Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1511: It's all small money, the location of the key

In the Sky Whale Clan’s VIP room, Bolton’s expression was no longer right, his eyes were a little dazed, he wiped his cold sweat, and said: "If Young Master Qingxuan buys this way, no one else can play."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "No way, Tianhe is rich in products, all of which are top quality. I really like it, so I can't help but buy it. In fact, it's all small money, not worth mentioning."

Everyone in the Sky Whale tribe fainted.

Nuoxi really believed that these were really small money for the Holy Master who could give away his holy artifacts.

A disciple of the Sky Whale clan said angrily: "What pretend to be! Can I do whatever I want with money?"

Yang Qingxuan glanced at him contemptuously, then sneered: "You are right, you can do whatever you want if you have money, hehe."

The disciple of the Sky Whale tribe was full of black lines, and he had nothing to say.

The other disciples were also extremely dissatisfied, but they were shocked by the terrible financial resources. These spirit stones were enough to support them for decades.

After the auction continued, Yang Qingxuan smashed another billion.

The foreign races in the auction venue were all sitting weakly in their positions. As long as they were the heavenly treasures with the sun attribute, there was no need to bid.

As a result, a large number of natural treasures in the back are almost all sold at low prices.

Knowing that the Sky Whale Clan will definitely take the photo, no one is willing to bid to offend the Sky Whale Clan.

Even the Jumen, Biqi, and Horned Rhinoceros tribes were silent after several bids and trials.


In a box at the back of the auction venue, several foreigners sat lazily on the reclining chairs, looking at a round crystal in the middle.

One of the men with fierce facial features, with a condensed face, cold light and murderous in his eyes, said: "Does the sky whale clan know something?"

Another man with bronze skin, with silvery white hair and eyes, and a pair of curly horns on his head, said coldly: "It makes no sense. If you get the news, you shouldn't be so calm."

The man with fierce facial features said, "I always have some bad feelings, and I feel that this will not go so smoothly."

The bronze-skinned man said coldly: "Of course it will be difficult to get the real'key'. It has been many years before the real key reappears. We even had to advance our plans directly."

The man with fierce facial features nodded and said: "If you can get the real key, what if you can get it ahead of time. Although the preparation is not enough, it is worth everything compared to opening the sky and prohibiting it."

The bronze-skinned man’s eyes flickered with silver light, and he even had bloodthirsty excitement. He said, “Master Hanguang, at the cost of a hundred years of life, must not be wrong to infer the location of the key! God's way, eternal life!"


Auction venue.

In the VIP room of the Biqian clan, Anjieer quietly listened to the report, suddenly shot in his eyes with a sharp look, and said in surprise: "Kun clan blood? Is this true?!"

A woman in green knelt on the ground and respectfully said: "This is the latest news. The intelligence side said that I was not sure, and only 80% sure."

Anjieer said in a condensed voice: "80% sure, combined with the abnormality of the Sky Whale Clan at the moment, it is almost certain. The Kun Clan bloodline appears in the Sky Whale Clan, which is really a terrible thing for us. Berg and Byron should be nearby, go and invite them over."


The woman in green hurriedly took her orders and retreated.


The auction was still going on, and almost all the treasures were brought back at low prices.

The warriors who participated in the shooting all had gloomy faces, but they did not dare to attack the Sky Whale Clan.

Oss held a jade box in his hand and introduced: "Heather fruit is produced in the northern part of the third vein of Tianhe River. The power of eating is enhanced, and the ability to perceive the element of fire is also enhanced. It is most effective for the warriors at the peak of the gods and the early immortality The starting price is 9 million yuan for the best spirit stone."

Yang Qingxuan quoted: "Nine million ten thousand."

The audience was silent, no one said anything.

The bid was not available, and it was a flat offense to the Sky Whale Clan.

Osmuri shouted three times and said: "Nine million ten thousand transactions."

Since most of the participants were natural treasures, and no one participated in the bidding, the auction was extremely fast and soon came to an end.

The disciples of the Sky Whale Clan have become numb.

"He has already paid out more than five billion."

"No, it's more than six billion."

"I'm a little dizzy, it's not clear anymore."

The entire auction venue has almost become Yang Qingxuan's solo show.

Only Ziyuan, Gongzuqing and Nuoxi can be calm and composed. Lena was already dumbfounded, looking at the delivery items that the maid ran up and down.

Oss weakly introduced: "The hot brocade, red tortoise shell-like vegetation, with complicated patterns and fire attributes on it, will increase strength and have a certain probability of gaining physical strength. The starting price is 10 million. ."

Yang Qingxuan said: "10 ten thousand."

Oss didn’t have to wait, and he shouted three times. Just as he was about to announce the filming, a voice came from another VIP room, "12 million."

"Wow," all the aliens off the court cast their eyes.

Oss also flashed a sharp light in his eyes, regaining some energy, and thought secretly, did he finally start to block it? Will it be late?

That VIP room belongs to the Biyan clan.

Yang Qingxuan said calmly: "Fifteen million."

A woman's voice came from the Biyan clan VIP room, saying: "Twenty million."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, then stretched out and said, "Thirty million."

The woman did not hesitate, and said directly: "Forty million."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Since this lady likes it, let it go to the lady."

"Wow," everything was boiling off the court, but you didn't get to the end?

This hot brocade is the only treasure of heaven and earth that has been snatched by outsiders until the auction.

The aliens in the venue suddenly felt a sense of exhale, and there were enthusiastic applause.

In the Biyan clan VIP room, Anjieer expressionlessly looked at the auction house.

The patriarch of the Horned Rhinoceros, Berg, and the patriarch of the Giant Clan, Byron, were all in the field, glanced at each other, and seemed to confirm something.

Berg said: "It seems that the other party is not at all costs."

Byron said in a deep voice: "The things I shot before are enough for the Kun clan boy to use for a long time. It's too late for us to stop."

Anjieer looked outside the crystal wall and slowly said, "I don't think it may be related to the Kun clan teenager. For such a major event, the Sky Whales should try to conceal it. There is no need to make such a big fanfare. The power of the clan, even if it does not participate in the auction, is enough to cultivate more than ten Kun clan bloodlines. I don’t think this is like Bolton’s style. Recently, there seems to be a lot of warriors of other veins on Infinity Island. Isn't it related to this matter?"

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