Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1489: Can afford to lose, symptom reason

Nosh's pupils shrank suddenly, and he exclaimed: "Impossible!"

At this moment, he immediately understood that he had laughed at the wrong person!

But when he thought of the debt, he gritted his teeth abruptly, and the pearl between his eyebrows released golden brilliance, rushing towards his fist, his entire arm was as hard as a stone, and he punched out again!


It was another punch, hitting Yang Qingxuan firmly, making a sound of bursting bones. It was Nuoxi's fist bones that shattered, and blood shot out, dyeing Yang Qingxuan's robe red.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes sank, and a drop of blood stuck in his hand, which quickly melted into his fingertips and disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough, it's mixed with impure blood."

Yang Qingxuan secretly said that after he had practiced 72 changes, his ability to recognize essence and blood was extremely strong, and he quickly recognized the components of that blood, which was useless to him.

Nuoxi's face was dull, his facial features were completely opened, as if petrified.

Full of hope, instantly fell to the bottom.

This person is not only stronger than him, but also much stronger!

Nosh tears rolled down suddenly. Why should God be so cruel to him? Since there was never hope from beginning to end, why did he tease him like this.

"Huh? Why, did you give up?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled lightly.

"give up?"

Nuoxi trembled all over, the tears in his pupils dissipated, and the spirits condensed again, "Can't give up, never give up! Never give up!"


Nosy roared again, a golden light flowed, and he folded his fist on his fist, pressing a layer of golden air.

The third punch, with his boundless and resolute punch, suddenly blasted out!

Yang Qingxuan's eyes showed admiration. At this moment, he seemed to see his own shadow on Nuoxi.


With a punch in the same position, Yang Qingxuan's robes fluttered, violently spreading out in all directions. The hard ground is even more chapped. The feet of the two turned directly into powder.

Yang Qingxuan remained motionless.

Nosh laughed at himself, retracted his fist full of blood, and said: "I lost. I'll go out with you."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Big man, you have to lose."

Nosh's face was very ugly.

But soon the mood calmed down.

In fact, I did not lose anything. It's just that the mood is up and down, and it's a bit uncomfortable.

And there were loud roars all around, dozens of eyes staring at Nosh, "You trash! You made me lose three hundred best spirit stones!", "Return the money to me, otherwise I will tear you and your sister! "

Nosh frowned, a worried look in his eyes.

Somehow offended all these people.

I originally dig fire pearls, because I found some important news, so I wanted to come to the trading center for a good price. Who knew I was hostile, thinking you were going to grab their business.

I can only pretend to be grandchildren and stay stubbornly, hoping to meet a buyer.

Who knows that the buyer did not wait, but waited for the evil star, which caused him to offend a whole house. There are many people who know their identity and where they live.

Nosh's head was big and worried.

Biting his head, drooping his head, followed Yang Qingxuan out of the hut.

Those alien races who lost money behind them all breathed fire in their eyes. If they weren't afraid of Yang Qingxuan, they might have rushed directly to beat Nuoxi.

But the monks can't run to the temple if they can run. They know the roots of Nuoxi and are not worried that he will run away. But thinking about how to make him lose money later.

After leaving the hut, the four of them walked straight to the corner of the square.

Yang Qingxuan said to Nuoxi: "Stretch out your hand, I will check your body with strength, don't resist."

Nuoxi was taken aback and said: "What are you going to do?"

Yang Qingxuan did not answer, but instead asked: "How much do you owe?"

Nuoxi frowned, and said in a deep voice: "A lot. Ligunli, I am a little confused myself. There are probably more than one hundred thousand best spirit stones."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "You do everything as I ordered, and I will pay you back the money."

Nuoxi shook all over, and said with a trembling: "Dang, really?!"

Yang Qingxuan said, "What do you think?"

Nuoxi knew that he would never deceive himself with the other's cultivation as supernatural powers, and could not help laughing under his ecstasy.

But the laughter stopped abruptly, Nuoxi's face turned pale, looking at Yang Qingxuan in fear, and said in a trembled: "You, you won't, yes, you want to **** me..."


Yang Qingxuan spouted blood, slapped it and knocked Nuoxi to the ground.

"Chuck." Zi Yuan cupped her abdomen with her hands in her arms, smiling staggeringly.

Nuoxi got up, patted the dust off his body, and said, "As long as it's not selling fart stocks, I'm willing to go up and down the fire."

Yang Qingxuan's face was full of black lines, and said: "Stretch out your hand."

Nuoxi was a little nervous, and said: "You really are not..." Seeing Yang Qingxuan's murderous eyes, he choked back in the second half of the sentence, and honestly stretched out his hand to touch Yang Qingxuan's palm.

Through Yang Qingxuan's body, the Elf King transmitted power to Nuoxi and inspected him.

Nosh didn't dare to resist, trembling, and his heart fluttered.

Fortunately, the inspection passed quickly.

Yang Qingxuan retracted his hand and stood quietly, as if no further movement.

"how is it?"

"Well, he does have a dark illness on his body. It's not all due to the blood impulse. He was also subjected to surgery and practiced the wrong technique."

"Under the spell? Who is so boring to perform the spell on a helpless brother and sister. What the **** is the wrong practice?"

"A very simple technique, the caster is at the level of heaven. This kind of technique will corrode the soul a little bit, but it will not harm the body. It seems that it should have been planted in this kid's childhood. As for the purpose I don’t know what it is. If they practice the exercises, they belong to the water-attribute physique, but now they think they are the sky whale clan. The fire-attribute exercises they practice, the worse they become. And so on. The cause of the sudden blood pulse."

"That's weird. It should be easy to kill them if you are in heaven. Well, don't care about it for the time being. If you are in heaven, we don't have to worry about it. The technique can also be exchanged. But this blood pulse, you have a way. solve."

"There are many solutions, but you can't do it. For example, the supernatural powers of the time and space giants, which control the rules of time and space. You can bring him back to ancestors or evolve. But such a long time is not something you can control. Or take it for a long time. The blood coagulation pill can make the blood of that clan settle and condense out, and completely suppress the lower-level sky whale blood."

"I've heard of this blood coagulation pill. It is expensive. Where can I get it at this moment? Oh, if there is a reappearance of Xuantian Ji yesterday, or the dying dragon is in the sky."

Yang Qingxuan communicated with the Elf King for a while, and temporarily could not help Nuoxi's symptoms. You can only wait to return to the Central Great World, and with the abundance of human resources, it is feasible to collect a large amount of blood coagulation pill.

//No more today.

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