Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1225: Team pig, do you want to die?

After killing Bu Zhengran and Ye Hong, Yang Qingxuan began to observe the surroundings, and it was indeed locked by layers of barriers.

When I came in, I was careless. These barriers were completely hidden in the void, and then they were stimulated at the same time, forming a very strong blockade.

But this is also shooting himself in the foot.

Yang Qingxuan blasted into the void with a fist, and there was a loud noise, which was the sound of banging and breaking.

Then there was another punch, and then another punch.

After hitting hundreds of punches in all directions, all the barriers were shattered and restored to the real world.

The secret room built by the Daluo Chamber of Commerce has been destroyed once, and even the remaining bricks and tiles are invisible, completely turned into powder.

"Huh, Mao Family, it's not just Mao Xiaoshan who will die now!"

Yang Qingxuan walked away.


In the underground exchange, the old man listened to the latest information, his mouth raised slightly, and said, "Are Bu Zhenran and Ye Hong really cleaned up? Tsk Tsk, this Li Xuan seems to be a candidate who can squeeze into the top ten. As long as the luck is not too bad, it shouldn't be a big problem to bring that person to the promotion. It's just that he completely offends the Mao Family, is he really not worried at all?"

The old man narrowed his smile, his complexion became a bit solemn, as if he was thinking about something.


Three days later, on a square in Tianju City, five thousand people were already ready.

The warriors of the whole city almost rushed over, watching this flourishing age.

In the sky above the city, a colorful auspicious cloud appeared, covering thousands of miles of the sky, exuding clear brilliance.

Countless long plank roads stretched out from the clouds. I don't know where to start or where to lead. Both the beginning and the end are hidden in the void.

It is very similar to the original Yongfeng City, but more magnificent.

The power of the spiritually-transparent device was completely agitated, and the warriors in the city were all sensed, and found that their original devices were trembling and crying.

Yang Qingxuan and Hua Ling Huaqing, as well as Lance, have long been together.

Hua Qing looked at the sky for a while and frowned, "Why hasn't the person who bought the promotion place come yet?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Follow him, if he didn't get in touch, it's the other party's problem. I won't withdraw the five Xuanlong Pills."

Sisters Huaqing nodded.

Lance looked indifferent, it didn't matter to him, and stood aside coldly.

At this time, a high-pitched voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, "The enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield!"

Yang Qingxuan and the others looked over, and saw a fat man wearing a royal blue dress standing in the crowd with a white radish arm held high.

The fat man was white and lovable, and he searched the crowd with his eyes widened by the flesh.

"The enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield, eh, the enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield."

The fat man squeezed away from the crowd, looking around, looking for someone.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the fat man, swept his fiery eyes, and saw the fat man's cultivation level clearly, only in the early stage of the Taitian position.

But compared to Huaqing Hualing, it is much higher.

Moreover, in the early stage of Tai Tianwei, he was mixed into the top five thousand, but he was so-so.

"The enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield, eh, the enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield."

The fat man's voice was getting louder and louder, like a fighting rooster, his eyes eagerly scanned in the crowd.

Suddenly his gaze stopped on a man in purple with a tyrannical aura, and dexterously squeezed the crowd towards him, with a mysterious expression in a low voice: "Brother, the enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield."

The purple-clothed man cast his eyes down and glanced at him, and said contemptuously: "Insane."

After speaking, he walked away with disgust.


The fat man was scolded, and he did not look angry at all, and continued to shout vigorously, "The enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield!"

Hua Qing blushed and whispered: "It's ashamed to be like a fool."

Lance also had an ugly face, and said in a low voice, "Isn't it this fat man?"

The fat man in front of him got closer and closer, his voice was louder and louder, almost attracting the attention of the audience.

Although Yang Qingxuan was wearing a mask, he still felt ashamed, lowered his head and turned around, and said to Hua Ling, "Go and pull him over."

Hua Ling was even more embarrassed and said: "I'm not going. I'm a girl, and I need to point my face."

Yang Qingxuan turned his head and looked at Lance.

Lance's face went dark after "brushing", and he whispered, "I won't go to kill me."

Yang Qingxuan stretched out two fingers, motioned for two jade boxes, and asked, "No more?"


Lance frantically stepped forward and slapped the fat man on the back of the head. Waiting for the fat man to react, dragged him over like a pig.

Yang Qingxuan and the Hua sisters hurriedly dispersed, pretending not to know them.

The fat man was in pain, but looking at Lance's face full of anger, he seemed to feel his strength, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Teammate! You are my teammate, and finally found the team!"

Lance felt that everyone was pointing at them, his face was extremely gloomy, and he said coldly: "Shut up! If you want to pass the level, shut up, otherwise I will kill first as soon as I enter the competition. about you!"

The fat man was startled, and hurriedly covered his mouth and dared not say anything again, but his eyes were still stuck to Lance, and he hugged his thighs and looked reluctant to let go.

The people around knew Lance was the one the fat man was looking for, and couldn't help laughing.

After a while, the crowd's attention became less, and the fat man whispered: "My name is Pan Haixing, your excellency? Why are we the two, and there are others?"

Lance cast a cold look again, "You really want to die!"

The fat man noticed Lance's murderous intent, and immediately fell silent and followed Lance honestly.

Soon, a powerful aura spread in the sky. From within the thick auspicious clouds, a woman walked out slowly. It was Bauhinia, one of the Twelve Heavenly Monarchs. She swept her cold eyes down and said lightly: "Group The members of the team can use the same escape light to enter the spiritual heart. If there is no team, the sacred artifacts will match it for you."

"Is it started? Haha, I've already been waiting for it!"

There was a wild laugh from the crowd, and they saw a flurry of light rising into the sky, wrapped in a group of people with the same clothes, obviously from the same clan.

At this time, the light lasing on the square, like a large expanse of fireworks, is really beautiful.

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand, and a piece of thunder covered the Hua sisters.

Lance grabbed the fat man suddenly and rushed into the light.

Yang Qingxuan pinched the formula again, and the escape light soared into the sky and flew into the brilliance of the bright heart.

"Huh?" Bauhinia, one of the Twelve Heavenly Monarchs, watched indifferently at the many figures flying into the sacred artifact, suddenly his eyes condensed, staring at Yang Qingxuan in a flash of light, her consciousness was actually blocked by the blue tooth ghost. Down.

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