Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1491: Mysterious iron sheet, ancient dragon skin

Fire pearls are an important specialty of Tianhe, with great trading value. It contains the purest Yang attribute power. For most martial artists in Tianhe, they can be swallowed directly to stabilize and improve their cultivation.

Although Tianhe is rich in fire pearls, salvaging fire pearls is a very dangerous job. Every day some pearl pluckers die.

Because fire pearls are produced in a kind of poisonous shellfish, they will stimulate the poison glands inside when they are picked, and the venom will invade the Quartet.

Moreover, the corrosive power of the Yang attribute at the bottom of the Tianhe River is more than a hundred times greater than the surface of the river. Long-term soaking in it will cause retrograde disturbance of energy in the body, atrophy of meridians, and even peeling of flesh and blood.

Therefore, the daily working hours of the pearl divers depend on their cultivation level.

Nosh's picking time is two hours a day.

Once exceeded, it will cause damage to the body.

In addition to bead picking, various weird things, such as corpses, are often floating at the bottom of Tianhe.

In fact, corpses are the favorites of pearl pickers and are vying for them.

Ordinary corpses fell into the water and completely decayed before sinking to the bottom. Those that can sink to the bottom are not ordinary corpses.

Often there are many peculiar corpses whose value is still in the pearl of fire.

Two months ago, Nosh was about to leave after harvesting fire pearls from a piece of water. But I found a strange cave at the bottom of the river, and I swam in with my heart.

The cave is not big, about a hundred meters in diameter. What surprised Nosy was that it was actually vacuumed and there was no river water.

In the center of the cave, there is a strange warrior sitting cross-legged.

From a closer look, it has been dead for a long time, and the corpse has shrunk.

After a brief shock, Nosh was immediately ecstatic.

Because from the appearance of this cave, it should be an enchantment opened by the warrior during his lifetime. After a long period of time and the erosion of river water, the cave was formed. And no river water poured in, proving that the cave had just been formed.

Nuoxi was ecstatic and hurriedly searched for the corpse.

If you can find something in the storage element, you might make a fortune and change your destiny from then on.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "But unfortunately, there is nothing on this corpse."

Nuoxi was taken aback, and said in shock: "How does the Holy Lord know?"

Zi Yuan smiled and cursed: "Stupid! If you are already rich, would you still sell news and meet us?"

Nuoxi smiled bitterly: "So, the Lord and Ziyuan are really smart. There is not nothing on the corpse."

Nuoxi fumbled around, took out a piece of golden iron, handed it to Yang Qingxuan, and said, "Holy Lord, look."

I don't know what material it was made of. It was heavy in my hand, and the gloss on it was lost. It felt like the vicissitudes of life.

Yang Qingxuan took a closer look. There were rust stains attached to the iron sheet, but the cyan pattern could still be clearly displayed, like a wave-like mystery, and there were palaces and rakes in the depths of the water pattern.

On the back of the iron sheet, a line of small characters is engraved in ancient demon writing: Cause and effect gather, gather heaven, change the way of god, gain eternal life.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shot sharply, staring at the twelve characters.

The inexplicable seems to have an attraction that makes him unable to extricate himself.

Zi Yuan discovered Yang Qingxuan's anomaly and said in surprise, "Brother Qingxuan, what's wrong?"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes condensed slightly, and he thought: "This thing has a deep trace of time. It is most likely an ancient thing, and it is engraved with pure demon. Then the word'Tiandu' on it should refer to The nine heavens are gone."

Zi Yuan murmured: "Causality gathers, gathers the heavens, changes the way of God, and gains eternal life... This means that all the heavens can trade for the way of God and gain eternal life? What is the way of God? What is there to change? ?"

Yang Qingxuan similarly frowned, and turned the iron sheet in turn, staring at the water patterns on it. The water patterns in the trance actually moved, and gradually appeared phantoms, like a phantom palace and a rake.

"Heaven circulates, life and death of all things. Except for the essence of Tao, how can there be immortality? Even if you are like Gu Yao and King Yin Wu, surpassing the other shore and traveling the universe, there are still five decays of heaven and man. These twelve words are too mysterious."

Yang Qingxuan stared at the iron piece for a while, unexpectedly a little lost.

Zi Yuan asked: "Nuo Xi, didn't you say that the news of the Nine Heavens is in a few jade slips?"

Nosh said: "The jade slip was uploaded by my ancestors. There is a box. Most of the records in it are some records of mountains and rivers, including several records about the Nine Heavens."

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved, thinking of Nuoxi's blood and ancestors, maybe there might be any precious information left, and he said: "Take me to see."

He put away the piece of iron.

The three of them quickly came to the broken house, and Nuoxi pushed the door directly in, shouting: "Nooli, brother is back."

There was no one in the house, only simple tables, chairs and beds, damp and dim, and the house was surrounded by walls.

There is a piece of paper on the table.

Nosh took a look, his face changed suddenly, and it said: "Brother, I'm going to pick fire pearls with Winnie. I've grown up, and I want to learn to help my brother."


Nosh was furious and stomped anxiously, "How many times have you told her! Don't go picking fire pearls! It's dangerous, it's dangerous, she just won't listen!"

With an anxious expression on his face, Nosh hurried to a wall, knocked it with his hand, found a brick, and pulled it out.

Inside is a dark grid with a few simple storage bags.

Nuoxi handed one of the storage bags to Yang Qingxuan, and said: "There are some relics from my ancestors, which may be able to help the Holy Lord." Then he said: "Please also ask the Holy Lord to let me go away for a while. My sister got it back."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Go ahead."

Nuoxi was overjoyed and said: "Thank you, Holy Lord!" He ran away in a hurry.

Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan sat down on the broken table and opened the storage bag.

There are more than forty jade slips stacked inside, with different shapes, which shows that the time passed down is also different.

There is also a tin box.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes passed a trace of surprise, looking at the iron box, he was a little lost.

Zi Yuan asked, "Brother Qingxuan, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Qingxuan did not speak, but picked up the iron box and opened it in his hand. Inside was a yellowed map with a trace of Taoism engraved on it.

Zi Yuan said in surprise: "Gulong skin?"

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had seen something unbelievable, he hurriedly grabbed the ancient dragon skin in his hand and opened it suddenly.

Without seeing what was engraved on it, I couldn't wait to look to the lower right corner.

In that corner, a signature was clearly written: Master Huang Ting.

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