Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1266: Cultivation secret room, genius must be rich

After the fat man entered, Yang Qingxuan came out of the void and stepped forward to take a look. The small courtyard was normal, but under a stone pier in front of the door, an inconspicuous symbol was engraved.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrink slightly. This symbol is one of several symbols commonly used in underground exchanges.

"This fat guy really has a lot of contact with the exchange."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, but didn't go in, turned around and left.

This exchange is extremely mysterious. He is not strong enough now, and he does not want to get in touch too deeply.

As for Pan Fatty, everyone has their secrets and circumstances. As long as they don't threaten themselves, there is no need to go to the bottom of the question.

After Yang Qingxuan took off the mask, he didn't have any trouble again, and went back to the courtyard next to the City Lord's Mansion smoothly all the way.

Qiu Ming had already sent someone to wait in front of the hospital, and he was relieved to see him come back.

Hua Qing Hua Ling also hurried out after hearing the news.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Where is Lance?"

Hua Qing said: "The Yasha went to practice when he came back. Pan Fatty didn't know where he went, and said he was looking for you, but now I haven't seen any figure."

Yang Qingxuan said to the guard: "Get me a practice secret room, too."

The guard hurriedly said: "The Lord of the City has been prepared long ago. It is the top-level training chamber. And Lord Lord of the City has ordered that all the requirements of Lord Li Xuan must be met."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Where is the other city owner?"

The guard said: "The heroes of the world have all gone to Asuka City these few days, and there have been a lot of big people. The Lord of the City has gone to meet the big people."

Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, afraid that Tianchi would not come to sell her daughter.

Soon, the guard led the three people through the small courtyard, and walked for a while, and came to a garden surrounded by guards, and inside was a secret room with a stone door locked.

The guard said, "This is the place where Lord City Lord practiced."

All three were taken aback.

The guard smiled and said, "Master City Lord has seven cultivation chambers, and this is one of the top three. Under this chamber, there is a top-level spiritual vein passing through. Your Lord City Lord has an order, if Master Li Xuan wants to practice, Just open this secret room."

A look of desire and envy appeared in the guard's eyes.

Hua Ling smiled and said: "The other city lord definitely wants Brother Li Xuan to see the training resources of Flying Bird City, so that Brother Li Xuan can be moved and then marry his daughter."

The guard's wry smile and helplessness, Hua Ling was indeed right, it was the idea of ​​Bie Tianchi.

Don't pity the cloud, but the famous beauty in Asuka City, coupled with the top-level background, the suitor is like a crucian carp in the river, and the man in front of him is unmoved.

The guard thought to himself: People are more popular than others, so I should try my best to cultivate, maybe I will be able to get ahead one day.

The guard settled his mind, raised his hand to play a few tactics, flew into the stone gate, and then pushed hard with both hands, the stone gate "rumbled" open, and the spiritual energy inside came to his face.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. This aura fluctuation was far more terrifying than the best secret room he rented outside.

The guard looked at Yang Qingxuan's face and said with pride: "Flying Bird City is one of the main cities of Zhongdu, and this secret room is exclusive to our Lord Lord."

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said, "Thank the other city owner for me."

Speaking, he went straight to the beginning.

The guards played a few tricks, closed the Shimen again, and said to Hua Qinghua: "The two girls' secret room is arranged in another place. Although it is not as good as this top secret room, it is also one of the few sacred places for cultivation in Bird City. "

Hua Qing was quite displeased when she saw that she was going to stay away from Yang Qingxuan. Hua Ling saw her emotions and was afraid that she was talking nonsense, and hurriedly said, "That's a trouble for your lord."

The guard said: "It doesn't matter."

He took the two and left.

After Yang Qingxuan entered the secret room, there was an extremely long stone stairway, and spiritual energy surged from below.

He walked down step by step, and on the rock walls on both sides, with his footsteps, the pearls were constantly lit up, shining on the road ahead.

After walking to the bottom, in addition to the terrible concentration of spiritual energy, there are even fluctuations in the power of Dao Yun.

"this is……"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and saw that there was a huge space at the bottom, divided into two parts. The first half was the library. There were more than ten rows of shelves in it. All of them were spotlessly clean.

The other part is for cultivation. It has an area of ​​about ten acres and is engraved with various complicated formations. As soon as you step into it, you will feel the power of Taoism and it is very clear.

Only then did Yang Qingxuan see that at the top of the secret room, a small red umbrella was suspended, with bronze bones and red silk as the surface. It depicts mountains, rivers and clouds, with the magnificent breath of covering the world, forming a huge formation with the formation on all sides. The combination of formations, and the power of this Dao Yun was uploaded from the Red Umbrella.

"Half sacrament!"

With Yang Qingxuan's eyesight, he naturally saw the level of the red umbrella and was surprised.

"Hey, nothing to be surprised. Borrowing the power of the formation technique to stimulate the Taoist artifacts or semi-sacred artifacts to assist in the cultivation. This is a very common thing in the big sect. When I used to practice, It's just hanging my big gourd."

Ning Jiazi's voice came, hehe said, "Moreover, this red umbrella has very weak Taoism, obviously it is the kind of garbage in the semi-sacred artifact. This is not the Tianchi who wants to attract you, and there is no blood."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly, in his opinion, this was already a **** foundation.

Ning Jiazi said: "So, geniuses need to be rich, or else a little bit of resources will deceive you."

Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to waste time, so he sat down in the middle of the secret room and began to breathe out spiritual energy to repair the internal injuries on his body.

He pinched the tactics with both hands, ran the martial arts scriptures, inhaled the spiritual energy, wandered around the sky and then spit it out, a trace of spiritual energy transformed into the purest power and sank into the dantian.

It nourishes the body's hundred meridians and the four source fires in the dantian, as well as various strange powers.

Not long after, Yang Qingxuan frowned and opened his eyes, revealing a solemn expression.

At this moment, the martial arts are running, and the transformation of heaven and earth aura is only less than one percent of the previous.

In other words, one hundred hours of cultivation now can be worthy of one hour of cultivation before, and the amount of spiritual energy required by the Dao Realm is much stronger than that of the Heavenly Position.

Yang Qingxuan said depressed: "How can I practice this? I don't know when I can find the lower half of the Wujing, have you been delayed here?"

He is unwilling. In addition to the Qingyang Wujing, there are also the Wuling Tian Jue and the Five Spirits Longevity Jue, both of which can be used as techniques after the Dao realm. However, the Wu Huang Tian Jue is limited by Huang Qi, and the Five Spirit Longevity Jue is only suitable for The spirit body can only play a supporting role for him.

Yang Qingxuan pondered for a while, then opened the treasure house of martial arts that Qiancheng Jue had sealed in his sea of ​​knowledge, and searched for a cultivation technique suitable for him.

//Some readers said that Lance turned and exceeded the speed of light directly. How can the speed of light exceed? Tomorrow at 12:00 noon, Weibo (Taiyishengshui), WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss) will tweet at the same time-"Super speed of light, what the **** is this?" 》

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