Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1194: Classmates in the past, fighting each other

The screams in the distance soon disappeared.

There was a sound of falling leaves in the world, and the disciples of Daluo Xianshan were all pale and trembling, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Even Yuyan, a large cold sweat rolled off his forehead, and his robe was already soaked.

Suddenly, a disciple from Daluo Xianshan screamed, "Help!"

Lu Yifan appeared in front of him at some point, his body swayed, his pale hand stretched out and grabbed the disciple's head.

The disciple was so frightened that he couldn't move, Dao Xin collapsed, and he cried out.

"Jiang Yuchen, hide away!"

You Yan shouted, the wings condensed by the soul light behind his back were excited to the extreme, he slammed his battle axe high, and slashed again.

However, his speed is not fast, and he is not in a hurry to rescue him.

And even if he rushed forward, could he really save Jiang Yuchen?

You Yan felt bitter in his heart and secretly said: Today Daluo Xianshan will be completely planted here.

Missing, I saw Lu Yifan's hand stopped, half a foot in front of Jiang Yuchen, stopped for some reason.

Lu Yifan retracted his hand, but turned his palm into a knife lightly, and patted horizontally in the direction where Youyan flew.

A sharp ray of light, as the palm of the knife cut the space, slammed on Youyan's axe, smashing the huge axe to pieces, and Youyan also spouted blood and flew out.

An idea came to mind: How could it be so strong? !

"Brother You Yan!"

"Brother Jiang Yuchen!"

The voices of two women came out of thin air, "Are you all right!"

Hua Ling Huaqing suddenly appeared, and hurriedly helped the two of them leave the battlefield and flew far away.

Lu Yifan didn't chase him either. After taking a palm, he stood with his hand held up, frowning on that pale face.

The other disciples of Daluo Xianshan didn't dare to escape. Seeing that Hua Qing Hualing took You Yan and Jiang Yuchen for a few miles, they became bold and hurried over.

In shock, You Yan said, "Huaqing Hualing, why are you here?"

Hua Qing said: "I have been with my friend. Seeing this evil star appeared, I asked my friend to quickly take action. Brother Ling Fei fell too fast before, and my friend is in no hurry to rescue him."

"your friend?"

The disciples of Daluo Xianshan were all taken aback.

They are naturally clear about the identities of the two sisters. Before Cang Qiong Lunwu, Hua Xin specially asked them to take care of the two sisters. If there are any friends who can shock the evil star, do they still need to take care of it?

You Yan looked over in astonishment, only to discover that in front of the evil star, a slender figure appeared with a blue tooth ghost face.

Yang Qingxuan and Lu Yifan, the pair of former classmates, met again at another time and in another place.

It's just that Lu Yifan's eyes are full of confusion, and he doesn't seem to recognize Yang Qingxuan.

Lu Yifan stared at Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and the wrinkles between his brows deepened. Those eyes gave him a very familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember it.

Lu Yifan let out a low roar, his face showing pain.

Yang Qingxuan whispered: "Lu Yifan."

The name seemed extremely sensitive, and it immediately touched Lu Yifan's nerves. The Leng Sha's eyes suddenly opened, and they were covered with bloodshot eyes.


Lu Yifan yelled and slapped Yang Qingxuan!


Under the palm of the hand, countless fine palm prints stretched and swelled, stimulating the power of the surrounding space, and all of them collapsed within a radius of hundreds of meters, and they were all concentrated in this palm!

"So strong!"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, Lu Yifan's palm didn't have any fancy, it was completely based on his true essence, and he was not in the late stage of Emperor Heaven!

"Is he the emperor's great perfection?!"

Yang Qingxuan was startled, Gu didn't think much, immediately transformed into a waste body, quickly pinched the formula with both hands, and slammed up!

"The Eight Desolations Are Nothing!"


The palms rushed into each other, and countless tearing winds shot in all directions, and the two of them had a range of thousands of meters, and it turned into a vacuum.

The strong vigor is unabated, and at the same time it rises into the sky, forming a strong light.

The few people in Daluo Xianshan in the distance were shocked.

Yang Qingxuan was even more shocked in his heart. He who had transformed into a waste body was already the physical body of the Great Perfection of Heaven, and if he went up further, it was the ancient star body of the gods and wildness in the waste clan.

On Lu Yifan's arm and palm, there was a faint soul light, like armor.

"Martial Soul?"

A strange feeling flashed in Yang Qingxuan's heart. In Tian Cong Academy for several years, he never knew what Lu Yifan's martial spirit was. Even participating in the Five Nations Grand Tournament together and experiencing life and death together in Xiaohuaguo Mountain, they had never seen each other. Wuhun.

"Come again!"

Yang Qingxuan yelled, suddenly retracted his hands, and punched again, "Lore, King Fist!"

It was precisely the moves recorded in the memory of Qiancheng Jue's martial arts, Yang Qingxuan showed it, his arms swelled several times, and his boxing strength shuddered like a pagoda!

The golden light in his eyes was staring at Lu Yifan. After seeing that soul light began to possess his body, he immediately pinched his left hand, the sword light on the center of his eyebrows flickered, and the magic sky and earth appeared behind him, and his soul power was like a tide, and he rushed over!

"Wuhun suppression!"

Lu Yifan's face showed a look of consternation, his whole body's spirit power seemed to have been greatly suppressed, but only for an instant, that suppression was broken by his spirit power, and a soul armor was condensed on his arm again!


Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and since he learned how to suppress martial arts, he has never failed!


Lu Yifan blasted out another punch, and the two fists collided with terrible energy, and each was shaken back.

Up to this moment, Yang Qingxuan had been able to determine that Lu Yifan's cultivation was completed in the emperor's heaven, and he was even close to the realm infinitely.

Because the martial artist can crush Qi repairs of the same level, and Lu Yifan drew with him, it can be seen that he has crossed the emperor's heaven and Dzogchen, and it is probably a thin line from the Dao realm.

"How does he practice?"

Yang Qingxuan was so shocked that he had gone through a life of nine deaths and how many chances he rushed to the late emperor's throne.

It's just that Lu Yifan's face, demeanor, and breath have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the story about him may not be less than that of himself.

After hitting two punches in a row, they all returned without success. Lu Yifan seemed to calm down, hovering in the air, staring at Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan smiled lightly, patted the dust on his body, and said, "Old classmate, don't come here without problems."

It seemed that the three words "old classmate" stimulated him again, Lu Yifan's pupils opened violently, and he let out a loud roar of "Ah", and a terrible soul light burst out with a "boom" in his body.

The soul light is a clear black and purple color, containing an infinite starry sky, and gorgeous galaxies exist inside.

Under the flow, a huge beast appeared. It looks like a panther with three tails. Black hole-like eyes fixed on Yang Qingxuan, and let out a manic cry.

"this is……"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked. This was the first time he saw Lu Yifan's martial arts spirit, and he couldn't expect it to be so extraordinary.

"Swallowing the starry sky! This is the same as your Supreme Profound Sword Tomb, the swallowing starry sky known as one of the ten most powerful martial arts!"

Ning Jiazi's horrified cry came from Yang Qingxuan's ear.

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