Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1195: Swallow the starry sky and never go back

"The ten most powerful martial arts... devour the starry sky..."

Yang Qingxuan's face was dull, he was carrying two powerful martial arts souls, and he naturally knew what "swallowing the stars" was.

That is a martial soul that cannot grow on its own, and must be transformed into its own power by swallowing foreign martial souls. The growth of this kind of martial soul is through continuous swallowing, and it will never be forbidden.

Ning Jiazi said: "I understand what's going on with your classmate. It must have swallowed too much martial arts, so I swallowed the main body, making it look like this unconsciousness now."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise, "What should I do?"

Ning Jiazi said hey: "I don't know what to do. I just recognize the Xeon Wuhun. No wonder he keeps killing people because it turns out to be to devour the Wuhun."

There was a chill in Yang Qingxuan's heart, how many people did Lu Yifan kill?

Ning Jiazi seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and said coldly: "The emperor's highest position, tusk, this martial arts soul can't be counted. But this is the strongest martial arts soul, sacrifice is inevitable! Those countless ones The bones are the steps for this martial soul to climb to the top!"

Yang Qingxuan kept a sullen face, floating quietly in the air, looking at the terrifying martial soul raging in the sky.

Lu Yifan's complexion seemed to have become much calmer, and some humanity gradually recovered in the cold eyes.

Lu Yifan looked at Yang Qingxuan and suddenly smiled.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback and said anxiously: "Lu Yifan, are you sober?"

Lu Yifan nodded, and there was some sparkle in his smiling eyes.

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed and said, "It's great!" He wanted to fly forward.

Lu Yifan suddenly shouted: "Don't come here!"

He stretched out his hand, and a piece of soul power surged out like a sea, turning into a bronze wall.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked by the spirit power, and returned to his original position, and said in surprise: "What are you doing?!"

Lu Yifan did not answer, his face was full of infinite nostalgia, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

"In Xiaohuaguo Mountain back then, under the shock, I thought I was dead. Who knew the crisis, Fu Zhuo used his power to cut space and cut us all off. Even so, I couldn't be better. I hoped to survive, but I didn’t even dream of it. I survived. And I can see you in my lifetime."

Yang Qingxuan said, "It turned out to be Fu Zhuo. What about Fu Zhuo?"

Lu Yifan shook his head and said, "As soon as I entered the void, I was separated from Fu Zhuo."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Then how did you live these years, and where did you cultivate? How can you become so... bloodthirsty?"

"Herish? Hahahaha."

Lu Yifan laughed wildly, something crystal clear in his eyes, floating out.

Yang Qingxuan's heart shuddered, as if he could feel the heaviness in Lu Yifan's heart.

He said: "Lu Yifan, let me go back. Everyone in Tian Cong Academy is still there, Master Dean is still there, Elder Lu is still there, and Ivy and She are still there."

Lu Yifan shook his whole body and tremblingly said: "Ivy..."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and said: "After leaving the canyon, I will take you to see everyone."

"No! I'm not going!"

Lu Yifan roared as hard as he could, his face began to become ugly, his eyes filled with gloomy chills, "Friends of classmates, use this trick to draw a successful conclusion! From then on, I will never be Lu Yifan again. Now, everything in the past has nothing to do with me! Everyone, I won’t go to see you either!"

Lu Yifan stared at Yang Qingxuan ferociously, his teeth "click" loudly, "Because... I can't go back!"

The soul light behind him continued to blend with him, and finally was covered with a layer of black armor-like soul light, with a cold light on it, a faint star, and three leopard tails behind it.

His eyes were gradually dyed with the color of madness, his hands bent into claws, the sharp claws on his helmet flashed with cold light, the strong storm power was engulfed in his hands, and eventually expanded into a galaxy-like vortex, and one claw was snapped madly.

"Xinghan is brilliant!"

The claws cut through the sky, and the trailing shadows turned into a galaxy, in which the stars were bright and magnificent.

As if to penetrate the whole world and smash it down.

There was pain in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and then he shook hands into a fist, the endless purple flame gushing out, instantly putting thousands of miles of space into the sea of ​​fire.

"Endless catastrophe!"

A fist struck out fiercely, everything was burned wherever the fist wind passed.


The fists meet, as if the galaxy plunged into the sea of ​​fire, and like endless purple flames rushing through the galaxy.

This is the sea of ​​stars like purgatory.

After being immersed for a while, the terrifying might exploded, spreading around and covering the world instantly. The space shattered and shook, Wanli turned into nothingness, and both of them were swallowed by the aftermath that swallowed the sky and the earth.

The disciples of Daluo Immortal Mountain looked shocked. Could the terrifying power in front of him be able to do it?

You Yan clenched his hands tightly and pinched all his fingers into the flesh.

As the proud son of heaven, the leader of the younger generation of Daluo Xianshan fled like a refugee, leaving the battlefield to others.

For him, this is a great Taoist impact.

Hua Qing only felt a little dizzy in front of him, covering his mouth with both hands, looking forward in horror.

Originally thought that Big Brother Qingxuan would definitely be able to capture this evil star with ease. Just like the children of the previous sect family, as long as Big Brother Qingxuan makes a move, everything will be captured.

But I never dreamed that this evil star was so terrible, with her cultivation base, even the aftermath of the two battles could not rush in.

Hua Ling patted her shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, he will be fine."

In fact, isn't Hua Ling comforting himself?

The eyes looking into the catastrophe were full of worry.

"Sister Huaqing, your friend... who is it?"

Jiang Yuchen asked tremblingly.

Thinking of entering the canyon, I patted my chest and promised that as long as I was there, I could ensure that the two sisters were in good condition, and blushed and ashamed suddenly.

Just when everyone was worried, a slender figure slowly appeared in the afterglow of the catastrophe, and walked out.


Everyone felt a great deal of pressure, and under the terrifying purple fire afterglow, they couldn't see the person's true face at all. If it is that evil star...

The disciples of Daluo Xianshan turned pale and couldn't help but step back.


The figure gradually appeared, Hua Qing saw the person's true face clearly, and couldn't help yelling in excitement, but he was suddenly alert and hurriedly covered his mouth after exhaling a word.

Hua Ling also sighed abruptly, smiling away, and said: "Look, I'll be fine after I said!"

When the disciples of Daluo Xianshan saw that the green tooth ghost face came, they were also relieved and couldn't help but smile happily.

You Yan hurriedly stepped forward, clasped her fist and said, "Thank you for your help, I am grateful for it!"

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