Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1229: There is a tiger in the heart, God blocks and kills God

"Contemporary Emperor?!"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, even Sister Hua Ling Huaqing and Lance pricked their ears to listen.

Yang Qingxuan stared at Pan Haixing and said coldly: "Here is the interior of the spiritually clear mind. I am afraid that it is our behavior and conversation. People in the Star Palace can observe it. If you want to talk about the emperor, are you not afraid of causing trouble?"

"Haha, boss, don't worry."

Pan Haixing patted Yang Qingxuan's arm and said with a smile: "I've already inquired clearly. People in the Star Palace can't monitor the interior of Lingxintong. Their mastery of Lingxintong only has some simple applications."

Yang Qingxuan asked calmly, "Oh? If that's the case, then you are talking about how mysterious is the contemporary Emperor?"


Pan Haixing seemed to be a little worried, and said hesitantly, "The mystery is... uh... very mysterious look... uh..."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly turned his eyes, stared into the distance, and sneered: "Be careful, the enemy is already here!"

He glanced at Pan Haixing again and said, "I am very interested in this question. Think about how to answer me, otherwise I will not ensure your safety."

Pan Haixing was startled, and said hurriedly: "Boss, you have collected money!"

Yang Qingxuan chuckled and said, "Collecting money is to ensure that you are promoted, but it doesn't say to ensure that you are promoted safely. For example, if you lose your limbs to promote, or explode your dantian to promote, you are also promoted."

Pan Haixing: "..."

Yang Qingxuan stared at the front coldly and said: "Be careful, the strength of the comer is not weak!"

As soon as the voice fell, three people appeared in the sky in front of them, all in black uniforms, with blue gear lines on them, they were biting into each other, and they looked like a rigorous wind.

Pan Haixing said in surprise: "Unarmor loses!"

The three who came are the public losers, the public losers, and the public losers.

Among them, the highest cultivation level is Gong Yuyu, the middle stage of the emperor's throne, and the other two are in the early stage of the emperor's throne.

The public defender said coldly: "Since I recognize us, I will give you a chance to be immortal. Destroy the crystal yourself, lest we do it. It is not just the crystal that is destroyed."

In the last round, they were the crystals that forced the opponent to destroy after revealing their identities.

The unarmed defeat is recognized as the first in the sixth family.

There are even rumors that the Jiejia defeat is ranked first in the entire 24 companies, and the strength is not lost to the nine super sects.

Pan Haixing's face was extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, we push, we push the tower ourselves!"

He looked at Yang Qingxuan with a cold face, hurriedly winked his eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "There is no need to fight with them. With clear-minded rules, as long as you encounter them once, you won't encounter them again. Let's hurry up and give up. , Quickly go to other teams to earn points."

Gong Shu Cong sneered: "You know the current affairs."

The public loser sneered: "What can I do if I don’t know the current affairs? Either know the current affairs or die. I think everyone knows how to choose such a simple multiple-choice question."

Lance turned to look at Yang Qingxuan, waiting for his opinion.

Yang Qingxuan said blankly: "I don't take the scores of this game very seriously. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

Pan Haixing breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Yang Qingxuan would be stubborn for a while, and if he wanted to fight, it would be really troublesome.

If you can fight it, let's not talk about it. First, it takes time, and second, if you are injured or killed, the next battle will be troublesome.

He paid the money, it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses, the key lies in winning the promotion.

The public loser Cong sneered contemptuously: "Since I am acquainted, don't hesitate to push the tower by myself, and it will delay my waiting!"

Yang Qingxuan said slowly: "However, the rules of the game are that after you encounter it once, you won't encounter it again. In other words, there is only one chance to crush you, so how can you give it up easily?"

The three of the public losers changed their faces at the same time.

The public loser cleverly shouted: "What did you say?!"

The evil spirit rose from Yang Qingxuan's body, and said with a grinning smile: "I said, life is so difficult, don't go to the roots of things that exceed your IQ!"

As soon as the figure flashed, it rose into the sky and attacked the trio of the public losers.

The war halberd Bai Yuan danced a spear shot in Yang Qingxuan's right hand, then turned into layers of waves, and swept away.

"The second type-Nirvana!"

A phantom light is like a sea, rippling away, as if to chop all upside-down dreams and finally Nirvana.

"No! He is an emperor!"

The Gong Yuyu, who had not said a word, suddenly yelled, and cold sweat emerged from the three of them.

The power of this halberd far exceeds their cognition and brings the danger of death.

Even in the strongest state on weekdays, it is impossible to hold such a terrifying halberd, let alone being suppressed by the enemy crystal at this moment. Gongyuyu only left the initial cultivation base of the emperor's throne, and Gongyu Cong and Gongyu had only the peak of the emperor's throne.

"Mysterious Iron Shield Armor!"

The speed of public transportation is the fastest. When you raise your hand, countless iron medals fly out from your arms, whirl around in front of you, and combine them according to certain rules to form a pitch black round shield with a defensive range of ten feet.


Bai Yuan hit the shield with a halberd, and countless iron armor formations burst, the huge shield burst with a "boom", and countless iron medals flew away.

The three of them were shocked and retreated in the air, all with shocked expressions.

Although they still have a lot of cards, the indomitable and invincible momentum that Yang Qingxuan reveals is shocking.

"From now on, I will dominate the battlefield alone!"

Yang Qingxuan held the halberd forward, every step he took, white light spread under his feet.

"Okay! A tiger in my heart!"

Pan Haixing's eyes lighted up, and he clapped his hands excitedly and shouted, "God resists killing God!"

Lance's pupils also shrank suddenly, and the cold light radiated from his eyes, affected by the war intent on Yang Qingxuan's body, the blood in his body kept boiling.

Gong Yuyu turned pale, and said with a cold voice: "You are very strong, but you can't afford to provoke a family!"

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "If that's the case, then you guys will be ghosts!"

Bai Yuan rises again, pointing straight to the sky, the enveloping true vitality lingering around the halberd like a veil, and a faint red light condenses from all sides, pouring into the halberd.

Then a slight trembling came out, and Bai Yuan emitted Qi Yun power.

The power radiating from the red Dao Yun crystal tower turned into Dao patterns one after another, resonating with Bai Yuan.

"Fourth Type-Hell Fight!"

Yang Qingxuan waved his halberd down, surrounded by the imaginary light with red power, like a beast roaring in prison, to tear everything apart!


The Gong Yuyu roared, and under that prison fight, his whole body's hairs exploded, knowing that if he doesn't show his cards, he will really become a ghost!

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