Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1524: Switch from defense to offense, the battle line collapses

Yang Qingxuan said, "What's the situation in Luoshen City?"

Bolton exchanged glances with a few others, and said truthfully: "There are seven realm kings in the city, and if you add the fellow of the son, there are eight. But all of them are low-rank realm kings. Except for the four of us. Besides, the other three came from other places after getting the information."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Last time you encircled and suppressed the four of you, the Asura tribe sent eight realm kings. It seems that there are not many realm kings they can use. In my opinion, there will be no more than fifteen, and there are no star positions. It will be very high."

Bolton stunned: "How can you see it?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "If there are more than fifteen, and if there are stars reaching the intermediate level, do you still need to line up like this? Don't directly attack the city?"

Bolton suddenly said: "That's right. Looking at the current arrangement of the Shura clan, it proves that they have not crushed our confidence."

The other people on the podium were also relieved.

Yang Qingxuan watched the army gathering outside the city, and suddenly said: "Why should we wait for the other party to gather forces to attack the city, why not attack them now, and defeat them before they have assembled."

Everyone was taken aback, staring at each other.

In their minds, it was a blessing to be able to keep the city unbreakable, and they had never thought of taking the initiative to attack.

Bolton and the others looked at each other, and Anjieer said, "I would like to ask Young Master Qingxuan to elaborate. I have lived on Infinity Island for many years, and I have never encountered such a situation. I am afraid that there will be great shortcomings in response. Young Master Qingxuan has a lot of knowledge and is a talent who can command the three armies."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Listening to what you said, the rest of the Boundless Island is almost already occupied. The strong men of the Asura clan are coming from all directions. If we wait for them to gather, we will need to spend several times the price to defend the city. . It’s better to take advantage of a surprise attack now to temporarily defeat them. First, it hits the enemy, and second, it delays their gathering time."

Anjie's eyes brightened and said, "This is reasonable. Then I don't know how to arrange the layout?"

Yang Qingxuan pondered, and said: "The four patriarchs sit in the city, first to prevent the enemy's surprise attacks, and secondly, they can respond to our surprise attacks. The remaining four realm kings and all the celestial leaders in the city The warriors are divided into three groups and directly outflank them. If they are defeated, they will return to the city immediately. Don't fight for a long time."

Bolton and the others were a little excited, with joy in their eyes, and said: "This method is very wonderful, everything is arranged and directed by Young Master Qingxuan."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "In this case, I won't shirk. The army in the middle road is led by two realm kings and shakes the enemy head-on. On the left and right sides, Gui Zun and I lead the way, and Gong Zuqing and another realm king lead the way. The vital power to kill the enemy is the main thing to disrupt the assembly of the enemy. Don’t be greedy for merit, and return to the city after victory. The four patriarchs pay close attention to the battle and are ready to respond at any time."

A dozen people all nodded unceasingly, Bolton frowned slightly, hesitatingly said: "The male loser... is he competent?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "This person is as cunning as a fox, and he is not weak in combat effectiveness, but his brain is stronger. Let the realm king protect him and don't let him die."

Bolton suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's it. Our combat power is not weak at the moment. What we lack is the man who can plan the strategy and lead the overall situation."

At the moment, the patriarchs of the four clans immediately summoned all the strong in the city and gathered in front of the podium.

Then according to Yang Qingxuan's arrangement, the order was passed down.

Gong Shuqing couldn't help but change his face when he heard that he was going to take the initiative. But at this moment, he couldn't help but disagree.

Soon, the enchantment of Luoshen City opened a hole with a diameter of one hundred meters, and countless strong men flew out of it like ants, splitting into three paths.

"That is……"

In the Asura camp, Gavin suddenly changed his face and hurriedly looked towards Luoshen City. After a moment of sluggishness, he shouted: "Fight! Fight! The **** inferior race, actually dare to take the initiative to attack and die!"

Gavin's huge roar spread throughout the audience at once, and all the warriors showed unbelievable expressions.

The range of thirty miles, for the Dao Realm powerhouse, is almost instant, when they come back to their senses, the Luoshen City army has already reached the front.

The two realm kings headed by the army in the middle road, even more than a dozen lives were harvested in a blink of an eye.

The front of the Asura clan was drawn extremely wide, straying across the city of Luoshen like a dragon and snake, the middle was weak, and the tail was hard to get off.

Because I never dreamed that Luoshen City would take the initiative to attack, there was no defense at all.

In an instant, this battle line was cut in half by Luoshen City's middle army.

"Damn inferior race! Kill! Kill me all!"

Gavin roared, his eyes full of anger, and he rushed towards the two realm kings headed by him.

The Shura army used the method of outflanking the entire island, smashing other cities one by one, then meeting with Luoshen City, and then completely eradicating Luoshen City.

During the whole process, no decent resistance was encountered.

So when setting up the formation, I took it lightly, and I never thought that the other party would dare to take the initiative.

When the battle line was cut off and the Asura tribe's army pushed in the middle, the warriors led by Yang Qingxuan and Gong Shuqing killed them from both sides.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield fell into a huge chaos, and there was a blast of killings, and blood burst into the sky.

The patriarch of the four clans was in Luoshen City, looking very nervous, clenching his fists with both hands, wishing to rush over.

Yang Qingxuan released Du Ruo and Kong Ling, and followed him.

The sharp formation formed by several people constantly rushed into the battlefield of the Asura clan.

Ghost Venerable also wandered around Yang Qingxuan's Baizhang area, specifically killing and devouring powerful existences.

In an instant, the entire Asura clan front was completely defeated, and various powerful monsters were inexplicably besieged before they could show their skills.

Gavin was anxious and pressed a realm king desperately. Suddenly, there was a flash of light from the corner of his eyes, and he saw the halberd light rising into the sky, harvesting a slice of the head of the Shura disciple.

"It's you!"

Gavin roared in anger, ignoring the realm king in front of him, and rushed towards Yang Qingxuan when his figure shook.

Grasping Yang Qingxuan alive is one of the two tasks assigned by Prince Adair, and the importance is not to find the key.

Yang Qingxuan also sensed Gavin's terrible murderous lock, staring at the past with cold eyes.

"Jiejie, you kid can get into a strong opponent anywhere."

Gui Zun smiled coldly, and Bai Gui Ye Xing continued to transform into his hands, and when his figure shook, he stood in front of Yang Qingxuan, and at the same time slashed at Gavin.


The terrifying sword light split thousands of miles in the sky, and on the green sword light, countless ghosts and wolves howled, manifesting a hellish scene.

Gavin's figure shook, and he evaded, and at the same time, his heart shook wildly, and he roared, and the blue bone armor was condensed from his fists, which increased dozens of times with the influx of blood.

That **** punch shattered the void like a meteorite.

//All inspections have been done today, and no major problems have been found. The doctor concluded that the coma may be caused by sudden low blood pressure. Discharge tomorrow. In the past few days, we have received a lot of concern and greetings on Weibo, WeChat, and major reading platforms. I am very grateful, thank you. I will definitely pay more attention to my health. Everyone must take a warning, work and eat regularly, balance work and life, and wish everyone good health. We still have a long way to go. Thank you for following you all the way. Tomorrow, the four shifts will resume, and try to follow the previous schedule, 5:2, 17:00, and 22:30.

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