Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1196: Both loser, Yuankui appears

Yang Qingxuan's expression was a little lonely, and he waved his hand and said, "Not enough."

You Yan smiled, and said: "How can you not be enough to save your life? I don't know the evil star..."

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "He's gone."

You Yan's heart jumped violently, and the evil star hadn't died, they still might encounter them, and all the disciples of Daluo Xianshan didn't look good.

Yang Qingxuan seemed unwilling to say more, saying: "You go, we are also gone."

With that, he waved to the Hua sisters and left.

You Yan's eyes turned and hurriedly said: "Friends, please stay! Don't dare to forget your life-saving grace, I happen to have a Xuanlong Pill here as a meager reward."

Yang Qingxuan was about to leave, and when he heard that there was a spinning dragon pill, he immediately stopped and said, "How embarrassed is this?"

But there was a greedy look in his eyes, and he didn't look embarrassed at all.

You Yan smiled bitterly, Xuanlong Pill, anyone who saw it would want it. It was hard for me, and with great luck, I got one.

After giving the Xuanlong Pill to Yang Qingxuan, You Yan said again: "The father of the two younger sisters Hua Ling Huaqing told us to take good care of the two younger sisters. Now that we are together, naturally we cannot be separated. Where are the two younger sisters going? , We will follow."

"Yes, yes, what Brother You said is extremely true. Wherever the two senior sisters go, we will follow." The other disciples immediately understood the meaning, and all agreed with smiles.

Why didn't Hua Ling Huaqing understand that they were afraid of encountering that evil star again.

But after all, they were from the same school, and it was not easy to refuse, but looked at Yang Qingxuan as if in consultation.

Yang Qingxuan put the Xuanlong Pill away, without breaking the intentions of a few people, and said: "The person was injured by me just now, and he has recovered some sanity, and will not kill people again. I am used to walking alone. I’m not with you anymore. Hua Ling Huaqing can find the sect, and I am relieved to have you take care of them. Goodbye, everyone."

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to respond, regardless of the screams of the two sisters, it turned into a thunder light that flashed in the air and disappeared.

"Green!...Li Xuan, Brother Li Xuan!"

Hua Qing stomped anxiously, and couldn't help crying, "Don't leave us!"

Hua Ling hugged his sister's shoulders and said: "Silly girl, don't cry. It's not a goodbye. This is still in the sky, the next test is still long, and there is a time for goodbye."

You Yan was also very depressed. He didn't think that a Rotating Dragon Pill could not be exchanged for Yang Qingxuan's stay. He had to sigh: "Let's go quickly, leave this area first, so as not to encounter the evil star again."

The disciples of Daluo Xianshan immediately sacrificed the flying element and flew away quickly.


Yang Qingxuan flew for a while, came to a hillside, and landed.

His face suddenly turned pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Dao Jing! Unexpectedly, after Lu Yifan releases his martial soul, he will have the power of Dao Jing!"

With the blow just now, Zi Yan traumatized the opponent, and he himself was severely injured by Lu Yifan.

This is why he kept Hua Qing Hua Ling among the disciples of Daluo.

At this moment, he was seriously injured. If something happens, he will be unable to protect himself, and he will be unable to take care of the two daughters of Hua Ling and Hua Qing.

Yang Qingxuan ran on the hillside for a while, and finally got tired and sat down cross-legged. Take out various healing pills and swallow them one by one.

The side effect of taking too much pill is that the efficacy of the medicine becomes lower.

Yang Qingxuan looked for a mountain col, shook the ground directly, opened up a space, and then hid in.

And set out the Wuji Xinghuang Banner.

At the same time, sacrifice the puppet of the Taoist realm, Abao, the panda, and let it hide in a rock to protect himself.

After doing all this, he took out the Xuanlong Pill and swallowed it in his stomach.

Started to run the Wujing, recuperate and rejuvenate.

Rotating the dragon pill, the familiar magnificent sense of strength emerged in the dantian, and then walked around the whole body.

The dragon gas was swallowed clean by him, merged into the body, uncomfortably comfortable, and it seemed that most of the injuries healed on their own.

Yang Qingxuan practiced quietly, completely isolated from the outside world.

The enchantment of Wuji Apricot and Yellow Banner was hidden, and no breath could be transmitted.

But he can look at the outside world clearly through the eyes of panda Abao.

From time to time, warriors flew around in the air and did not stop.

The day shifts and the month changes, and time passes a little bit.

Up to this moment, there are more than 7,000 people shown on the jade pendant, and Yang Qingxuan estimates that it will be over in half a month.

A canyon mixed game, I don't know how many geniuses were ruined.

The following competition is not sure how dangerous.

Wu Qiyue's figure appeared in Yang Qingxuan's mind. After many years, the figure was not blurred, but became clearer.

"In any case, I must get first!"

Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath, suppressed his inner emotions, and devoted himself to cultivation.

A few days later, the injury in his body finally healed seven to eight points.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes and let out a soft surprise.

Through the eyes of panda Abao, he saw two rays of light flying in front and back, seeming to be chasing each other.

The escape light in front was very anxious, and it seemed that he was injured. Yang Qingxuan actually knew the person in the escape light behind, who was Yuan Kui.

Both of them wore the same clothes, and they were obviously disciples of Zhan Lingzong.

And Yang Qingxuan remembered the person in front of him, who seemed to be the leader of Zhan Lingzong, named Fu Hong.


Fu Hongfei fell down, shaking up a piece of flying sand and rock, turning the cold sword in his hand and stab Yuan Kui behind him!

"Heh, knowing that there is no escape, so do you obediently die?"

Yuan Kui's figure emerged, and under a sneer, a terrible force rose from him, and a crimson beast appeared behind him, and he shot it forward!


The sword energy was under the claws of the beast, and it was instantly broken.

Yuan Kui roared even more, endless energy roared from his body, clenching his right hand and blasting to the ground!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A chain of pearls shattered and shook past, rushing red lights.

Fu Hong's face was angry, and the sword power shook again, the space shook slightly, and countless mighty powers gathered and fell on the sword, transforming into a long rainbow to strike out!


The fists and swords collided, and Fu Hong stepped back, spouting blood.

Yuan Kui stood in place, just waved his sleeves, the light of the martial soul suddenly appeared, and took away all the aftermath without any harm.

Yuan Kui smiled indifferently: "Hehe, the trapped beast is still fighting, why bother?"

Fu Hong was frightened and said: "It's gluttony! Your beast contains gluttonous power! Damn it, you found it and swallowed it!"

Yang Qingxuan was also very surprised. Yuan Kui's strength was indeed a lot stronger. Although he was still in the early stage of the emperor's position, the power of the beast seemed to reach the latter stage.

He was feeling strange, it turned out that he had swallowed the gluttonous alien.

Taotie is also one of the true dragons, just like the candle dragons I have seen back then, they are all dragons.

//A reader asks: What is the difference between the dragon clan in "Everlasting Supreme" and "Tian Shen Jue"? Tonight, Weibo (Taiyishengshui), WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss) tweeted answers at the same time-"I am Long Aotian! 》

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