Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1236: Three-headed dog of hell

"Hey, he said he was looking for death, and he insisted on rushing over. I had to admire his courage. I think it should be renamed "Dare to Death", haha!"

Pan Haixing put away the slingshot in his hand, then took out a kitchen knife and flew in his hand, mocking sarcastically.

The trio of the public losing family turned a deaf ear to Pan Haixing's words, and they all felt a bone-chilling chill. Just under their noses, a living person disappeared in a flash.

Although they often kill people, they don't regard the other person as a person, just like killing ants.

But the public losers are their brothers, who are considered "human" in their eyes.

Public losers can be killed instantly, and they are equally possible.

This completely shattered their sense of superiority and fell into the bottomless ice cave.

Gong Yuyu was even more pale, and large cold sweat rolled from her temples.

This was the third time that he stood in front of Yang Qingxuan, the first time he died, the second time he fled, and the third time he died before he took a shot.

His eyes are full of horror, will it be his turn next?

In terms of strength, the possibility of dying oneself next is huge!

His arms were trembling, and he grasped the puppet Tianshi beside him, only to feel the temperature a little bit, so he didn't panic.

"Four people came from afar, oh no, it's three now."

Yang Qingxuan grinned and said: "The three come from afar, are they happy? They are guests from afar, and we have to do our best as a landlord! Kill!"

With a wave of Bai Yuan's hand, it turned out imaginary light and slashed away from the water.


The entire red water was turned into two halves under this blow.

The public loss to Tibet was shocked, and this blow was against myself.

He grabbed his right hand and dropped a war gun in his hand. The front end of the gun was covered by countless iron armors, making it extremely bloated.

The public transport Tibet held the war spear horizontally, shook it slightly, and shouted: "Mo Ju·War clothes!"

The swollen iron armor on the gun disintegrated in an instant, covering the vitals of public transport and Tibet, and wearing it like a battle suit.

The ink-moment gun is also fully displayed, the whole body is dark green, the gun body is smooth, the gun head is a mechanical claw protecting the gun tip, and the arc of cyan thunder and lightning flashes on it.

"Chunlei stung!"

The thunder light flowing on the ink moment gun continued to accumulate towards the tip of the gun, and finally turned into a huge thunderball, which was hit hard.


A piece of cyan thunder light exploded into one piece, wrapped in a powerful explosive force, and even smashed Bai Yuan's light blade.

The two are offset, and they are broken into thousands of colors, scattered little by little.

Yang Qingxuan didn't care, chuckled, and walked forward with the halberd on the waves, and walked not far from the Pleasant Shield. When the halberd was picked, a ray of light rolled over and collected the Pleasant Shield.

Without the master, the puppet is like a dead thing.

This is a Taoist puppet, Yang Qingxuan will not give up.

Moreover, although Gong Shu Cong was crushed to pieces, the storage element must have fallen into the red water. After the immediate trouble was solved, he had to pick it up.

Gongzuzang had a sullen face, holding a war gun, leaning over his body, leaning against the three-headed dog in hell, and staring at Yang Qingxuan vigilantly, as if he was facing an enemy.

On the other side, Lance transformed into the strongest form of Yaksha, and his wings shook, just like a public victory attack.

Lance's speed was extremely fast, and a large phantom appeared in the air, striking from all directions.

Gong Zuqing is holding a large knife, which is very similar to the "Mo Ju·Battle Clothes" used by Gong Zuo Zang. The blade is wrapped in iron armor and looks extremely bloated.

However, in the hands of Gongluqing, he played a set of wide open and close, calm and majestic swordsmanship, playing slowly and quickly, blocking Lance's attack by half.

For the remaining half, the puppet woman beside her shot, waving her six arms extremely fast, forming a mask that made Lance unable to break through.

Gong Shuqing and the puppet woman cooperated very harmoniously. Obviously, they had been tempered for a long time, and there was no gap between the moves.

Although Lance's strongest state had the power of the realm, he couldn't help but lose the celebration for a while, and the battle fell into a stalemate.

Akao Phantom Hitomi fights with Gong Yu Yu.

Although Akao is not high in IQ, his fighting instinct is not inferior to human beings. Coupled with the cooperation of Red Water and Ning Jiazi, he completely gains the upper hand.

The public transport Yu Yu is the weakest in nature. In the face of Akao, he can only rely on the puppet Tianshi and other equipment to barely support it.

But when I think of the experience of the three battles, I shudder and feel timid.

On the contrary, Akao Phantom Eyes is more and more courageous.

One is the natural instinct to fight, and the other is eager to show and claim credit to Yang Qingxuan.

Soon, Gong Yuyu fell completely into passive defense, and it was only a matter of time before Akao was defeated.

Gongzuzang fought with Yang Qingxuan with a gun. Gongzuzang was the first person among the juniors of the Gongzuzang family. The emperor's heavenly status was great, and he was no different from Yang Qingxuan.

But being suppressed by the Daoyun Crystal Pagoda for a while, it became the late Emperor Heavenly Stage.

Yang Qingxuan was transformed into a godless ancient star body, infinitely close to the Dao realm, so he crushed the public to Tibet in strength.

The three-headed dog from the hell, which is only a public transport to Tibet, is a real Taoist realm, and it does not seem to be the early stage of the air law, but the existence of the mid-air law!

Most of Yang Qingxuan's power was used to deal with this hellish dog.

Moreover, this Hellhound is the manipulator of the three elements of fire, thunder, and earth, constantly spitting out elemental attacks, exploding around Yang Qingxuan, very difficult.

"People are fighting against others, your public losers are powerful, but people are fighting against dogs!"

Yang Qingxuan was forced to retreat hundreds of feet by the **** dog, and couldn't help but curse.

The public losers are embarrassed and angry, and said angrily: "With a dying person, I have nothing to say!"

The ink gun continued to poke down frantically, and shot out many blue thunders in the air, like a pond wrinkled by rain, and large waves of thunder ripples in the air.

No matter how strong the public defeat is, there is only the power of the late emperor's throne at this moment. Yang Qingxuan didn't care, lightly challenged the halberd, and shot it in the air, it would split the boundless spring thunder.

The key is that the three-headed **** dog, like a cannonball, collided around, with three heads showing sharp teeth, desperately trying to come over.

Yang Qingxuan lifted a kick, kicked it on the belly of the three-headed **** dog, and then stabbed it with a halberd.

"The ultimate Nirvana of Heaven Slashing Seven Types!"

"Dead dog, I have saved you!"

The phantom light flashed on the halberd and it slashed over, and it was about to slash at the dog. One of the heads burst out with thunder, and the other head burst out with large yellow clay, turning it into a shield.


Lei Guang shattered in an instant in the Seventh Heaven Slash, but blocked most of the power of the halberd, and when it hit the earth shield, it was completely blocked.

Although the three-headed **** dog got a kick in the abdomen, it was not a serious problem at all. It just paused in the air and charged up again with a roar.

And the three heads roared together.

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