Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1512: Let him go, the method of blood sacrifice

Byron's pupils shrank, and he shot out a little bit of brilliant light, and said in a deep voice: "I have also found out about this. These people seem to be casual cultivators who have nothing to do, but they always feel that something is wrong. Moreover, it is based on the Asura clan. The Amo people are the main ones."

Berg frowned and said: "Will it be related to the auction of the key? After all, the key is made by the Shura clan. It seems that there are more warriors of the Shura clan at this time."

Byron glanced at him and said lightly: "Before the previous auctions, this was not the case."

Angel said: "It turns out that Byron also found out. I thought I was too worried. And I deliberately asked some warriors from the fifth channel to question. The fifth channel is in riots and the source is the Shura clan. ."

Berg and Byron were shocked at the same time, and Berg was shocked: "The Shura is the overlord of the Fifth Channel, what else is going to be upset?"

Anjieer shook his head and said: "There is too little news and it is not clear. The position of the Ninth Heaven is in the fifth channel. I am afraid that the sky will be open this time and it will not be too peaceful. Moreover, it is said that major events have happened in the human world. What an eventful season."

There was a brief silence in the VIP room.

Byron then said: "Then do we still want to stop the Sky Whales?"

Anjie groaned: "In my opinion, this doesn't seem to be Bolton's method. It's better to let him go first, and then see if there is any abnormality when the keys are finally auctioned."

Byron nodded and said, "I think so. After all, it's coming to an end."

The auction soon came to a close, and Yang Qingxuan's most valued Liuhuo Nine Profound Liquid was successfully photographed with 20 million superb spirit stones.

In a normal auction, more than 90% of the items went into Yang Qingxuan's hands.

The Jinjia Kaishan Tianding, which was in the public celebration, was also sold for the sky-high price of 800 million top-grade spirit stones, which were bought by the giants.

Bolton grinned and said without a smile: "Congratulations, Young Master Qingxuan, I got my wish. I really bought it all."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "It is true that Tianhe's products are too rich, I can't help it, I can't help it."

"Ha ha."

Bolton laughed awkwardly, his hands in cold sweat.

The other party spent a total of more than seven billion of the best spirit stones. Even for the Sky Whale Clan, it is impossible to take out so many spirit stones at once.

Those disciples of the Sky Whale Clan even turned pale.

They are all children of the family, although they are a little arrogant, they are not stupid.

Knowing that a character who can take out so many top-quality spirit stones at once without blinking his eyes will never be easy. At least the overall strength is far above them.

No one dared to show contempt, but when Yang Qingxuan's gaze glanced over it intentionally or unintentionally, all of them were shocked and afraid to look directly.

Even Lena changed her view of Yang Qingxuan, thinking that Nuoxi could have such a Holy Lord, it might be a good thing.

Lena is very smart, knowing that Bolton wants to control Nosh through her, but who wants to be a puppet? Now that Nohito has such a rich saint, maybe he can find a way to use the saint to check and balance Bolton.

If Yang Qingxuan knew what Lena thought, he would laugh out loud.

A young lady from a middle-class alien family dared to count her.

At the auction venue, Oss stabilized his emotions and said: "Now the auction is entering the last item, the key to the Jiuzhongtiandu. This key is from the hand of the forging master of the Shura clan. According to the fax, the key has long been annihilated. In Tianhe, there is no trace to be found. The masters of the Shura clan only have a structural drawing of the key, but they cannot restore the real key. The key produced is considered a high imitation, unable to open all the prohibitions of Tiandu, but you can bring it with you A certain warrior enters the Tiandu. As for the benefits of entering the Tiandu, not only the aura is several times that of the outside world, but also a variety of heavenly materials and treasures that have been seen for thousands of years, as well as the well-known immortal jade. Here are friends from the Shura clan in person. Come to shoot. And it is said that in addition to the key, the Shura friends also brought wonderful gifts. I don't know what they are, and it remains to be revealed."

When the voice fell, the teleportation formation in the center of the auction room flashed a light, and it turned into a figure, it was the man with fierce facial features behind the auction room.

In addition to the ferocious facial features, the man had two pairs of fangs. He was slender and thin, his skin was pale as snow, his limbs and chest were covered with aquamarine bone armor, and he looked terrifying.

It is exactly what the Shura clan looks like.

Oss smiled slightly at the man, then walked to the side and gave the auction platform to the man.

The venue immediately calmed down.

Not only is it because the man looks terrifying, he is born with a suffocating aura that shocks the audience. Moreover, the Shura clan has been a strong clan since ancient times, even in the current Tianhe, it still dominates a vein of existence.

The man swept his gaze, and said hey: "In the Lower Asura Clan Third Elder Gavin."

"It turned out to be the elder of the Shura clan?"

"It is said that the elders of the Asura clan have the strength of a realm king, is this person in front of him actually a realm king?"

"In order to auction the keys, do you send a realm king to come here? Isn't that justified?"

There was a commotion in the venue.

In the VIP room, Anjieer and others also frowned.

In the past, auction keys were indeed the messengers of the Shura clan, but they were all ordinary identities, and most of them came to Immortality.

The Three Elder Gavin who appeared at this moment had not even seen Anjieer and others. Under the sight of his cultivation strength, he was unfathomable, and he was obviously a realm king.

Yang Qingxuan's complexion was calm, looking at that Gavin, his eyes burning, not knowing what he was thinking.

Gavin's appearance is really scary, and his smile adds to the weird horror, he said grimly: "In fact, the auction key has nothing to do with most of the people present. Because there is no strong support, even if the key is photographed, it cannot be held. Yes. But this auction has something to do with everyone present. Because my Asura clan finally found the real key!"

"What? The real key?"

There was a loud noise from the audience.

Oss stood aside, also stunned, and then there was waves in his heart, as if he felt something.

Gavin laughed a few times, then motioned to be quiet, and continued: "I can only bring a few warriors in with the keys imitated by the master forging master of the Asura clan. It is related to the quality of the keys and the strength of the warriors that are unlocked. Most importantly, imitate. The Pin Key cannot unlock the real secret treasures in the Jiuzhong Tiandu. The real key is different, it can completely unlock all the restrictions in the Tiandu."

A warrior couldn't help but said: "Are you going to auction the real key?"

Gavin shook his head and said: "No, no, no, although the real key knows the specific location, but it can't be found for the time being. Therefore, my Shura family decided to use the blood sacrifice method to directly wash the blood of Wuyin Island and use your blood to locate the key. The exact location. Anyway, even if we didn't have the key, we would have been going to bloodbath the Boundless Island, hehehehe."

Under Gavin's weird smile, the chill instantly spread to the entire venue.

//Today's starting channel, a friend rewarded the silver leader. Congratulations to BkSaber for becoming the Nth leader and the first silver leader. Thank you for your support. Meme, such a big event should have been added, but this time The update is really overwhelming, so I can only write the plot with all my heart to give back to everyone. (//?//)

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