Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1224: But the rats, how dare to be presumptuous

"Huh, junior, we think that your cultivation is not easy, and you can't bear to kill you. As long as you give up resistance and follow us, you may still survive."

A cold voice came from behind, also revealing the vicissitudes of life, and he was also an old man.

Yang Qingxuan calmed down and said sarcastically: "I've been alive and well, why should I go with you? Who are you?"

The voice behind him fell silent, and he said, "Old man Ye Hong."

The old man who took the shot just now said coldly: "This seat is steady!"

Yang Qingxuan's pupils constricted slightly, and said: "Ye Hong?" He immediately understood, and suddenly said: "You asked the people from Daluo Immortal Mountain to go, it turned out to be to deal with me."

In the void behind Yang Qingxuan a hundred feet away, an old man slowly emerged with a calm complexion and cloudy eyes, "Since you already know, do you choose to continue resisting, or to catch with your hands? Seriously, your combat power is beyond me And the expectation of Brother Zhenran."

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "If it is not, I am afraid that the old thing will be crushed by this old thing as soon as I enter."

Bu Zheng was furious, his chest undulating severely.

Ye Hong said calmly: "There is no way, who told you to kill Mao Xiaoshan, the first genius student of the Mao family in the Doomsday Canyon."

Only then did Yang Qingxuan understand.

Bu Zhengran said viciously: "The Mao family paid a great gift to buy your head!"

Ye Hongqing frowned, and said kindly: "As long as you give up resistance and go with us, with the friendship between the two of us and the Mao family, we can say good things for you, it will not be difficult to save your life."

Bu Zhengran also changed his tone suddenly, and said, "Yes, if you kill the Mao family disciple, it must be an endless situation. Even if you can escape this time, can you avoid it next time? You should know how powerful the technique is. At that time, not only will you suffer, but your relatives and teachers will also suffer. Why is this?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "What you said makes sense."

Ye Hong and Bu Zhengran were both overjoyed, thinking they moved him.

After all, Yang Qingxuan's strength lies there, and it is very difficult to force suppression. Although there are a lot of enchantments around it to prevent the fluctuations from spreading, but maybe there is a mistake and it is found by the people of the star palace, it will be a big trouble.

Yang Qingxuan said again: "It's just that you can talk to the Mao family and let me go. You take yourself too seriously, right? I didn't even put you in my eyes. The Mao family is a twenty-four family. One, will put you in the eyes? Hehe, using yourself as a green onion will really lift yourself up."

"Ah, **** it!"

This time not only was Bu Zheng exploded, but even Ye Hong was somber-faced and furious, "Since you chose to die, you can't blame...Ah, **** it!..."

Ye Hong realized that he hadn't finished speaking, Yang Qingxuan had already moved, one step away from the end of the world, and directly to Bu Zhengran's side, Ling Shuangpiao patted it with his palm.

A large number of purple fires appeared around Buzheng, reunited.

Yang Qingxuan's palms are like frosty flowers blooming, chic and elegant, without a trace in a short time, as if photographed from all directions.

And under the palm of the wind, Zi Yan jumped, if the poisonous snakes stared at him and swallowed the letter, it would give him an extremely dangerous breath.

The step was horrified, turned around and stepped on a set of void steps, trying to dodge these purple flames.

At this time, a terrible breath suddenly emerged without any warning in Bu Zheng's heart. I saw a fat shadow looming in the void, and he pointed a finger.

"Great compassion!"

In panic, he hurriedly made a move and patted the ghost.

Yang Qingxuan held his five fingers together, and all the purple fires gathered and turned into a huge frost flower, which fell in the air.


The three forces blasted together, bursting out terrible waves, but they pushed in one direction and swallowed the steps!

"Oh no--"

Bu Zhengran withstood the combined blow of Yang Qingxuan and A Bao, and spit out a spit of blood, and a large purple fire directly penetrated into the body, burning the meridians and internal organs.

In the previous confrontation with Yang Qingxuan, he suppressed the shock for the sake of face, causing the body to be injured. At this moment, a large part of the wound was torn in the body, and it was painful.

Ye Hong was horrified. He didn't expect Yang Qingxuan to make such a decisive and cruel move. He roared, "Zhuzi Xiu is going to be fierce!" He burst out.

But a golden light flickered, Ye Hong's pupils suddenly opened, and he saw a huge golden lotus, blooming leaves, swaying a lot of spiritual energy.

"this is……"

Ye Hong was startled, and suddenly the lotus flower swayed, and a massive mental attack surged directly into his mind.


Ye Hong couldn't defend himself, and was successfully attacked by Chiwei Magic pupil with mental power. Shikai was raged by a mental storm, desperately clutching his head.

The huge golden body of Akao's Phantom Eyes emerged from the air, and golden ripples continuously shot out from his eyes, completely suppressing Ye Hong.

This was the first battle after signing the contract with Yang Qingxuan. In order to leave a good impression on the owner, he exerted his best efforts, and the endless waves of mental attacks shattered Ye Hong's consciousness.

Then Chiwei Phantom pupil "hissed" and rushed up, rolled Ye Hong up with his body, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

When Buzheng saw this, he frightened Petrochemical on the spot.

After he was attacked by Yang Qingxuan and A Bao, he was immediately on the verge of life and death, and he was counting on Ye Hong to come to rescue him. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the scene of Ye Hong being eaten. The whole person was completely dull, and his mind was blank.

He and Ye Hong are the only two Dao realm experts in Tianjue City. How many years of cultivation did they step into Dao Realm under the accumulation of various resources and opportunities.

This is the first time the two have stepped into the Dao Realm, and they are still working together. They were completely crushed by an unknown young man without two tricks?

Bu Zhengran was already in a daze, but felt that the world was a bit unreal and too fake.

But the sting of purple fire on his body made him wake up in an instant.

It was just that Yang Qingxuan and A Bao once again hit him, smashing him, who had completely lost his resistance.

After killing the two, Yang Qingxuan recalled Abao and Akao to the star ring.

He himself was quite surprised, even if it was the peak of the heavenly position, there was a gulf from the beginning of the Dao Realm, which was almost insurmountable.

He actually obliterated two Dao realms so easily, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Little did he know that he himself had been fighting all the way from the battlefield of life and death, but Bu Zhenran and Ye Hong had been in retreat for many years. Although his realm was up, his combat power was obviously lacking.

Together with Akao and Abao's help, it is easy to solve them in two or two ways.

//Some readers asked, why would the emperor be jealous if Yang Qingxuan won the championship, wouldn't he even kill him? Today at 22:00, Weibo (Taiyisheng Water), WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss) will answer in detail.

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