Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1523: Dominate Tianhe, then dominate the world

Gavin's body was slightly cold, and said: "It is not. It is the auction venue, and two human races suddenly appeared. One of them has the power of the three-star world king. And the other...the other..."

When Gavin said this, he hesitated suddenly, not knowing what to say.

Several other world kings on the banana leaf were also suspicious. I asked Gavin about this before, but Gavin avoided talking about it.

Adair had some frost on his face, and said coldly: "How about the other person? Speak straight."

Gavin had some cold sweat on his face, wiped it off, and said: "The other person only had the cultivation base of God becoming Dzogchen, but he escaped from his subordinates. The subordinates chased him thousands of miles away, but he still escaped. As a result, the fighter was delayed, and the subordinates **** it!"

Adair's face sank, and he said coldly: "What are you talking about?! In order to chase a human race who has become a **** to perfection, the fighter was delayed and the celebrity finally escaped? Gavin, you know you are talking What?!"

He kept shutting his eyes tightly, and suddenly opened his eyelids, revealing muddy eyes, and said, "Tell me the details."

Gavin was uneasy, and what happened at the auction venue at the moment, from when Yang Qingxuan took almost all the materials, to the appearance of the ghost, Yang Qingxuan killed the encirclement, chased after him, how the other party had escaped, and said in a word.

Adair was shocked: "There are no peerless powerhouses who control the rules of time and space. How can an existence that has become Dzogchen with such a terrible supernatural power? You said that he suddenly transformed into a monster and also became a **** bird. Luan?"

Gavin felt nervous and said, "Yes. This matter is still puzzled by the subordinates. If you have one kind of blood, you can be transformed. But it is beyond common sense to be transformed into two at the same time."

Adair's face suddenly became dignified, and his eyes kept flashing like electricity. It was excitement and ecstasy. He laughed and said, "I know, I know, hahahaha!"

Master Hanguang flashed the light in his eyes, and said calmly: "The prince is really smart."

Adair smiled and said: "It turns out that Master Hanguang also thought of it. It seems that it can't be wrong, it must be this person."

Gavin and others are all at a loss.

Adair said: "In the battle of Gu Yao a few years ago, a human race possessed a powerful transformation technique, and was recognized by the monster race powerhouse as the seventy-two transformation of the Celestial Art. In the firmament of Wu Nei, this human race man reappeared, took the first place in one fell swoop, and initiated the Star Palace Change. This human race’s name is Yang Qingxuan. The cultivation base is also in the Divine Transformation Realm. What you said to Gavin, It fits perfectly."

"Seventy-two changes?!"

The ten people including Gavin were all shocked.

Although the Battle of Gu Yao and the Battle of Star Palace were events that shocked the world, for them, they couldn't be compared with the 72 Disguise.

Because this is the supernatural power possessed by the strong man who suppressed an era.

Adair shot a scorching gaze in his eyes, and slowly said: "Unexpectedly, the key will appear at the same time as the Seventy-two Transformations. Is this the sky to revitalize my Asura clan? Hahahaha, the time for the human race to dominate the world has been too long. After this king gets the key and seventy-two changes, he will rule Tianhe and then the world."

"Dominate Tianhe, then dominate the world!"

Ten people including Gavin shouted in unison.

Those strong Daoist who stepped on the waves shouted loudly.

Adair made a quiet gesture and said in a condensed voice: "Gavin, let you dominate again, sweep the Boundless Island and besiege Luoshen City. You must increase your blood and find the key. Otherwise... this king will do it. Use your blood to practice this blood sacrifice method!"

Gavin shocked all over, and said in unison: "We will never insult the king!"

Adair waved his hand and said, "Go. In addition to the key, Yang Qingxuan must also bring me the key, and he must catch it!"

Gavin arched his hands: "Yes!"

With an order, countless troops boarded the island, quietly descending like death.


In a certain area in the remote area of ​​the city, dozens of figures quietly landed, and their aura was strong, carrying a huge murderous and **** aura. Regardless of the surrounding panic, pinched with both hands, opening a dark area around his body.

Those weird areas are connected together, and as dozens of people part ways, they expand rapidly and move forward. The inner wind whirled like a knife, instantly strangling and smashing the people who came in.

Some warriors have sharp eyes, and when they see something bad, they flee quickly. However, before reaching a few feet, he was overtaken by the black energy like a giant snake, swallowed into dregs.

Until the whole area was empty, there were stumps and arms everywhere, a large amount of blood evaporated, and it rushed to the high-altitude enchantment.

Such a situation occurred in every corner of the endless island, the weak were crushed, the strong were besieged, and lifelessness spread across the island.


Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan were practicing in the secret room, and suddenly there was a sharp sound outside, and the sound wave penetrated the thick wall into the secret room, interrupting the two people's practice.

Yang Qingxuan's expression sank, and said, "It's an alarm in the city, I'm afraid the Asura clan is about to attack the city."

The two looked at each other and left the secret room together.

Nuoxi was already waiting outside, and when he saw Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan, he hurriedly greeted him, "Holy Lord, sister Ziyuan, the Shura clan has attacked the city. The patriarch asked me to wait for the holy lord here, and go to the command post after leaving ."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "Let's go."

The three of them immediately turned into escape lights and passed away in a flash.

The Luoshen City has long been chaotic, and an atmosphere of dignity and fear is diffused in the city, and all kinds of lights on the city fly up, all in the direction of the city defense.

The commander-in-chief is located on the tallest square tower in Luoshen City. On the top, there is a huge formation to reproduce the universe of stars. It is constantly rotating, and it is the astrological view of the city lord Ryan.

At this moment, more than twenty people have gathered in the command post, all of them are senior members of the four clans, each with solemn expressions.

"Young Master Qingxuan, you are finally here. Look, the people of the Asura clan are about to attack the city."

When Bolton saw Yang Qingxuan, he was overjoyed. He pulled him to the forefront of the Star Observation Tower and pointed to the front.

Yang Qingxuan had already seen with fiery eyes and golden eyes, about thirty miles in front of Luoshen City, a large number of Shura and Amo warriors gathered. There are also a large number of powerful weird creatures. Some are as big as a mountain with flames in their mouths. Some are like snakes and dragons, rolling on the ground. Some "flutter" flapped their wings, overwhelming the sky.

Yang Qingxuan raised his head and glanced at the sky. This twilight-like barrier was much darker than before. I don't know how many lives have been breathed in.

Anjieer said: "Young Master Qingxuan, is there a countermeasure?"

Yang Qingxuan glanced across the faces of everyone, and smiled: "You are afraid that there is a countermeasure already. I think everyone is calm and composed, without a trace of panic."

Bolton laughed and said: "Haha, nothing can escape the eyes of Young Master Qingxuan. The forbidden law in Luoshen City is indeed a bit powerful, and it is not a problem to withstand a few waves of attacks. We are worried about the masters above the realm king, I don't know it is coming. how many people."

After all, the key to victory or defeat lies in the comparison of high-end combat power.

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