Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1265: Izumo Chu family, hidden scales and colors


Yang Qingxuan spit out old blood, almost breaking his heart.

Looking at the chicken-skinned face of the old woman, she vomited out with a "wow".

Infinite power suddenly surged in Yang Qingxuan's dantian, and his life's potential exploded at this moment!

"Look at your sister!"

Yang Qingxuan yelled and hit the old woman with a punch, knocking her out.

"Wow, this kid beat the old man too much, beat him!"

"I hit the old man, don't say anything, dare to make a move!"

All the people around rushed up.

Yang Qingxuan stopped vomiting, his figure flashed, and he displayed his posture that was close at hand and fled quickly.


Flying Bird City is vast and boundless, Yang Qingxuan tracked Xuantianji for not knowing how far he had walked, and now he was about to turn back, only to find that there were all roads extending in all directions, dazzling.

"Hehe, what? Are you being chased and lost?"

Suddenly in a corner of the street, there was a chuckle.

Yang Qingxuan looked over, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he saw a transparent figure in the air, and then slowly incarnate, it was Chu Yingjie that he had seen before.

Yang Qingxuan put away his fiery eyes, and secretly said: I really underestimate the hero of the world, this Chu Yingjie is hiding around, if it weren't for the other party's squeak, he hadn't noticed it.

In fact, Yang Qingxuan was busy finding his way and became less alert to danger.

In addition, Chu Yingjie's martial soul-Hidden Scale Cangcai, was originally a stealth and invisible martial soul, and it had an extremely powerful effect on hiding the body.

Even in the battle, knowing that there are enemies, but without the magical powers of the eyes, it is difficult to find.

Chu Yingjie smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "You are also one of the top thousand, I remember I met you."

Yang Qingxuan is very conspicuous with the blue-tooth ghost face.

And in the Doomsday Gorge, he robbed a lot of martial artists' property. He was called one of the evil stars, and many people knew it.

Chu Yingjie continued: "My name is Chu Yingjie, from the Chu family of Yun."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Long Yang, what's the matter?"

In fact, the Chu family of Izumo had never heard of it, but due to the face of the other party, he still used the phrase "Long Yang".

A look of disappointment flashed across Chu Yingjie's face. He thought that the other party would be shocked when he heard the four characters "Chu Family". He said: "Our Chu family are also very rare talents. I wonder if you have the intention to join? All are easy to talk about, and even after joining the Chu family, as long as you pledge allegiance, you can enjoy the same resource treatment as me."

Yang Qingxuan chuckles and said: "Sorry, I am not interested in joining, let alone loyal to whom."

As he spoke, he turned and left.

Chu Yingjie stared at his back, and said loudly: "It is indeed a proud capital to win early in the qualifying match, but this world pays attention to background and backstage. We are out of the cloud Chu family, in less than ten years. You can squeeze into the ranks of twenty-four companies."

Yang Qingxuan didn't look back, but just waved his hand and said, "I'm not interested, let's talk about it when you really become twenty-four."

Chu Yingjie said angrily: "I don't know how to promote!"

He clenched fists with both hands, his body flashed, and his body disappeared into the air.

Yang Qingxuan's footsteps stopped suddenly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Although he didn't look back, Chu Yingjie's breath suddenly disappeared behind him, apparently trying to cause trouble.

In Yang Qingxuan's eyes, golden light gradually gathered, turning around and looking at it.

I saw a light and transparent shadow in the air, approaching quietly, very slowly.

Yang Qingxuan released his divine consciousness and swept over, but he completely penetrated the phantom, and he couldn't sense the abnormality.

If it weren't for the glaring eyes, with his Dao realm cultivation base, he could not detect the enemy at all.

At this moment, Chu Yingjie's behavior was in full view under the fiery eyes.

But Chu Yingjie didn't know that she had been discovered. Seeing Yang Qingxuan released her spiritual knowledge and then penetrated her body, she couldn't help showing a sneer. She crept through the air with a cruel grin on her face.

Only with the cultivation base of the middle stage of the emperor's position, Chu Yingjie can easily win from the sky by relying on the hidden scales and hidden colors of the martial soul.

Unless there is a cultivation base that is several levels higher than his, and he understands the rules of the Dao to a certain extent, it is possible to discover him with his spiritual sense. But such strong people are rare among the younger generation.

Therefore, Chu Yingjie is full of confidence. This time, at least the first 100 in the Cangqiong Lunwu can make steady progress.

This is undoubtedly a huge achievement for the sect of the 24 non-top ten.

Facing Chu Yingjie, Yang Qingxuan stood with his hands behind, waiting for him to come over quietly.

However, in order to avoid being discovered, Chu Yingjie kept his frequency fluctuations completely consistent with the surrounding air, so he moved extremely slowly.

After a few breaths, he walked ten feet away and came to Yang Qingxuan.

Chu Yingjie didn't directly attack, but made a few grimacing faces in front of Yang Qingxuan, then he bent down and started to stand upside down and rotate with one hand.

Yang Qingxuan almost spit out old blood, cursing: "Your mother -, crazy, right?!"


"You... can you see me?!"

Chu Yingjie shivered with fright and bounced from the ground.

Yang Qingxuan has already punched out, "Fuck your mother, crazy!"


As soon as Yang Qingxuan punched out, the entire air exploded in an instant, the buzzing sound was endless under the fist wind, and a large cobweb-like crack appeared in the space.


Chu Yingjie was hit from the front, his ribs broke, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of the broken internal organs.

The martial spirit on the body was instantly dissipated, and the whole person emerged from the transparency, flew hundreds of meters away before landing on the ground, and then slid for dozens of meters away, drawing a long blood line on the ground, shocking .

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and they all rushed from all sides.

Yang Qingxuan turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

He thought that this mask was indeed a bit conspicuous, so he found an opportunity to take it off and directly showed it to others.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the jade pendant, and now there are 323 warriors who have won.

He turned around and rushed towards the city lord's mansion. The injury he suffered when he broke through the Dao realm has not yet healed, and he has no time to wander outside. He must quickly find a place to heal his injury and stabilize his realm.

Just a few steps away, suddenly a huge figure appeared in front of him, it turned out to be Fatty Pan, and he was alone.

Fatty Pan's footsteps were a bit hurried, he seemed to be on his way, and did not see Lance and Hua Qinghua Ling.

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved, and he followed.

The identity of this fat man is definitely not ordinary, but he is not like a member of the top ten and twenty-four.

The two walked for a while, turning around three or four streets. The fat man looked at no one from side to side, and then turned into a small courtyard.

//Seeking monthly ticket, recommendation ticket.

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