."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Naturally." He pushed the spirit stone from the cabinet, and at the same time took out a piece of rice paper with the rubbing of the jade pendant on it, and all six sides of the jade were printed on it.

The dude looked down and frowned slightly. He has also been in the Fengyin Chamber of Commerce for a long time, and has a certain appreciation for objects. The rubbings of this piece of jade are really mediocre, just a piece of ordinary jade at all!

But since the customer paid the money, he naturally had to go through the process and show it to the master appraiser.

The man asked Yang Qingxuan to wait a while before getting into the back of the shop.

This is just a few hours away.

Yang Qingxuan was not impatient, standing there, eating the smoky crystals, and when he turned his hand, he took the smoky crystals and stuffed it into his mouth, and then ate the smoky crystals at an extremely fast speed, and no one could see what he was eating.

I just feel curious and can't help but look at it more.

Finally, the guy came out from behind, with a very strange expression on his face, looked up and down Yang Qingxuan, as if re-examining him, then clasped his fists in both hands, and said respectfully: "This lord, please come inside."

Yang Qingxuan let out an "um", then stopped eating Mojing, and walked straight behind the Chamber of Commerce.

An ardent hope arose in him, knowing that there must be a show.

If the guy goes, he will come out, I'm afraid that the one hundred top-quality spirit stones will be washed away. After going there for so long, I can tell from the attitude of that guy after he came out, there must be a master appraiser that recognized the jade pendant!

Yang Qingxuan was inexplicably excited, and even walking in front, his fingers trembled slightly.

This jade pendant was left by Yang Zhao, and it is closely related to his own life experience. As long as someone recognizes it, he can follow the vine and dig out everything behind it.

He didn't go far before he came to a synagogue.

The Hall of Four Seas and Eight Sides is very huge. In addition to the central square and the five auction areas, there are various exquisite architectural designs embedded in it.

The guy came to the hall and became very cautious. He bowed and made a please gesture, saying: "My lord, Master Hongyuan is waiting inside."

"Hongyuan?" Yang Qingxuan had never heard of it, but he could tell from the attitude of his fellow that he must be an extraordinary person. He nodded and walked straight into the hall, pushing his hands and the door opened.

//There is only one change today. Three shifts will resume tomorrow. I originally wanted to resume on the 30th, but there was only one watch on both occasions. I was ashamed, so I resumed tomorrow.

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