Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1230: Spike, three Taoist puppets

A reckless and ferocious aura came from the Gong Yuyu body.

A tall puppet with a lion head and an eagle body appeared in front of the public defender. The puppet had two wings on its back, and it was feathered with sharp blades. It was blown up by the wind and looked extremely fierce.

A stamp of the Gong Yuyu tactic was stamped on the lion that day, shouting: "Attack!"

The eyes of the Tianshi beast flashed with blue light, bursting with violent evil spirits, and behind it, it seemed that a phantom of a lion could be seen, which also had a soul.

With a roar that day, the lion flapped its wings, soaring up, and colliding with the prison fight.


Under the eagle's claws, a blue magic circle bloomed, and the turbulent energy rushed away without stopping the rotation.


The powerful energy exploded, blowing away vigorously.

Yang Qingxuan and the lion that day retreated.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and said secretly: "Dao Jing!"

Gong Yu Cong and Gong Yu Yi also slowed down, and they called out their own puppets.

Gong Shu Cong shouted: "Pleasant Goat!"

A white light suddenly rose in front of him, steadily rising and solidifying, turning into a figure of a puppet.

The puppet looked like a ram, with its head hanging down and its front hoofs constantly kicking on the ground. The horns like tree branches aimed at Yang Qingxuan and were about to sprint.

Public loser B shouted: "Mountain cannon!"

A huge pangolin appeared in front of the second public defender. The back was covered with golden scales. It was three feet long and looked like a hill.

The three puppets guarded in front of the three, like three insurmountable mountains, staring at Yang Qingxuan.

And the eyes are full of evil spirits, exuding turbulent weather, like living creatures, they are all Taoism!

Yu Senran grinned and said: "Now you know that you are offending people who are offensive. Now even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, there is no chance of survival!"

"Tiens, attack!"

"Pleasant goat, attack!"

"Mountain cannon, attack!"

The three of them drank it one after another. Tianshi flew into the sky, spitting fire bullets, and both Pleasant Goat and Shan Pao collided.

The three puppets all erupted with extremely strong power, crushed like a tsunami, and even the enchantment light emitted by the crystal tower was distorted and fluctuated under this power.

Pan Haitian exclaimed: "They are all Taoist puppets! The family who loses publicly is really rich!"

Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly, and these three puppets still retained their complete power under the radiation of the Tao Yun Crystal Tower, unaffected by the slightest.

In this competition, the public losers did take advantage of all the advantages.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's figure flickered, he turned into a time-space giant, and walked towards the three puppets. With just one step, he shuttled through time and space and disappeared in place.

The attacks of the three puppets fell in an instant.

Everyone was stunned. Although the puppet's IQ was extremely low, his strength was a real Taoist state. Under the joint attack of the three Daoist puppets, the space is blocked tightly, and it is impossible to escape.

Lance's pupils burst into blue light, staring at the front.

Just beside the trio of the public losing family, suddenly a force that destroyed the world and the earth rushed out, half of the Temporal Giant Spirit came out from the void, grabbed Bai Yuan with his right hand, and swept away!

"Soul Dance!"

At the moment Bai Yuan appeared, the entire space was trembling, and the frequency became the same as that of Bai Yuan in an instant. The whole world seemed to turn into a halberd, and countless dead souls were dancing in joy.

"Hey!" All three of the public losers took a breath, feeling cold all over, and the shadow of death engulfed the three!

"White Iron Armor!"

"Xuanbing copper shield!"

"Open the arms!"

The three men shouted in horror, releasing all the armored organs on their bodies.

In front of the Gong Yu Yu, a white mech with a height of two feet was transformed, which happened to completely block his body.

The copper shield of the public loser was in the shape of a white ball, which wrapped his body.

In the case of public transportation, the arm has become three times thicker, and it is wrapped in layers of iron armor, blocking the vital points in front of him.


With a loud noise, the three of them were completely covered by the halberd light, and countless imaginary lights danced in the world of light.

"Boom boom!"

The violent explosion sounded on the three of them, the white armor and the copper shield were broken one after another, and the public and the public were shocked and flew back.

But at this moment of effort, the two called Tianshi and Pleasant Goat back and defended themselves.

Only the mountain cannon remained motionless.

I saw Gong Yuyi's face full of horror, the iron on his arm was continuously exploding, and his body exploded, bloodstains flying out.

"Oh no!"

Public loser B shouted, "Help me!"

Only then did he realize that his body had completely collapsed.

Bleeding from all the vitals of the public transporter, he fell down in a daze. The person who lost control of the mountain cannon, his eyes became dull and hung motionless in the air.

"Dead, dead..."

Gong Yuyu paled with fright, and shouted, "Run away!"

As soon as the wings of the Tianshi spread, they protected the public transport and fleeed away.

Gong Shu Cong also hurriedly jumped on Pleasant Goat and escaped without a trace.

Yang Qingxuan turned back to his true body, waved his hand, and collected the mountain cannon that was stagnant in the air into the star ring. And flew down, and put away all the storage devices of public transport B.

Yang Qingxuan didn't want to kill the public losers, but just wanted to study their puppet art. It was a rare opportunity. Who knows that if a word is inconsistent, the other party will find it dead.

The whole process was less than a cup of tea, and the other four people were all dumbfounded.

Especially Lance, the shock in his heart was hard to add, and he was extremely jealous of the magical powers of the 72 Changes. Thinking that the other party absorbed the blood of Yasha's ancestor, he could transform into Yasha, and his inner emotions were even more complicated.

Fortunately, he has already formed an alliance with this person, and the stronger he is, the better for him.

Pan Haixing's fat face seemed to be solidified, and it took a while before he recovered, and said in shock: "That was...the time-space giant?!"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed and fell on him coldly, and said coldly: "You know so much."

The fat on Pan Haixing shivered, and said hurriedly: "I just read a lot of books, and I have seen the appearance of the time and space giants in the books. Hasn't this clan already disappeared? It turns out that you have the blood of the time and space giants. Tsk tut, it's amazing, it's so amazing. My Pan Haixing's admiration for the boss is like a continuous stream of surging rivers." A series of flattering pats over.

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I haven't answered the question just now, so I can talk about it now."

Pan Haixing said hurriedly: "Answer... I answered... Just now... What question was coming?" He looked confused.

Feeling the murderous gaze in Yang Qingxuan’s eyes, Pan Haixing’s memory quickly recovered, and said with a wry smile: “The name of the contemporary emperor is Yang Yunjing, and it is rumored to be a member of the Yang family. In addition, the entire 33rd No one will know anything about Yang Yunjing in the day."

//Seeking monthly ticket, recommendation ticket.

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