Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1490: Serve me as Lord, sign the Holy Spirit

Noci stood there nervously, not daring to ask.

After waiting for a long time, Yang Qingxuan said, "Your sister is the same as you. She suffers from illness every day?"

Nosh was shocked, a look of fear flashed through his eyes, and nodded heavily.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Tell me the details."

Nosh said bitterly: "It's about eight or nine years old. When it's midnight, the body starts to get hot, and the flesh and bones feel severe pain, like iron tongs in the body, as if the whole person is about to be cut apart. And this terrible pain is getting deeper and deeper with age. The frequency and duration of appearance are also increasing. Now it is completely suppressed by Ka Mingzi, otherwise the feeling of pain will be undesirable. Suicide! And I don’t regret my death, but my sister is only fourteen years old!"

Nosh's face was full of misery, and her clenched fists were constantly shaking.

Yang Qingxuan said: "He Mingzi can't completely suppress this pain, and the effect should be getting weaker and weaker."

Nosy surprised: "My lord, how did you know?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "He Mingzi is just a kind of extremely cold heaven and earth treasure, and it does not have too strong medicinal properties. Your symptoms are a bit complicated, and of course He Mingzi can not completely suppress it."

Nuoxi was taken aback, and then loudly said: "My lord, listening to what you said, do you know what disease my sister and I are?!"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "I know. And I have a way to cure you, but the procedures are a bit troublesome, and I have to leave Tianhe."

"Leaving Tianhe?"

Nuoxi was stunned, but then he was ecstatic, trembling with excitement, and said loudly: "As long as I can cure my sister and me, I will go too! Even if it is Abi, I will go too! My lord, please save me. And sister!"

Nosh's blue eyes were filled with tears like waves, and he knelt down with a "pump" and knocked his head up.

Countless times of confusion and despair, but never gave up, finally ushered in the dawn.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes moved and said awe-inspiringly: "Nuo Xi, would you like to serve me as your master?"

Nuoxi was stunned and said, "As long as the adults can save my brothers and sisters from the sea of ​​suffering, Nuoxi is willing to be the master." He paused, and said shyly: "It's just... that Nuoxi has sold himself to others. I'm a slave..."

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly, stretched out his hand to make a few runes in the air, and lightly tapped on Nuoxi's brow.

Nosh only felt that the world sank and the whole world changed suddenly, and he stepped on a huge scroll.

The scroll continues to unfold to both sides, and there are countless obscure texts in it, full of strange power.

Nosh was shocked. He had never seen such a scene before, and was immediately shocked by the majestic power, and his mind went blank for a while.

Above the scroll, the aura flows and turns into a blue dragon light and shadow, with several words flashing on it: "Heart", "Tail", and "Di". Just below the three words, the word "Ji" slowly lights up. At the same time appeared on Nosh's eyebrows.

Nosh felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if he had merged with this scroll.

But in an instant, Nuoxi was agitated and recovered.

The environment returned to Chunqiu Island again, and people around him came and went as if nothing had happened.

It just feels that there is an inexplicable feeling between the person in front of him, as if they are in contact with each other.

Nosy thought secretly, should this person have a conspiracy? But then I thought about it, with the other party's divine channel method, it is easy to kill myself, so why bother.

And as long as the other party can really free herself and her sister from the endless pain, everything else doesn't matter.

Nosh immediately bowed down and said respectfully: "I have seen the master."

Yang Qingxuan said: "You don't need to be so cautious, you can call me by name, or call me the "Holy Lord"."

Nosh said: "Don't dare to call the master's name directly, Nosh has seen the Holy Lord!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "All the suffering you have suffered before will become your stepping stone to the summit in the future."

Nosh's heart moved. This sentence made him feel, but he didn't know what it meant. He only wants to be able to escape the sea of ​​suffering now, which is the greatest luck.

Nosh respectfully said: "I don't know what kind of person the Holy Lord is? What is his name?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, took off the blue-toothed ghost face on his face, revealing his true face, and said: "My name is Yang Qingxuan."

Nuoxi was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the other party to be so young, and he didn't seem to be a few years older than him, so he had such an unpredictable ability.

"Huh?! Yang, Yang...You are..."

Xiaoyu lost his voice in amazement, his face was full of horror, and his eyes were filled with unbelievable shock and trembling.

Yang Qingxuan did not deny, saying: "Yes."

The little fish shivered for a while, and then gradually calmed down. Knowing that he had lost his temper, he hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Benevolence, I'm sorry.

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "It's okay, no one recognizes me in this Tianhe."

Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "Yes, yes."

He didn't dare to speak any more, but the shock inside was unable to calm down for a long time.

The three words "Yang Qingxuan" are famous all over the world.

Nosh was weird in his heart, and it seemed that his saint master should be a great figure with a great background, because Xiaoyu was already a person of great status in his eyes.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Xiaoyu, go and do your own business, just let Nuoxi follow me."

Xiaoyu stunned and said: "Gongong, then you go back..."

Yang Qingxuan said, "When things are done, I will find a way to get out. If I can't find it, I will come to Spring and Autumn Island to look for you again."

Xiaoyu said: "Okay, you will take care of everything yourself. Xiaoyu will stay on the island as much as possible during this time."

He said, he respectfully made a bow, and then bowed back.

Yang Qingxuan said to Nuoxi: "When I asked about Jiuzhongtiandu, I saw your eyes flickering, so I should know something."

Nosh said: "The holy lord's eyes are like a torch. I still can't escape the eyes of the holy lord. Yes, I do know something about the Nine Heavens. I was afraid to say it at the time. After winning the bounty, I was coveted by others. . So I want to find an opportunity to sell it to the Holy Lord in private."

Yang Qingxuan praised: "You are very cautious."

Nuoxi smiled bitterly: "On this day in Hanoi, there are hundreds of ethnic groups, resources are scarce, and the competition is very cruel, so I have to be cautious. Holy Lord, please come with me. For information about the Nine Heavens, I am in a few ancient jade slips. Within."

Nuoxi took Yang Qingxuan to the house now.

The two walked for about half an hour, came to a remote place, and saw a dilapidated house from a distance.

It turns out that Nuoxi has always made a living by fishing for fire pearls. The Tianhe is so large and vast. In addition to fire pearls, there may naturally be many strange things at the bottom of the river, such as all kinds of weird corpses...

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