Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1513: Death spread


Under the shock of the aliens in the field, all of them couldn't recover.

Oss also stunned: "Master Gavin, you, what did you say?"

Gavin grinned and said, "I said, you need to use your blood to find the exact location of the key!"

As he reached out and grabbed, Oss was sucked over and his head was directly attached to Gavin's palm.

With a "bang", Oss' head exploded, bleeding came from the neck, and a headless corpse fell straight down.


This time the whole audience exploded, and it instantly understood that something major had happened.

The four big clans in the VIP room were all horrified.

"The Shura! Unruly!"

In the VIP room next to Yang Qingxuan, there was Berg's roar. With a "bang", the crystal wall was shattered, and the terrifying aura engulfed countless exploded fragments, blowing forward, and crystal dust fluttered in the field.

The wind is fierce, and the fist is swept in.

Gavin looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, looking at the fist wind, his eyes were full of contempt.

He raised his hand to block his side, the blue light shone, and condensed into a pair of arm armor, on which the blue shadow burst, biting forward like a tiger, completely blocking Berg's fist.


The big air exploded, and the tyrannical Yuwei swept away.

Within the aftermath, the figure swept away, and it was Berg who rushed out of the VIP room and directly passed through the aftermath.

Countless red jue prints flew from him, formed a chain, and the front end was like a gun. Gavin shot away from all directions.

Gavin sneered and grabbed the five fingers of his right hand in front of him. A large swath of blue light spread from his palm, and there was beast soul surging inside, like a huge beast face shield, blocking it.

"Boom boom!"

The chain hit the shield, as if it was bitten by the latter, as Gavin twisted and shook his arm, breaking it all.

"Dynasty Fighting!"

The cold color on Gavin's face turned into hideous, five fingers grabbed it, and the beast face shield immediately turned into a huge beast head flank, slammed up.


The aperture crushed all kinds of resistance, hit Berg, and flew it away.

A touch of blood splashed into the sky.

"Hey!" All the martial artists were shocked.

One of the four clans of the eighth vein, the patriarch of the Horned Rhino clan, was knocked off by one move?

Before, I wanted to see Gavin's alien race being cleaned up. I instantly recognized the situation, yelled in horror, and ran to the door.

There was a mess in the auction room in an instant, and many people directly blasted the walls and fled in all directions.

But in an instant, screams came from all directions, and large swaths of blood splashed into the auction venue.

The warriors who ran out turned into broken corpses and flew in.

The entire auction venue has been surrounded by strong men from the Shura and Amos.

In the Sky Whale Clan VIP room, the Sky Whale Clan disciples turned pale in fright, all surrounded in horror.

In their opinion, Bolton's strength is as high as the sky, and Berg, who is comparable to Bolton, was actually knocked into the air by the opponent?

And the large swaths of blood and broken limbs on the auction venue irritated their eyes, all of them panicked.

"How could this happen, we won't die?"

"I don't want to die yet. I blame my father, I have to seduce Nosh, now I'm going to die, oooooo."

There was a mess in the VIP room. After being shocked, Bolton instantly calmed down and stared at Gavin on the auction venue.

At the same time, Bolton's heart shook wildly, but Yang Qingxuan was the most calm person in the court.

There was no surprise on the face with distinct facial features, no joy or sorrow, as if he was completely out of the picture and had nothing to do with him.

Zi Yuan asked in shock: "Brother Qingxuan, what should I do?"

Yang Qingxuan said calmly: "Look at the situation first, then make a decision."

Bolton secretly said in his heart: "Could it be that Yang Qingxuan and the Shura clan are in the same group? Otherwise, it is impossible to be completely indifferent to such a huge change."

Where did he know that scenes much bigger than this, Yang Qingxuan is already commonplace.

In addition, Gui Zun also sat quietly, looking outside with a sarcasm, and at the same time couldn't help but lick his lips and tongue, and thought to himself: "Following Yang Qingxuan, there really is meat to eat, Jie Jie."

Countless souls danced in his ghostly eyes.


At the same time, the waves roared around the endless island, turning into huge waves hundreds of feet high, hitting the shore.

"Catch it, catch the big thorn fish, come and help!"

Somewhere along the coast, an excited voice came from a fishing team. Forty or fifty people were ups and downs in the waves, all with joy.

Begonia fish is a precious material, but it is extremely difficult to catch.

At this moment, in the waves, the shadow of a big quince fish appeared, and forty or fifty people immediately put down what they were holding, and encircled them from all directions.


Suddenly the water wave exploded, and a huge mouth suddenly appeared, like a black hole, directly swallowing the big quince fish that had not yet appeared, as well as forty or fifty warriors.

A strange fish more than a hundred meters long rushed out of the water, accompanied by huge waves.

The strange fish is full of green scales, with a goat-like face, and its eyes are like lanterns hanging on it, like a huge battleship.


There was a lot of bubbling sound from the strange fish's belly, and then opened his mouth to spit, and with a loud "bang", the huge water column bombarded ashore, destroying all nearby buildings and people.

On the back of the strange fish, stood a man with bronze skin. His hair and eyes were silvery white, and his back had a slender tail, which was the characteristic of the Amo.

This person pinched the tactics with both hands, and the strange fish kept bouncing under his feet, rolling up the water waves thousands of feet high.

The people of the Amo tribe kept punching the tactical seal into the water, and the rolled up waves no longer fell, but turned into a water curtain to spread around.

Soon, a large area of ​​the river bank was covered by such a film of water, and no one could escape.

And the same situation is happening in hundreds of other river banks.

Gradually, a huge layer of water and light began to flood the land from all around, slowly wrapping up the entire endless island, covering the sky and the sun.

At the same time, the large and small teleportation formations on the Boundless Island were destroyed by the Shura and Amo people.

A huge shadow of death enveloped the entire island.


Yang Qingxuan and others are still at the auction venue and don't know the situation outside.

However, the senior members of the four clans all had a bad feeling in their hearts, and the people of the Shura tribe dared to do this publicly, fearing that they had been planning for a long time.

I don't know how big their arrangement is.

"Hehehehe, don't be afraid, please calm down."

Gavin walked down from the auction stage and grinned and said, "Every one of you will die. You will die sooner or later. There is nothing to fear."

Everyone thought he was going to say something, and they all calmed down and listened, who knew it was such a thing.

After Gavin finished speaking, he killed three or four people with a single palm.

//No more today.

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