Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1235: The enemy's attack, the handwriting of the local tyrant

"The ants in front of me have no other way except to hang up silently!"

There was a cold voice from the public transfer, and the three people, including the public transfer celebration, the public transfer imperial, and the public transfer, all lined up one after another.

At the same time, behind the four of them, there was a Taoist puppet, exuding great power, and the space was twisted in a certain direction.

Across a river of red water, Yang Qingxuan's five people felt great pressure.

The red light on the Tao Yun crystal tower shook more violently.

The four people from the public to Tibet all have all the gloomy faces. Only the public to celebrate is slightly better, but they are also cold.

Pan Haixing sneered and said, "Why don't you think so, you have to put death words on your face one by one."

Gong Shu Cong shouted angrily: "Dead fat man, this time I won't have that good luck again. I will let my Pleasant Goat do your lungs!"

"Oh, you dare to scold me, scold me for your grandpa! Come on, dead goat, dead pervert!"

Fatty Pan wielded a kitchen knife, showing a hideous look, constantly provoking.

Gong Zhuong Cong was furious, and he slapped Pleasant Goat, then turned over and rode up, and rushed.

In the past, Pleasant Goat was guarding the rear crystal tower, coupled with Yang Qingxuan's deterrent power, so that Gong Zhu Cong lacked confidence.

Now the Taoist puppet is back, and there are the other three strongest members of the public losing family. The opponent is just a dead fat man who is too heavenly, so that he is fearless, driving the Pleasant Goat into the red water.

The public defender frowned, and he wanted to slam the public defender, but after another thought, the red water looked weird and seemed to contain a lot of danger. It would be good to let the public defender take the lead.

Moreover, there are Taoist puppets, and the three of them are looting the formation, even if something goes wrong, it will not be a big deal.

"Your grandma's, looking for death!"

Pan Haixing yelled aloud, the kitchen knife slashed into the water, and with a "boom", the entire Hongshui River was actually split open, and a crack rushed away.

"Oh, little bugs!"

Gong Shu Cong sneered contemptuously, patted Pleasant Goat on the back, and shouted: "Stepping down!"

Pleasant goat raised his front foot and stepped on it violently. A shocking force spread out from under his feet, and the entire river rolled violently, and the crack that Pan Haixing had cut was actually blocked.

Pan Haixing yelled, "Get up!" The kitchen knife flipped sharply and lifted it up.


Large swaths of red water exploded and turned into water dragons to hit the public and the Cong from all directions.

"Iron Armor Shield!"

The public defender raised his hand to pinch the tactics, and pieces of iron armor flew out of his body, like a fence around him, defending in all directions.

The power of those water dragons is only in the mid-term of Tai Tian.

Although the Gongzhu Cong was suppressed by the Dao Yun crystal, he also had the pinnacle of the heavenly position, and it didn't take much effort to resist this level of attack.


The first water dragon blasted on the iron armor, smashing the iron armor to pieces, the entire iron armor array was trembling, and the water was shot down without any reduction!


The public losers were horrified, and before he could react, the other iron armors were smashed one after another, and more than 20 water dragons followed one after another.

"Use Pleasant Goat to defend! There is something in the water!"

The public yelled abruptly, "Go!"

He has already seen that the public losers are caught in a trap, and whether they can escape safely is a question mark. Once the public losers also fall, their original huge advantage will be equalized!

The three of Gongzu Tibet, Gongzuqing, and Gongzuyu simultaneously drove the Taoist puppets, rushed into the red water formation, stepped on the water, and rescued Gongzuong.

The puppet of the Taoist realm who defeated the public is still the lion.

It is a huge wild dog with three heads, all of which are fierce and evil. The back is covered with needle-like hair, and the tail is like a dragon's tail, like a fabled **** dog.

The one who lost the celebration was a woman-shaped puppet with six pairs of arms, each holding a sword, spear, halberd, meteor hammer, and a bronze shield.

The pale face of the woman is almost believed to be true, but there is no expression, and the hollow eyes reveal a fearful weirdness.

Hua Qing took a breath and said in shock: "That woman..."

Although this woman is a puppet, the secret methods used by the public to refining puppets, especially high-level puppets, are all made using real objects as prototypes.

For example, Yang Qingxuan's panda Abao has a trace of the cat demon's soul imprisoned inside.

Hua Ling also thought of something, his face turned pale, and an angry fire burst into his eyes.

Yang Qingxuan grinned and said, "Fatty, good job! Kill without mercy!"

Then stretched out his hand to grab the void, and Bai Yuan emerged and shouted: "Let's go!"

Lance immediately transformed into the complete form of Yasha, let out a long battle cry, held a double dagger, and flew away.

Hua Qing Hua Ling took out their swords and guarded them in front of the Dao Yun Crystal Tower.

They know they can't help, as long as they take care of themselves, they are the biggest help.

Pan Haixing blasted off the defense of the public losers, and naturally would not let this opportunity pass, the kitchen knife danced in his hand, and more than twenty water dragons all vomited beads, it was the bronze bronze fish.

Gong Shu Cong didn't need to remind the public to Tibet, but he also found something wrong. When he saw the green bronze bronze fish, he was frightened.

Without the suppression of the Dao Yun crystal enchantment, his emperor's early cultivation base, plus an armor, could still defend one or two.

Now that he is suppressed to the position of heaven, a bronze bronze fish may kill him!

"Pleasant goat, defense!"

Gong Yucong roared, and Pleasant Goat immediately decomposed and reorganized into a huge goat shield.

But the green bronze bronze fish were shot from all directions, exploding one after another, and the huge impact superimposed on each other, instantly drowning the public and the happy goat.


The entire red water was blown and rolled, and the huge waves pushed away in all directions, so that the other three of the public losers did not dare to block them, and stopped the rescue.

Yang Qingxuan stood holding a halberd, watching Fatty Pan pull out a black metal slingshot, grabbed a handful of bronze bronze fish, and ejected again!

"Boom! Boom!"

There were more than ten terrible explosions.

Yang Qingxuan was silent for a moment, and secretly said: "It's another billion..."

For him, these bronze bronze fish are not a threat. With the strength of his sacred ancient star body, no amount of bronze fish can shake it.

However, it is fatal to the situation of public loss.

That Pleasant Goat's defense was not timely, and it was not a dead-end defense in all aspects. Fatty's attack at no cost was like throwing a bean. As long as one bombed the male and lost the Cong, he could kill him half-life.

Soon, the huge air wave spread, and the red water rolled down, constantly raising waves.

The center of the explosion was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

The public loser was completely gone, and only a huge Pleasant Shield stood there.

There were slight marks on the shield, which did not cause any fundamental damage, but the public and the Cong were crushed and completely gone.

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